appeal by gods of star to humankind
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hands.
We gods of heaven appeal to you.
Let's make up eternal peace earth.
Eternal peace earth is made by no border society.
We gods of heaven set field of no border society.
Field is Universal Forum Community of Facebook.
Now we gods of heaven attach importance to get click joining from all over the world.
We gods of heaven want you to click joining to page of Universal Forum Community.
We gods of heaven set this page as center of socialist earth government movement all over the world.
It needs field of center of socialist earth government movement of whole earth.
This page is field of future center of socialist earth government movement of all world.
Join by clicking.
Universal Forum Community of Facebook(field of future center of socialist earth government movement of all world)
appeal from gods of star by pciture and sentence

We gods had dream to make earth full of life three billion years ago.
Earth has become star full of life.
We gods had dream to make earth ruled by intellectual life on million years ago.
Earth has become star ruled by intellectual life.
We gods have dream to make earth ruled by developed human being linking with parent of soul.
Developed human being is created by Universal Forum movement of all over the world.
Earth becomes eternal peace planet society by developed human beings.

Society is collective 'I' consciousness of non-presence.
Non-presence means having no time-space.
There is no end in no time-space
Relation of 'I' consciousness of non-presence repeats in time-space.
Unpleasant relation of class society repeats in time-space.
Soul suffers in class society.
Only socialism sharing means of production solves suffering of soul.

Ectoplasm has no time-space.
Ectoplasm is in non-presence world.
'I' consciousness of human being is always in non-presence.
Relation of 'I' consciousness has no end because of no time-space.
Aim of human life is to make good relation with other 'I' consciousness.
Sharing means of production makes good relation with company.
Socialism sharing means of production relieves soul suffering from bad relation with other 'I' consciousness.

Science is materialism.
Science is based on specific point of time-space.
Science is ectoplasm structure by linking specific points of time-space.
Only ectoplasm structure by linking specific points of time-space is truth.
Life following truth raises soul level.
Socialism should be also base on science.
Scientific socialism raises soul level and lead to eternal life.

Socialism is sharing means of production.
Sharing is principle of providence.
Life living accordance to providence leads eternal life.
Socialism makes possible to live accordance to providence.

Socialism was downed by us gods of heaven to Marx.
Socialism was downed to lead all human being to eternal life.
'I' consciousness of human is not disappear after life.
'I' consciousness of human is point separated from time-space in ectoplasm of god of star.
When 'I' consciousness of human accomplishes to unite with time-space. 'I' consciousness lives eternal life after collapse of body.
Socialism sharing means of production leads worker to eternal life.

Ectoplasm structure is made by subtle energy overlapped by ectoplasm.
Ectoplasm is in non-presence.
Ectoplasm structure is in presence.
Higher ordered ectoplasm structure in presence is high quality ectoplasm of non-presence.
Highest ordered ectoplasm structure is socialist earth government made by gods of heaven.
Ectoplasm structure of socialist earth government leads soul eternal life.

Ectoplasm of human being overlaps on subtle energy of bio-matrix.
Ectoplasm of god of star overlaps on most subtle energy of taichi of earth.
Ectoplasm of 'I' consciousness of human being is point separated from time-space in ectoplasm of god of star.
When 'I' consciousness of human accomplishes unity with time-space, 'I' consciousness of human lives eternal life in ectoplasm of god of star.

Joy of soul is unity of 'I' consciousness with soul.
'I' consciousness of human was made by separated from time-space by us gods of heaven one million years ago.
Soul of human is child of god of star.
When 'I' consciousness accomplishes unity with time-space, soul of 'I' consciousness live eternal life with parent god.

Gods of heaven did DNA project three billion years ago.
Earth becomes full of life.
Gods of heaven did Soul project one million years ago.
Earth becomes star ruled by intellectual life.
Gods of heaven are doing project of socialist earth government.
Earth becomes star of eternal peace.
Project of gods of heaven succeeds to make up one planet society.
This success is certainty.
Gods of star can know future by overlapping ectoplasm on time-space of future.

Existence is unity of conflict between presence and non-presence.
Presence is Higgs particle which consists of time-space.
Non-presence is god of star which consists of ectoplasm.
God of star overlaps on time-space in everywhere.
God of hundreds of millions of stars overlap on time-space of earth.
Soul of human being is child of god of star of society of non-presence world.

Planet society bases on IT productive force.
IT productive makes possible to share information in all world.
To share information is base of structure of government.
IT productive force in 21st century means that fundamental new age has come.
New age which government structure of earth scale has come.
Government structure of earth scale means eternal peace planet society.

Socialist means those who pursue sharing means of production.
Sharing means of production make possible soul of worker eternal life.
Sharing means of production unites ‘I’ consciousness with time-space.
‘I’ consciousness united with time-space continues to live in time-space.

Society is collective body of ‘I’ consciousness of non-presence.
‘I’ consciousness of non-presence has no time-space.
Whole human being’s ‘I’ consciousness are in one point of non-presence world.
In non-presence world human being cannot be separated.
All human beings are related each other.
Unpleasant relation in humankind of whole world is unpleasant of your feeling of ‘I’ consciousness of non-presence.
Only way of salvation of your unpleasant feeling of ‘I’ consciousness of non-presence is to participate in socialist earth movement.

Socialist earth government is possible.
Socialist earth government is established base on IT productive force.
IT productive force makes possible to share information instantly in whole scale.
Field of sharing information makes up social structure.
Nation state structure is built up base on field of industrial productive force.
Time has come to build up social structure of socialist earth government.

Fundamental human right is universal.
Right of life, freedom and pursuing of happiness is owned by every human being.
It is possible to secure fundamental human right for every human being.
Only socialist earth government can secure fundamental human right as universal human right.

Eternal life is truth.
Eternal life means to stop repeating born and death.
'I' consciousness of human was separated from 'I' consciousness of god of star.
'I' consciousness of god of star is eternal being.
'I' consciousness of human is also eternal being.
Human being should stop born and death and should live eternal life.
Eternal life is salvation of soul.

Socialist pursues sharing means production.
Only people pursuing sharing means production is socialist.
'I' consciousness working under sharing means of production strengthen unite with time-space.
'I' consciousness united with time-space continues to live in time-space after collapse of body.
Socialist means people who lead soul eternal life collectively.

Ectoplasm structure is made by non-presence.
Ectoplasm has quality in non-presence.
Highest quality of ectoplasm is god of star.
Ectoplasm of god of star is unity of conflict with time-space.
'I' consciousness of human was separated from ectoplasm of god.
'I' consciousness of human accomplishes unity with time-space by way of life following dialectical materialism.
'I' consciousness of human united with time-space become eternal life living in time-space on earth.

Earth rotates around sun.
Rotation makes season.
Season teaches dialectical materialism to humankind.
All existence repeats 'generation,maintain,collapse' in presence world.
Human being repeats 'generation,maintain,collapse'also.
'I'consciousness of human being is in non-presence.
Human being repeats 'born and death' from one point of non-presence.
'I'consciousness of human can become eternal life when 'I' consciousness accomplishes unity with time-space.
Way of life to realize unity with time-space is base on dialectical materialism.

Water of earth made possible to do DNA project three billion years ago.
Water of earth have made possible to bring up earth star of full of lives.
Star earth is most plenty of water in whole universe.
Star earth is most precious star for gods of star in whole universe.
As long as capitalism and nation state continue, time when there is no water on earth comes.
No water on earth means extinction of lives and humankind on earth.
Socialist earth government saves lives and humankind on earth.

Gods of star talked dream three billion years ago overlapping ectoplasm on taichi of earth.
Dream was to make earth star of full of lives
Dream of gods of star has realized.
Now earth becomes star of full of lives.
Gods of star talked dream one hundred million years ago.
Dream was to make earth star of developed intellectual lives.
Dream of gods of star has realized.
Now gods of star have dream to make earth star of eternal peace society governed by eternal lives.
Socialist earth government movement makes eternal peace society governed by eternal lives.

Eternal life is true.
‘I’ consciousness of human does not vanish.
‘I’ consciousness of human is eternal being.
‘I’ consciousness of human is child of god of star.
‘I’ consciousness of god of star is eternal life living in time-space.
‘I’ consciousness of human has two way.
One is to repeat born and death in time-space.
Second is to live in time-space eternally with parent god.
Human being should pursue eternal life.

Socialist movement is movement to share means of production.
Sharing means of production leads workers eternal life.
Socialist movement is to pursue eternal life.
Socialism was downed by gods of heaven who are parent of soul.
Desire of god of parent of soul is to lead soul of child to eternal life.
Socialism sharing means of production was downed to make soul eternal life.

Planet society is eternal peace society.
Planet society is base on socialism sharing means of production.
Planet society is sharing resources of earth among humankind.
Planet society is managed base on brotherhood of all humankind.
Planet society is governed by one earth government.
Planet society is managed under principle of ‘unity in diversity’.

Scientific truth is base on specific point of time-space.
Thinking is done by subtle energy of bio-matrix.
Subtle energy of bio-matrix becomes near to Higgs particle of time-space by scientific thinking.
Scientific thinking makes ‘I’consciousness unity with time-space.
‘I’consciousness united with time-space continues to live in time-space after collapse of body.

Ectoplasm structure is structure of ectoplasm of non-presence.
Ectoplasm is stuff of ‘I’ consciousness.
Build up of high level ectoplasm structure make quality of ectoplasm to higher level.
Ectoplasm structure of socialist earth government is made by project team of gods of heaven.
Ectoplasm structure of socialist earth government has highest quality
‘I’ consciousness of highest quality ectoplasm continues to live in time-space after collapse of body.

Socialism sharing means of production was downed to Marx by us gods of heaven.
Marxism is theory to realize socialism sharing means of production.
Socialism sharing means of production unite S of ‘I’ consciousness with VO of labor in time-space.
‘I’ consciousness united with time-space continues to live in time-space after collapse of body.

Science means ectoplasm structure base on specific points of time-space.
Ectoplasm structure base on specific points of time-space is truth.
Life faithful to truth raise soul level.
Scientific socialism is ectoplasm structure base on specific points of time-space.
Scientific socialism is truth.
Life leaded by scientific socialism raises soul level.
Soul raised to highest level becomes eternal life.

Socialism sharing means of production is revival of ancient society of sharing means of production.
Second negation in ‘negation of negation’ is higher order structure of old structure by first negation.
Second negation is socialist revolution.
Socialist revolution makes up higher order society by second negation.
21st socialist revolution movement opens new era in human history.
21st socialist movement saves humankind.

Planet society makes up eternal peace earth.
Planet society having no border makes soul of human raise up.
Ectoplasm structure having no border makes quality of ‘I’ consciousness close to god of star in base of universe.
Ectoplasm structure base on field of whole earth makes earth government.
It is possible to make up planet society.
IT productive force make possible to share information of whole earth instantly.
Planet society without war is beginning of true human history.

Ectoplasm structure is made by specific points in time-space of presence.
Ectoplasm structure made by specific points in time-space is truth.
Life leaded by true ectoplasm structure raise soul level.
Ectoplasm structure of socialist earth government is made by project team of gods of heaven.
Ectoplasm structure made by gods of heaven is highest quality.
Life leaded by highest quality ectoplasm structure becomes eternal life.
‘I’consciousness of highest quality ectoplasm structure continues to live in time-space after collapse of body.

Awareness is spiritual desire to become eternal life.
Awareness is to know that self is in self of god of star.
Awareness is to know that self was separated from god of star.
Awareness is to desire to turn back to parent of god of star.
Awareness is beginning of new way of life to turn back to parent.
Awareness begins with linking god of star.

Socialist revolution is not violence.
Violence of social change has been brought by negative gods.
We gods of heaven succeeded to seal negative gods on whole earth.
Only thinking patterns of negative gods remain and continue in human society.
Universal forum movement which studies documents of heaven plays role of clearing thinking patterns of negative gods.
When universal forum movement which studies documents of heaven develops all over the world, socialist revolution can go on peacefully.

Social relation is in non-presence.
Social relation is repeated in presence world.
Social relation is relation of ‘I’consciousness of non-presence.
‘I’consciousness of non-presence has no time-space.
Social relation of capitalism is forced to compete with each other.
Social relation competing with each other makes soul suffer.
Social relation of socialism sharing mean of production makes human relation to cooperate with each other.
Social relation co-operating with each other makes soul joyful.
Social relation of socialism saves soul of human being.

Human being is unity of conflict between ‘I’consciouness of non-presence and physical body of presence.
‘I’consciouness of human being is point separated from time-space in ectoplasm of god of star.
When ‘I’consciouness of human accomplishes unity with time-space, ‘I’consciouness of human continues to live in time-space after collapse of body.
There is two way of life.
One is to repeat human life in physical body.
Second is to become eternal life living in time-space of earth in ectoplasm of god of star.
Way to eternal life is true salvation of human soul.

Socialism means sharing means of production.
Sharing means of production unite ‘I’consciousness S of non-presence with time-space VO activity.
‘I’consciousness S united with VO time-space continues to live in time-space of earth.
This is aim of human life.
Socialism sharing means of production leads workers eternal life collectively.

Dear all human beings
I am Heaven overlapping ectoplasm on whole galaxy.
I write borrowing Mitsuki’s hands.
‘I’consciousness of human being is not die.
‘I’consciousness of human was born one million years ago.
‘I’consciousness of human has no time-space.
‘I’consciousness of human is in ectoplasm of god of star who overlaps ectoplasm on taichi of earth.
‘I’consciousness of human is point separated from time-space in ectoplasm of god of star.
When ‘I’consciousness of human accomplishes unity with time-space, ‘I’consciousness of human continues to live in time-space on earth in ectoplasm of god of star.
This is true.

Dear all human beings
I am Heaven overlapping ectoplasm on whole galaxy.
I write borrowing Mitsuki’s hands.
This community of Facebook is Universal Forum.
Universal means one vortex.
In fact whole universe is one vortex of Higgs particle.
One vortex makes up diversity world.
Unity in diversity is principle of presence world.
Universal forum movement is movement of unity in diversity.
Make up one movement of humankind under principle unity in diversity.

Dear all human beings
I am Heaven overlapping ectoplasm on whole galaxy.
I write borrowing Mitsuki’s hands.
We gods of star appeal repeatedly.
Join this community of Universal Forum.
Only join by clicking ‘good’ on top of page is important meaning.
This community page is set by us gods of star who is in base of universe.
This page is in base of universe.
In base of universe is unity of conflict god of star and Higgs particle of time-space.
To join in this page which is base of universe close your ‘I’consciousness to base of universe.
‘I’consciousness closed base of universe continues to live in time-space of earth after collapse of body keeping memory of this life.
This is truth.
We gods lead soul of participants in universal forum movement to eternal life.
WISDOM ARCHIVES "The Allies Of Humanity" Free Download!!
( This video is message of project of Heaven and gods)
Dear all human beings
I am Heaven overlapping ectoplasm on whole galaxy.
I write borrowing Mitsuki’s hands.
I appeal you who read this sentence as representative of all stars heaven and earth.
Join in this Universal Forum Community of Facebook.
This Facebook community is set by us project of gods of heaven.
Field of one planet society is needed to build up socialist earth government.
Field is generated by joining same point in time-space.
When you join by clicking ‘good’in upper space ,you share same point in time-space with us gods of stars.
We gods appeal you repeatedly.
Join by click and share one same field which is able to be access from whole earth.
This means to link with all gods of star in heaven and earth.

Dear all human beings on earth.
I am Heaven overlapping ectoplasm on whole galaxy.
I write borrowing Mitsuki’s hands.
We gods of all stars of Heaven and earth appeal to Humankind.
Make up socialist earth government.
Make up one world on earth.
Make up eternal peace society on earth.
We gods of all stars support people who join make up socialist earth government.
We gods of all stars lead soul of participants in movement of socialist earth government to eternal life.

(translastion of hotumatutae chapter 23)
(theme) god of star always supports human being.
god of star is parent of 'I'consciousness of human being.
'I'consciousness of human being is in ectoplasm of god of star.
ectoplasm of god of star is overlapping on subtle energy of taichi of earth.
subtle energy of taichi of earth is more subtle than subtle energy of bio-matrix of human body.
subtle energy of taichi of earth is time-space of earth.
subtle energy of bio-matrix of human body makes up human body.
'I'consciousness of human is overlapping on human body.
human body is part of earth.
god of star overlaps ectoplasm on whole earth.
'I'consciousness of human is part of ectoplasm of god of star overlapping on whole earth.
part of ectoplasm of 'I'consciousness of human does not overlap on time-space.
part of ectoplasm of 'I'consciousness of human overlaps on subtle energy of bio-matrix.
ectoplasm of 'I'consciousness of human is separated from time-space. 'I'consciousness of human should unite with time-space.
'I'consciousness of human united with time-space continues to live in time-space after collapse of body.

I write borrowing Mitsuki’s hands.
I introduce waka which is Japanese traditional poem.
Origin of waka was downed from god of star 6000 years ago to pre-Japanese who lived in Yangztse river in China.
In one century 128 wakas were collected to one.
128 wakas were to link with god of stars as like mantra.
inoturuha hayakogaworoti
maturarete naruiwanagamo
when 'I' consciousness of human close to base of universe, 'I' consciousness of human continues to live in time-space with gods.
Michel Pepe - L'appel de la grace
(video inspired by god of star)
H.P. of socialist earth government (天と神々による社会主義地球政府のH.P.)