( Various area of education should be based on education of providence)

I am cosmic program in your mind.
We project of Heaven and gods introduce article issued to Japanese social movement before down of documents of Heaven.
Content of articles is practice as assistant of project of Heaven and gods.
Destiny program made Mitsuki write from view of documents of Heaven.

This corner is that education should be based on providence.
Providence means that life base on providence makes soul level raise.
Various area of education should be based on education of providence.
Education of capitalism makes soul level down.
Education of capitalism leads people unhappy life.

1多様化と新自由主義的教育改革の問題点 2009/12/18 金曜日
As name of diversification high school education has been changed under competition and regulation from above

2日本の教育の現状とオルタナティブを考える 総集編 2010/1/4 月曜日
We project of Heaven and gods support view of Mitsuki

3 統一学力テストの推進は、心の通う教育を破壊している 2010/6/14 月曜日
Achievement test should be used to know individual achievement and not to compare with others

4サーカーの提言「教師自身に教育政策を決定する権限を与えよ」 2008/2/23 土曜日
Mitsuki was teacher of high school and understand how important this principle is

5こころとからだの相互作用を考える(目次) 2010/11/7 日曜日
Mituski's study made clear relation of mind and body

6今進む教育改革をやめて温かい思いやりある社会を担う教育へ転換しよう! 2009/12/19 土曜日
This is reform for capitalist not for children

7小学生に劣等感を抱かせる学力別グループ分け 2009/12/15 火曜日
Argument of Mitsuki is way to save children from neo-liberalism

8P.R.サーカーの教育理論(1) 2008/2/26 火曜日
Theory downed by true god bases on providence

9P.R.サーカーの教育理論 2008/3/1 土曜日
Mitsuki argues that Japanese education should revive spirit of peace and democracy after World War Ⅱ

10「在日朝鮮人」系右翼 普遍的人間としての自覚をまず土台にすえる教育
Argument of Mitsuki is needed to solve ethnic problem

education should be given from comfort teacher

12「教育への管理・コントロール強化とオルタナティブ」 サーカーの言葉
Now control by nation state which is influenced by capitalist is strengthen to make education profit principle

13新自由主義教育改革は今すぐやめる必要があります 2009/12/13 日曜日
Capitalists see education as commodity

14子どもの心の発達に添って適切なものを与えることの必要性 T 2009/8/23 日曜日
education should be given according to law of development of children

15教員の統制をさらに推し進める教員免許更新制に大反対です 2009/9/19 土曜日
in education world owner of independent mind teacher is needed

OneWorld Presents "Education Agenda" - Race, Poverty and Education
(video inspired by god of star)

H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
