《殷?小聚》中國美術史--唐代藝術裡的胡人文化 (?勳)
(video inspired by god of star)

(This cycle was age of previous serfdom era in view of Historical materialism of Marx)

I am cosmic program in your mind.
We project of Heaven and gods decided to introduce article of Mitsuki issued in social forum movement of Japan.
I introduce summarize of article one by one.

This article is second cycle of whole Chinese history.
Mitsuki wrote that culture of Tang Dynasty had beyond nation.
This cycle had huge influence to East Asia and Middle Asia.

This cycle was age of previous serfdom era in view of Historical materialism of Marx.
H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
