ERNESTO CORTAZAR - MOMENTS OF SOLITUDE (video inspired by god of star)

(This means that goal of life is placed to close god)

I am cosmic program in your mind.
We project of Heaven and gods introduce massages to student of assistant Mitsuki.
This corner is about object.
Mitsuki places highest goal of life under influence of teachings of god salamnidam which was downed to P.R. Sarkar as expanding mind to to feel precious all existence, lives, human beings.
This means that goal of life is placed to close god.
Because true gods in base of universe overlap on all space-time, to feel precious all existence, lives, human beings is to become feel precious true gods.


1 心の安定度が高まれば、人生は高いレベルまで到達する
if stability mind is level up, life reach high level

2 集中力をつける方法のアドバイス
advice of how to strengthen ability of concentration

3 人間の目標は時間的にも空間的にも多次元的だ
human object is multidimensional in time and space

4 ミツキのメッセージが生徒の心深くに響いているのが分かります
Mitsuki message are echoing in deep mind of student

5 神サラムニダムがP.R.サーカーにおろした精液の適切な管理について
appropriate management of semen that god salamnidam downed to P.R. Sarkar

6 どんな子が生まれてきても人間の仲間として歓迎し,どんな子も人間として尊重される社会をつくろう
let's make up society which respect what kind baby born and welcome as member of human

H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
