Contents of socialism

Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hands.

We gods heaven downed Marx socialism sharing means of production.
Negative gods distorted socialism by operating human beings in order to prevent influence of gods of heaven.
Public own of means of production is not socialism.
Public own of means of production is correspond to agricultural productive force.
Field of agricultural productive force generates structure of public own of means of production.
Marx wrote about public own of means of production in '"Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations "
In field of agricultural productive force class struggle had continued.
Reach point of class struggle in pre-capitalism was yeoman in England.
Marx wrote in 'Capital' that yeoman was point of necessary passage in history.
This is important issue that many Marxist fails to read Marx.
Individual own of means of production was reach point of class struggle in field of agricultural productive force.
Collective own of means of production is reach point of class struggle in field of industrial productive force.
Collective own means sharing.
This is idea of class struggle of Marx.
Movement to aim public own of means of production is reactionary movement in historical process.
Socialism aiming public own of means of production is reactionary movement.
Socialism of Marx was aiming sharing means of production which is progressive movement.
In 20th century socialism of Marx disappeared.
Today 21st century socialism of Marx revives in Latin America under name of 21st socialist movement.
We gods of all star appeal to human beings.
Join 21st socialist movement.
Pursue sharing means of production.
Make up socialist company shared by relative members.
Socialism economy is network of socialist company shared by relative members.
This is socialist society which Marx pursued.

1,Socialism and means of production

2.Socialism and 'I' consciousness

3, Socialism and ectoplasm structure

4, Socialism and political

