I won't go back w/ reprise and lyrics (video inspired by god of star)

(Way of human life is to close to parent god, you should aim to become eternal life living with gods)

Dear I am cosmic program in your mind.
We project of Heaven and gods introduce massages to student of assistant Mitsuki.
This corner is about way of life.
Way of human life is to close to parent god, you should aim to become eternal life living with gods.
That human repeat life is to raise quality of life and to return to god.
Success of life is in this one point.


1 考え,言葉,おこないの質の高い人間をめざせ
you should aim to become human having high-quality thought, words, behavior

2 人間の感情は神経伝達物質がになっている
human emotions are played by neurotransmitte

3 心の外側と内側は対応関係にある
outside and inside of mind is in correspondence

4 人間の欲望は無限であり,満たされることはない
desire of human is infinite and is not filled

5 見返りを求めずに他の人をサポートするとき魂レベルがあがる
soul level raises when you support other people without return

H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
