( Mitsuki"s view of history was brought up by reading all books of Morimoto Junichirou who was only one thinker of true Marxist in 20th century)

I am cosmic program in your mind.
We project of Heaven and gods introduce article issued to Japanese social movement before down of documents of Heaven.
Content of articles is practice as assistant of project of Heaven and gods.
Destiny program made Mitsuki write from view of documents of Heaven.

This corner is that view of history should be dialectical materialism.
Article of history of Mitsuki is written by true dialectical materialism.
True dialectical materialism is to see history as unity of conflict between social structure of presence and collective ectoplasm structure of non-presence.
Mitsuki"s view of history was brought up by reading all books of Morimoto Junichirou who was only one thinker of true Marxist in 20th century.

1復習 キューバ革命 2009/10/11 日曜日
This is true Marxism which Mitsuki learn from Yasushi Suyama who is disciple of Morimoto Junichirou who was only one true Marxist in 20th century

2官と民と社会サイクル 2009/9/15 火曜日
social cycle has multi-layers waves

3国家のために働く覚悟でございます・・・20歳のおじさんの最後の手紙 2008/4/1 火曜日
Uncle of Mitsuki was received nationalism education

4一時間に10万人死んだ東京大空襲 背後に貪欲なヴァイシャ 2008/3/31 月曜日
Now human society faces huge change to eternal peace planet society

5蓄財の精神の歴史的位置 2008/5/11 日曜日
Mitsuki can see deployment of collective consciousness in relation of unity of conflict of economic structure

6米兵による暴行を考える 文脈の中で思考する 2008/2/18 月曜日
Deepening of thinking is to pursue more deepen truth base on dialectical materialism

7現在のアラブ民衆革命と20年前の中東についての授業 2011/3/2 水曜日
True Marxism should see collective consciousness of non-presence in relation of unity of conflict with social structure of presence.

8ブラジルの地域通貨パルマを支えるパルマス銀行 (資本主義経済を超えようとするブラジル連帯経済のとりくみ) 2011/3/6 日曜日
This is socialist bank sharing means of production

9福島原発事故を通して天は何を伝えているでしょうか 2011/3/12 土曜日
nuclear power plants can be said safety in what stage

10歴史は「想定外」の積み重ね 2011/3/15 火曜日日
history is accumulation of event which human could not image

11 「動的三角論」 小三角を大切にする多重的三角構造か、小中三角をつぶす巨大三角構造の推進か 2011/5/27 金曜日
When huge economic triangle structure collapse, damage is huge

12G-G'(利益を増やす)の資本の「競争原理」に奉仕する人生を超えるために「神的協力原理」へ 2011/7/20 水曜日
Mitsuki wrote in this article as principle of cooperation of gods

to reduce income of executives of capitalist company is necessary

Along with applying regulation over situational pressure to anti-social elements, you must do effort to draw gentle thinking to human mind

15農業協同組合についてサーカーの言葉 introduction of words about making up socialist company of agriculture of P.R.Sarkar which were downed by god salanimurdam

16日本農業復活は急務、「原料の生産地に加工工場を」 農村地域復活へ
finished product should be sold outside region by creating processing plant in raw material production area, local raw materials should not be sold as it is taken out

17序(中国史における社会サイクル試論) 2008/3/19 水曜日
Social cycle theory is dialectical materialism also

This age is slavery productive relation in view of historical materialism of Marx

19、隋から唐末への一社会サイクル(中国史における社会サイクル試論)2,2008/3/19 水曜日
This cycle was age of previous serfdom era in view of Historical materialism of Marx

20、五代十国から宋への一社会サイクル(中国史における社会サイクル試論) 2008/3/19 水曜日
This cycle was age of serfdom era in view of Historical materialism of Marx

21、南宋から明への一サイクル(中国史における社会サイクル試論) 2008/3/19 水曜日
This cycle was end by failure people revolution

22、清から中華民国へのサイクル、現代のサイクル(中国史における社会サイクル試論) 2008/3/19 水曜日
fifth cycle and current cycle of whole Chinese history

Dialectic Materialism
(video inspired by god of star)

H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
