(Capitalism economy makes human unhappy)

I am cosmic program in your mind.
We project of Heaven and gods introduce article issued to Japanese social movement before down of documents of Heaven.
Content of articles is practice as assistant of project of Heaven and gods.
Destiny program made Mitsuki write from view of documents of Heaven.

This corner is what is capitalist economy and alternative of capitalism.
This is fundamental view of capitalism.
Capitalism economy makes human unhappy.
Human being should make up network of socialist company sharing means of production.
Socialist company sharing means of production make possible democratic management.

1お金について考える 2011/1/8 土曜日
Economy standing on head becomes collapse as human being cannot continue to stand on head

2Decentralized economy(分散経済、分権経済、非集権経済)について 2008/3/29 土曜日
When sharing means of production is realized, area economy becomes economy of people by people for people

3機械を24時間稼働させなくてはならない理由 2008/5/25 日曜日
Only making up socialist company sharing means of production solve long time work

4コトパンジャン、祝島、派遣労働者の解雇、民主主義経済 2009/9/26 土曜日
In order to make up economic structure which people has right of decision, making socialist company sharing means of production

5年商100億円単位で伸びる企業と非正規雇用労働者 2010/1/15 金曜日
report of employment of corporate when Mitsuki was teacher of high school

6Decentralize economy(非集中経済) 2008/3/31 月曜日
Marx referred critically 20th socialism as crude communism in Communist Manifesto

What Is Capitalism? Capitalism Is Anarchy = Anarcho-Capitalism
(video inspired by god of star)

H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
