(Mitsuki argues that way of life should be follow to law of universe and close to base of universe which gods of star exist)

I am cosmic program in your mind.
We project of Heaven and gods introduce article of Mitsuki issued to Japanese social movement before down of documents of Heaven.
Content of articles is practice as assistant of project of Heaven and gods.
Destiny program made Mitsuki write from view of documents of Heaven.

This corner is way of life.
Mitsuki argues that way of life should be follow to law of universe and close to base of universe which gods of star exist.



資本主義システムは「一時的な満足と恒常的な不満足」の人生を提供する」 2010/4/10 土曜日
Without way of life to close gods in base of universe, human being cannot become true happiness

考え、言葉、行動の一致、すべての人への温かいまなざし 2008/9/18 木曜日
Only gods of star can heal mind and I consciousness because human mind and I consciousness is in mind of gods of star

二大政党制の本質、アーヴィン・ラズロの『カオス・ポイント』 2008/5/25 日曜日
We project of Heaven and gods aim to save human beings and lives on earth

カオスへ進む私たち 小さなものの大きな役割 2008/5/29 木曜日
In dialectical materialism this is turning point from quantity to quality

動植物の生命形態のレベルと私たちの食 2008/2/17 日曜日
Human life is unity of conflict between I consciousness of child of god of star and physical body of developed animal

小宇宙論と瞑想の意義 サーカーの哲学から 2008/4/29 火曜日
In this historical stage when you receive session of Heaven healing, you can receive words from gods of star in several times

文学についてのサーカーの言葉 2008/6/23 月曜日
Even if writing evil deed, writer should write reason of evil deed

Sanatana Dharma & Quantum Physics - Universal Paths to Enlightenment (video inspired by god of star)

H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
