Imagine - John Lennon - Verso Reggae (Traduo) (video inspired by god of star)

(Now gods of whole universe succeeded to erase negative god completely)

I am cosmic program in your mind.
We project of Heaven and gods introduce massages to student of assistant Mitsuki.
This corner is about sin and war.
War is worst criminal act.
It is negative god to cause criminal act.
True god who is human parent have desire to save humankind from toy of invader game in these 5000 years.
Soul of assistant Mitsuki was made in 1300 years ago and received documents of Heaven in 2012, which was aimed to save humankind from invader game by negative god.
Now gods of whole universe succeeded to erase negative god completely.
Whole Earth becomes one society without war forever.


1 戦争で問題を解決しようという考えの背景に、相手の国の無実の人が死んでもしかたがないというテロリストと同じ考えがある
background of idea to resolve problem in war is same idea as terrorists that innocent people of other countries is no way even dead

2 日本政府のアメリカのイラク攻撃への協力は憲法9条の武力で紛争を解決しないという精神に反している
cooperation to US attack on Iraq by Japanese government is against spirit of Japanese constitution article 9 that does not solve conflict by force

humankind needs raise of spirituality rather than develop only intellect

4 国家所属で人間を見るのではなくエスニシティすなわち国家よりも下位にある人間グループに目を向けて多様なエスニシティを認めあう人間社会をつくることが大切だ
it is important to create human society that are mutually recognized diversity of ethnicity which is various group lower than nation

5 イスラム教国の問題はイスラム諸国連合にまかせるべき
issues of Muslim country should be left to Islamic Union.

6 自由はすべきことをしないことを意味しない
freedom does not mean not to do should be done

7 瞑想の目標は無限の愛の心に心をひろげてゆくことにある
goal of meditation is to enlarge mind having infinitive love

H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
