(When without higher ectoplasm structure, social movement cannot play role of progress)

I am cosmic program in your mind.
We project of Heaven and gods introduce article issued to Japanese social movement before down of documents of Heaven.
Content of articles is practice as assistant of project of Heaven and gods.
Destiny program made Mitsuki write from view of documents of Heaven.

This corner is social movement which improve society truly.
Only social movement which is led by higher ectoplasm structure.
When without higher ectoplasm structure, social movement cannot play role of progress.

1民衆運動統合の土壌形成のために 2008/4/10 木曜日
When opinion is difference, only deepening of opinion should be done

2ポジティブな社会運動のために(目次) 2010/11/7 日曜日
Mitsuki wrote that positive social movement develops to build up world government

3日本国憲法第9条の現在と未来 2008/6/19 木曜日
in social movement it need two types debating

4「グローバル市民」社会追求の意義 2008/9/11 木曜日
internationalism consciousness should be converted to transnationalism

5環境問題への視点(サイクル、精妙、体内外) 2008/4/26 土曜日
There is no study when various chemicals are in body at same time

6『日本国憲法』は平和の基盤  鞍馬寺の訴え 2008/4/1 火曜日
Mt.Kurama is one of bases of project of Heaven and gods on earth

7  9条世界会議関西の分科会に参加して 2008/5/7 水曜日
Now in Japan result of this movement demonstrates large force

8「死んだ女の子」と原子爆弾 2009/8/29 土曜日
Huge force of atomic bomb makes earth star of no life

9-1「連帯経済」 資本主義を超えようとするブラジルの取り組み(第一部) 2010/11/11 木曜日
Core of solidarity economy movement is sharing means of production

9-2「連帯経済」 資本主義を超えようとするブラジルの取り組み(第二部) 2010/11/16 火曜日
Marx, Engels did movement organizing socialist company sharing means production

10-1警官と「闘う」デモ指揮者の意識と私たちのめざすべき道 2009/11/10 火曜日
development of consciousness of leader is importance in order to develop social movement

10-2 再論 警官と「闘う」デモ指揮者の意識レベル (カルフォルニアのこの3月の反戦デモとの比較して考えよう) 2009/11/10 火曜日
Only when social movement is done base on providence, people can make up society with providence

11フェアトレードと連帯経済 2010/12/16 木曜日
After when self-reliance economic structure is made up, fair trade become possible

12「国家」「民族」意識を超えて進みなさい・・・サーカーの言葉 2008/3/28 金曜日
To conquer nation consciousness is needed to establish socialist earth government

13社会サイクルとサーカーの大衆革命論 2008/2/22 金曜日
Social cycle theory was downed P.R. Sarkar by true god salamnidam

14原理主義宗教家が凶悪な悪魔になる理由 2010/6/18 金曜日
reason that religious fundamentalist becomes devil

Multitude Movement - part 1
(video inspired by god of star)

H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
