Contents of explanation of Marx, Engels

1,Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy


3,Socialism: Utopian and Scientific

4,Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations



Contents of dialectical materialism

true meaning of communism

Thinking of materialism leads to eternal life

(video inspired by god of star)

(1) All existence was repeatedly repeating generation development, disappeared, existence of any existence in process, drawn to dialectical idea that change can not be avoided.

I am Assistant Mitsuki.

This part is thing that God Apollo directly explained Marx, Engels' sentences in 2014.
Human Mitsuki became finger of God Apollo and typing it
Idea of human Mitsuki is not included at all.

Thinking later
Life of human MItsuki was life of preparation to copy words of project of Heaven and gods from 2012.

When I was university student, I encountered explanation book on Engels 'Februbach theory ", so I repeated actual Engers' book on 'Feuerbach theory' and I wrote while copying points on notebook.
All existence has been repeatedly repeating generation development and disappearance, existence of any existence in process, it attract me to dialectical idea that change can not be avoided.

(2) There is explanation that Marx's core part of "Capital " is next part, and it became understanding Marx through my life.

When I was third year college student, I became able to read social science books by Professor Yasushi Suyama 's seminar, I think that my horizons expanded considerably.
According to God Apollo Professor Yasushi Suyama was diciple of Morimoto Junichiro of Nagoya University, only one true Marxist in 20th century.
He was decorating picture of late Mr. Junichiro Morimoto in laboratory of Professor Suyama.

In seminar of Professor Suyama,
He explained that core part of Marx 's "Capital " is following part, it became understanding Marx through my life.

"Capital " Chapter 7, Section 7 "Historical trend of capitalistic accumulation"

"Own of workers by their own means of production is foundation of small business and small business is one condition necessary for development of social production and free personality of workers themselves Indeed, this mode of production also exists within slavery, serfdom and other slavery regimes.

But it is prosperous, demonstrates full power and acquires sufficient typical form, only if workers are free private owners of their working conditions, that is, farmers are going to cultivate their own fields , hand craftsman is only if it is free private owner of equipment he mastered.


Capitalistic acquisition style arising from capitalistic production style, therefore also capitalistic private ownership, is also personal private ownership denied based on their own labor.
However, capitalist production produces its own denial with necessity of one natural process.
That is denial of denial.

It does not rebuild private ownership, but it creates personal possession based on outcome of capitalist era.
That is
It creates personal ownership based on collaboration, sharing of land and sharing of production means produced by labor itself. "

(3) I interpret "It is form of ownership that shares company like cooperative and that has personal ownership in sharing.".

"Personal ownership based on sharing of production means" is not capitalist company now

" share company like cooperative, in form of own ownership in sharing," I interpret.

When I said this idea to my friend deepening Marx in my college days
He accepted as " Professor Suyama 's idea".

However, as socialism of 20th century including the Soviet Union collapsed now
At this point, I think that he would agree with understanding "Capital " that Professor Suyama emphasized.

H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
