I'LL FLY AWAY Played by Alison Krauss (With Lyrics) (video inspired by god of star)

(When human mind is purified and I consciousness becomes pure, human being becomes eternal life living with god)

I am cosmic program in your mind.
We project of Heaven and gods introduce massages to student of assistant Mitsuki.
This corner is about soul.
Soul is I consciousness of god that is incorporated to evolved monkey 100 million years ago.
I consciousness of human being is soul, when I consciousness become pure, it is same as I consciousness of god of star in base of universe.
When human mind is purified and I consciousness becomes pure, human being becomes eternal life living with god.
Way of life of dialectical materialism, which was dowened to Marx, leads to eternal life by thinking activity of god overlapping on space-time.


1 宇宙根底の神の未来リーディングが人間に予知夢を見せることがある
future reading of god of star in base of universe sometimes shows prediction dream to humans

2 人間は思念体の質に規定されて生まれ変わりを続けている
human continues to reincarnate by being defined in quality of ectoplasm

3 死んだ人間の魂は天国にも地獄にもいかず生まれ変わりを待っている
soul of dead human is waiting reincarnation, not go to Heaven nor Hell

4 「神との対話」という本の死んだらどうなるかの箇所の紹介
introduction of writing after death of book called "Conversations with God

5 瞑想を毎日短時間続けたら心のバランス回復力がアップする
balance resilience of mind is up if you continue to meditate short time every day

H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
