Stive Morgan - Melancholy (2014)  (video inspired by god of star)

However, there is hints to understand documents of Heaven deeply in records of exploring of spiritual philosophy of Mitsuki

This corner is records of exploration of spiritual philosophy of Mitsuki to receive documentd of Heaven.
You can deepen philosophical understanding of document of Heaven by reading this corner because philosophy of documents of Heaven is complete form of philosophy which Mitsuki has been explored.
Dialectic materialism in documents of Heaven downed Mitsuki by gods is philosophy of true god.
Learning dialectical materialism raises spirituality and leads to eternal life.
However, there is hints to understand documents of Heaven deeply in records of exploring of spiritual philosophy of Mitsuki.


1 惑星社会を支えるユニバーサルな哲学が地球上のすべての地域の人々からでてきている
universal philosophy comes out of people in all regions of earth which supports planetary society

2 神と人間を対立と観るか,神と人間を一と観るか
about relation between god and human

3 ミツキのスピリチュアル哲学の研究が存在核という言葉で真の神々の存在に気づきつつあったことを示しています
Mitsuki beginning to notice existence of true gods in terms of existence nuclear in spiritual philosophy

4 スピリチュアリティのホロン的発達段階を解明
holon developmental stages of spirituality

5 この論文は,宇宙が非顕在の神の思念体と顕在の時空の対立の統一からなるという真理に肉薄しています
This artlcle close to truth that existence consists of unity of conflict between ectoplasm of god of non-presence and space-time of presence

close to truth about birth of universe and exployment

7 創造主はあなたが神のもとにもどり,創造主に近づくことを待っています
Creator is waiting for your return to god, and close to creator

best achievement of spiritual philosophy of Mitsuki

9 人間の意識の根底は平等に聖なるものである
 base of human consciousness is equally sacred

10 人間の魂がクリアリングされたとき神の資質があらわれる
human soul is cleared, quality of god appears

11 天地万物は、私たち宇宙家族(大地、動植物、人類)の共有財産である
This article is that universe is sharing poperty of our universal family

12 すべての富の究極の所有権は大宇宙の創造者にのみある
ultimate ownership of all wealth is only to creator of universe

13 搾取という実践的で価値的な意味を含む概念規定と剰余価値という社会科学的な概念を分離し、「搾取」を再定義することが必要だ
it needs to differentiate exploitation which contains practical, value means and surplus value which is social scientific concept

H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
