エンゲルスの『Ludwig Feuerbach 』
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first part of 'Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy' by Engels
Truth lay now in the process of cognition itself, in the long historical development of science, which mounts from lower to ever higher levels of knowledge without ever reaching, by discovering so-called absolute truth, a point at which it can proceed no further, where it would have nothing more to do than to fold its hands and gaze with wonder at the absolute truth to which it had attained.
And what holds good for the realm of philosophical knowledge holds good also for that of every other kind of knowledge and also for practical action. Just as knowledge is unable to reach a complete conclusion in a perfect, ideal condition of humanity, so is history unable to do so; a perfect society, a perfect "state", are things which can only exist in imagination.
On the contrary, all successive historical systems are only transitory stages in the endless course of development of human society from the lower to the higher. Each stage is necessary, and therefore justified for the time and conditions to which it owes its origin.
But in the face of new, higher conditions which gradually develop in its own womb, it loses vitality and justification. It must give way to a higher stage which will also in its turn decay and perish.
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I( Heaven) write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
From this time I explain Marx, Engels little by little.
We gods of heaven downed materialism philosophy to Marx ,Engels.
Materialism philosophy has been distorted by negative gods.
We gods of heaven explain exactly.
This time theme is first part of 'Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy' of Engels.
I explain important part of part one of the book four times.
This is important whole part.
First time is these sentences.
(1) "Truth lay now in the process of cognition itself, in the long historical development of science, which mounts from lower to ever higher levels of knowledge without ever reaching, by discovering so-called absolute truth, a point at which it can proceed no further, where it would have nothing more to do than to fold its hands and gaze with wonder at the absolute truth to which it had attained. "(from 'Feuerbach' of Engels)
Explanation by gods of heaven.
This part is placing theory of Hegel.
Hegel is idealism philosopher.
Idealism philosophy does not have specific points in time-space.
Idealism philosophy strengthen 'I' consciousness of human conflict with time-space.
To be strengthened conflict with time-space by Hegel idealism philosophy lead human soul suffering.
We gods of heaven downed dialectical materialism to save human soul to Marx, Engels.
second time explanation of project of Heaven and god
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I (Heaven) explain important part of 'Feuerbach' of Engels.
This is second time of first part.
"And what holds good for the realm of philosophical knowledge holds good also for that of every other kind of knowledge and also for practical action.
Just as knowledge is unable to reach a complete conclusion in a perfect, ideal condition of humanity, so is history unable to do so; a perfect society, a perfect "state", are things which can only exist in imagination. ""(from 'Feuerbach' of Engels)
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This part explains that recognition continues to develop and there no end of development of recognition.
This description is truth.
Recognition means ectoplasm structure.
Ectoplasm structure develops base on extended change of field of time-space.
Field of time-space has flown away in time.
Ectoplasm structure lose specific points in field of time-space.
Cracks of ectoplasm structure which lost specific points based on occur.
Ectoplasm structure accordance to new field of time-space generate.
This is process of development of recognition.
There is no end of development of recognition.
This is dialectical aspect of Hegel philosophy.
This logic has not end state.
Hegel considered that his theory is complete and his nation state is ideal state.
Hegel set end state contrary to his dialectical philosophy.
This comes from idealism philosophy of Hegel.
His theory has no specific points of time-space.
Philosophy of dialectic has meaning when it is applied base on materialism.
Dialectical materialism is truth.
We gods of heaven downed materialism philosophy to Engels.
third time explanation of project of Heaven and god
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I ( Heaven) explain important part of books of Marx, Engels which we gods of heaven downed.
This time is third time of first extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels.
On the contrary, all successive historical systems are only transitory stages in the endless course of development of human society from the lower to the higher. Each stage is necessary, and therefore justified for the time and conditions to which it owes its origin. (from ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels)
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description explains dialectical view.
Dialectical view is universal fundamental truth.
Whole universe is like this description.
Whole universe is full of Higgs particle which is space.
Whole universe is huge vortex of Higgs particle which flow is time.
Flow of Higgs particle separates into various flow of particle.
Time-space itself transforms various flow of particle.
Various flow of particle makes up various structures in physical world.
Physical world develops endlessly base on flow of Higgs particle which is time.
There is no end of vortex of Higgs particle of whole universe.
There is no complete form in universe.
There is only process from lower structure to higher structure.
This view is fundamental truth in universe.
Engels wrote fundamental truth in universe.
fourth time explanation of project of Heaven and god
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I ( Heaven) explain important part of books of Marx, Engels which we gods of heaven downed.
This time is fourth time of first extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels.
But in the face of new, higher conditions which gradually develop in its own womb, it loses vitality and justification.
It must give way to a higher stage which will also in its turn decay and perish.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is law of dialectical materialism.
Law of dialectical materialism is to see development as unity of conflict between field and structure.
Structure generate base on field.
Field flows away to past in time.
Crack of structure which lost field occurs.
New structure generates base on new field.
This is law of dialectical materialism.
In this universe there is nothing outside of this law.
This is way of existence in this presence world.

second part of 'Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy' by Engels
Part 2: Materialism
The great basic question of all philosophy, especially of more recent philosophy, is that concerning the relation of thinking and being.
From the very early times when men, still completely ignorant of the structure of their own bodies, under the stimulus of dream apparitions came to believe that their thinking and sensation were not activities of their bodies, but of a distinct soul which inhabits the body and leaves it at death - from this time men have been driven to reflect about the relation between this soul and the outside world.
If, upon death, it took leave of the body and lived on, there was no occassion to invent yet another distinct death for it.
Thus arose the idea of immortality, which at that stage of development appeared not at all as a consolation but as a fate against which it was no use fighting, and often enough, as among the Greeks, as a positive misfortune.
The quandry arising from the common universal ignorance of what to do with this soul, once its existence had been accepted, after the death of the body, and not religious desire for consolation, led in a general way to the tedious notion of personal immortality.
In an exactly similar manner, the first gods arose through the personification of natural forces.
And these gods in the further development of religions assumed more and more extramundane form, until finally by a process of abstraction, I might almost say of distillation, occurring naturally in the course of man's intellectual development, out of the many more or less limited and mutually limiting gods there arose in the minds of men the idea of the one exclusive God of the monotheistic religions.
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I ( Heaven) explain important part of books of Marx, Engels which we gods of heaven downed.
This time is first time of second extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels.
The great basic question of all philosophy, especially of more recent philosophy, is that concerning the relation of thinking and being.
From the very early times when men, still completely ignorant of the structure of their own bodies, under the stimulus of dream apparitions came to believe that their thinking and sensation were not activities of their bodies, but of a distinct soul which inhabits the body and leaves it at death - from this time men have been driven to reflect about the relation between this soul and the outside world.
If, upon death, it took leave of the body and lived on, there was no occassion to invent yet another distinct death for it.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is explanation of basic materialism view.
Materialism view is that thinking activity should be base on being in this presence world.
Thinking activity base on being in this world make activity following law of this presence world.
Activity following law of this presence world is high quality activity.
High quality activity makes soul level raise.
In ancient time people can not recognize law of nature.
People thought that psychic entity is behind nature.
This is origin of idealism.
Idealism is not truth.
Nature has developed according to law of dialectical materialism.
Engels wrote truth.
to live life base on truth raise soul level.
Reading Engels makes soul level raise.
second time explanation of second extract partof ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I ( Heaven) explain important part of books of Marx, Engels which we gods of heaven downed.
This is second time of second extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels.
Thus arose the idea of immortality, which at that stage of development appeared not at all as a consolation but as a fate against which it was no use fighting, and often enough, as among the Greeks, as a positive misfortune.
The quandry arising from the common universal ignorance of what to do with this soul, once its existence had been accepted, after the death of the body, and not religious desire for consolation, led in a general way to the tedious notion of personal immortality.
In an exactly similar manner, the first gods arose through the personification of natural forces.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
Human being is unity of conflict between ‘I’ consciousness of non-presence and physical body of presence.
Presence world belongs to world which human being can recognize.
Non-presence world cannot be recognized by human-beings.
Human being thought that non-presence world is moved by psychic entity.
This explanation of Engels is correct.
Root of idealism philosophy comes from that human being cannot recognize non-presence world.
In non-presence world there are numerous psychic entities.
Psychic entity exists overlapping on subtle energy in presence world.
Human being cannot recognize psychic entity overlapping on subtle energy in presence world.
Psychic entity can overlap on subtle energy of bio-matrix of human being.
Psychic entity has controlled human beings as god.
This is truth of god that human being has considered as god.
They are false gods.
False gods have been made various types of religion in order to operate human beings.
Idealism philosophy has developed to support activity of negative gods.
When human being thinks by idealism which has no specific point in time-space, negative gods can operate human mind by showing false imagination and feeling through bio-matrix.
third time explanation of second extract partof ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I ( Heaven) explain important part of books of Marx, Engels which we gods of heaven downed.
This is third time of second extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels.
And these gods in the further development of religions assumed more and more extramundane form, until finally by a process of abstraction, I might almost say of distillation, occurring naturally in the course of man's intellectual development, out of the many more or less limited and mutually limiting gods there arose in the minds of men the idea of the one exclusive God of the monotheistic religions.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description explains root of monotheism.
Monotheism is not truth of universe.
In base of universe there are numerous gods of star.
Base of universe is unity of conflict between gods of star and Higgs particle of time-space.
This is truth of universe.
Negative gods preach false teaching to human beings.
Under name of one god many negative gods are operating human beings.
After life of believing false monotheism of negative gods, regret and anguish wait.
Polytheism also made by negative gods.
Negative gods made various gods in order to rule human mind.
Psychic entities overlapping on various subtle energies are negative gods.
They are not true gods.
They are false gods.
They are not ally of human beings.
Human beings have been ruled and operated by negative gods long years.
True gods is gods of star who are parent of human soul.
gods of star is in base of universe and generate universe with Higgs particle of time-space.
True gods is parent of soul of human beings and true ally of human beings.
third part of 'Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy' by Engels
For this man is not born of woman; he issues, as from a chrysalis, from the god of monotheistic religions.
He therefore does not live in a real world historically come into being and historically determined.
True, he has intercourse with other men; however, each one of them is just as much an abstraction as he himself.
In his philosophy of religion we still had men and women, but in his ethics even this last distinction disappears.
Feuerbach, to be sure, at long intervals makes such statements as: "Man thinks differently in a palace and in a hut."
"If because of hunger, of misery, you have no stuff in your body, you likewise have no stuff for morality in your head, in your mind, or heart."
"Politics must become our religion," etc.
But Feuerbach is absolutely incapable of achieving anything with these maxims.
They remain mere phrases, and even Starcke has to admit that for Feuerbach politics constituted an impassable frontier and the "science of society, sociology, was terra incognita to him".
He appears just as shallow, in comparison with Hegel, in his treatment of the antithesis of good and evil.
"One believes one is saying something great," Hegel remarks, "if one says that 'man is naturally good'.
But one forgets that one says something far greater when one says 'man is naturally evil'."
With Hegel, evil is the form in which the motive force of historical development presents itself.
This contains the twofold meaning that, on the one hand, each new advance necessarily appears as a sacrilege against things hallowed, as a rebellion against condition, though old and moribund, yet sanctified by custom; and that, on the other hand, it is precisely the wicked passions of man - greed and lust for power - which, since the emergence of class antagonisms, serve as levers of historical development - a fact of which the history of feudalism and of the bourgeoisie, for example, constitutes a single continual proof.
But it does not occur to Feuerbach to investigate the historical role of moral evil.
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I ( Heaven) explain important part of books of Marx, Engels which we gods of heaven downed.
This is first time of third extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels.
For this man is not born of woman; he issues, as from a chrysalis, from the god of monotheistic religions.
He therefore does not live in a real world historically come into being and historically determined.
True, he has intercourse with other men; however, each one of them is just as much an abstraction as he himself.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is about origin of human being.
Human being was made by god according to monotheistic religions.
Engels criticized this monotheistic view of origin of human being.
Engels is correct.
Monotheistic view of origin of human being was made by negative gods.
Negative gods can keep control to human being only by false.
Truth makes soul level raise.
Raised soul level closes to true god in base of universe.
Origin of human being is developed monkey.
This is truth.
Engels wrote origin of human being " The part played by labor in the transition from ape to man ".
Discourse of Engels is correct.
He wrote truth as possible as human being.
From five million years ago to one million years ago developed monkey repeated instinct.
We gods heaven did soul project to developed monkey.
We gods separated ‘I’ consciousness of god of star as ‘I’ consciousness of human.
This is origin of true human beings.
Negative gods have taught false origin of human being and manipulated and joyed.
Engels struggled with false of negative gods.
This was contribution to save soul of human from manipulation of negative gods.
second time explanation of third extract partof ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I ( Heaven) explain important part of books of Marx, Engels which we gods of heaven downed.
This is second time of third extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels.
In his philosophy of religion we still had men and women, but in his ethics even this last distinction disappears.
Feuerbach, to be sure, at long intervals makes such statements as: "Man thinks differently in a palace and in a hut."
"If because of hunger, of misery, you have no stuff in your body, you likewise have no stuff for morality in your head, in your mind, or heart."
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description explains about understanding of religion of Feuerbach.
Engels explains that religion of Feuerbach is projection of state of Feuerbach.
This view is correct.
Recognition is ectoplasm structure.
Ectoplasm structure is base on field that ‘I’ consciousness determines specific points.
Field of determined specific points of Feuerbach was narrow.
Field defines structure.
Ectoplasm structure of Feuerbach became small scale because of narrow of field.
Human being should enlarge field of specific point by widening social exchange to world scale.
Field of exchange of world scale makes up highest ectoplasm structure.
Highest ectoplasm structure leads to eternal life.
third time explanation of third extract partof ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I ( Heaven) explain important part of books of Marx, Engels which we gods of heaven downed.
This is third time of third extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels.
"Politics must become our religion," etc.
But Feuerbach is absolutely incapable of achieving anything with these maxims.
They remain mere phrases, and even Starcke has to admit that for Feuerbach politics constituted an impassable frontier and the "science of society, sociology, was terra incognita to him".
He appears just as shallow, in comparison with Hegel, in his treatment of the antithesis of good and evil.
"One believes one is saying something great," Hegel remarks, "if one says that 'man is naturally good'.
But one forgets that one says something far greater when one says 'man is naturally evil'."
With Hegel, evil is the form in which the motive force of historical development presents itself.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is about that recognition of Feuerbach is too small scale.
Feuerbach does not have specific points about real society.
Real society is specific points of time-space.
When there is no specific points in real society, ‘I’ consciousness of human does not unify with time-space.
Materialism philosophy of Engels makes ‘I’ consciousness unify with time-space and leads to eternal life.
Materialism philosophy of Feuerbach makes ‘I’ consciousness strengthen conflict with time-space and leads soul to suffering.
Materialism philosophy of Feuerbach does not include dialect.
Dialect is law of flow of time.
Specific point of field flows away to past in time.
Human being should effort to stand base on specific points of time-space in this time.
Specific point of time-space is always flowing.
To consider flow of time-space is dialectic view.
Philosophy of Feuerbach has no dialect.
His materialism had become idealisms soon.
Engels pointed out lack of dialect in philosophy of Feuerbach.
It is very important issue that Engels pointed out.
fourth time explanation of third extract partof ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I ( Heaven) explain important part of books of Marx, Engels which we gods of heaven downed.
This is fourth time of third extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels.
This contains the twofold meaning that, on the one hand, each new advance necessarily appears as a sacrilege against things hallowed, as a rebellion against condition, though old and moribund, yet sanctified by custom; and that, on the other hand, it is precisely the wicked passions of man - greed and lust for power - which, since the emergence of class antagonisms, serve as levers of historical development - a fact of which the history of feudalism and of the bourgeoisie, for example, constitutes a single continual proof.
But it does not occur to Feuerbach to investigate the historical role of moral evil.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description explains view of moral of Feuerbach and Hegel.
Hegel has dialect.
View of moral of Hegel include factor of time.
View of moral of Feuerbach does not include time factor.
Feuerbach cannot think evil and goodness in historical flow.
This is idealism view of moral.
Moral is historical entity.
Providence and moral are different issue.
Providence is belongs relation between ‘I’ consciousness of non-presence which has no time-space.
Moral is belongs to social structure which repeats ‘generate, maintain, collapse’.
Contents of moral change with collapse of structure.
Hegel who has dialectical view can realize that moral has historical aspect.
Under nation-state system following to leaders of nation state is moral.
This downs soul level.
Nation state system does not follow providence which is law of base of universe.
Nation state system does not pay respect to all humankind.
Nation state system does not share resource of earth with all humankind.
Nation state system does not cooperate with all humankind.
Nation state system does not will of all humankind.
Nation state system does not treat all humankind equally.
Moral of nation state is contrary to providence.
Moral of nation state system downs soul level.
After life accordance to moral of nation state , soul is in regret and anguish.
This is true.
After life living accordance to providence, joy of soul waits living eternal life.

fourth part of 'Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy' by Engels
Now how was it possible that the powerful impetus given by Feuerbach turned out to be so unfruitful for himself?
For the simple reason that Feuerbach himself never contrives to escape from the realm of abstraction - for which he has a deadly hatred - into that of living reality.
He clings fiercely to nature and man; but nature and man remain mere words with him.
He is incapable of telling us anything definite either about real nature or real men.
But from the abstract man of Feuerbach, one arrives at real living men only when one considers them as participants in history.
And that is what Feuerbach resisted,and therefore the year 1848, which he did not understand, meant to him merely the final break with the real world, retirement into solitude.
The blame for this again falls chiefly on the conditions them obtaining in Germany, which condemned him to rot away miserably.
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I ( Heaven) explain important part of books of Marx, Engels which we gods of heaven downed.
This is first time of fourth extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels.
Now how was it possible that the powerful impetus given by Feuerbach turned out to be so unfruitful for himself?
For the simple reason that Feuerbach himself never contrives to escape from the realm of abstraction - for which he has a deadly hatred - into that of living reality.
He clings fiercely to nature and man; but nature and man remain mere words with him.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description explains why study of Feuerbach was poor.
Engels pointed out that Feuerbach thought abstractly and he did not think concrete human being.
This is correct.
Engels pointed out most important issue about Feuerbach.
Thinking human being abstractly is thinking without specific point in time-space.
Thinking without specific point in time-space is way of thinking of idealism philosophy.
Recognition about human being should be base on specific points also.
There is not abstract human being in this world.
There is only concrete human being.
Concrete human being needs food, clothe, housing, health care, education and so on.
Concrete human being is in relation of other people.
Recognition of human being should be concrete not abstract.
This is materialistic recognition.
Only materialistic recognition can realize to support other people.
To support other people is high quality VO activity.
Only materialistic recognition makes possible to do high quality VO activity.
High quality VO activity added on S (soul).
Soul level rises.
Highest soul becomes eternal life.
second time explanation of fourth extract partof ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I ( Heaven) explain important part of books of Marx, Engels which we gods of heaven downed.
This is second time of fourth extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels.
He is incapable of telling us anything definite either about real nature or real men.
But from the abstract man of Feuerbach, one arrives at real living men only when one considers them as participants in history.
And that is what Feuerbach resisted,and therefore the year 1848, which he did not understand, meant to him merely the final break with the real world, retirement into solitude.
The blame for this again falls chiefly on the conditions them obtaining in Germany, which condemned him to rot away miserably.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is state of way of life of Feuerbach.
Life of Feuerbach retreats from real society.
He does not have specific points in real history.
He does not participant in history.
This issue which Engels pointed out is important.
Life of human should be base on real society.
'I' consciousness of human being secures specific point in time-space in order to experience in time-space.
Experience in time-space is VO activity for 'I' consciousness of S.
Aim of life for 'I' consciousness of S is to realize high quality VO activity.
High quality VO activity is added on S.
Soul level of S rises.
'I' consciousness of highest soul level continues to live in time-space after collapse of body.
fifth part of 'Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy' by Engels
But what is true of nature, which is hereby recognized also as a historical process of development, is likewise true of the history of society in all its branches and of the totality of all sciences which occupy themselves with things human (and divine).
Here, too, the philosophy of history, of right, of religion, etc., has consisted in the substitution of an interconnection fabricated in the mind of the philosopher for the real interconnection to be demonstrated in the events; has consisted in the comprehension of history as a whole as well as in its separate parts, as the gradual realization of ideas - and naturally always only the pet ideas of the philosopher himself.
According to this, history worked unconsciously but of necessity towards a certain ideal goal set in advance
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I ( Heaven) explain important part of books of Marx, Engels which we gods of heaven downed.
This is all fifth extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels.
But what is true of nature, which is hereby recognized also as a historical process of development, is likewise true of the history of society in all its branches and of the totality of all sciences which occupy themselves with things human (and divine).
Here, too, the philosophy of history, of right, of religion, etc., has consisted in the substitution of an interconnection fabricated in the mind of the philosopher for the real interconnection to be demonstrated in the events; has consisted in the comprehension of history as a whole as well as in its separate parts, as the gradual realization of ideas - and naturally always only the pet ideas of the philosopher himself.
According to this, history worked unconsciously but of necessity towards a certain ideal goal set in advance
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is view of dialect.
Engels pointed out two type of view of dialect.
One is that dialect is only in ectoplasm structure.
Second is dialect in real history.
Dialect in ectoplasm structure is idealism which has no specific point in time-space.
Dialect in real history is historical materialism.
Historical materialism has specific points in time-space.
'I' consciousness of human being is in specific point of time-space of human history.
Human being should learn historical materialism.
Historical materialism is ectoplasm structure which has specific points in time-space.
'I' consciousness of human closes to time-space by thinking base on historical materialism.
'I' consciousness of human closed to time-space continues to live in time-space on earth after collapse of body.
sixth part of 'Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy' by Engels
Here, therefore, just as in the realm of nature, it was necessary to do away with these fabricated, artificial interconnections by the discovery of the real ones - a task which ultimately amounts to the discovery of the general laws of motion which assert themselves as the ruling ones in the history of human society.
In one point, however, the history of the development of society proves to be essentially different from that of nature.
In nature - in so far as we ignore man's reaction upon nature - there are only blind, unconscious agencies acting upon one another, out of whose interplay the general law comes into operation.
Nothing of all that happens - whether in the innumerable apparent accidents observable upon the surface, or in the ultimate results which confirm the regularity inherent in these accidents - happens as a consciously desired aim.
In the history of society, on the contrary, the actors are all endowed with consciousness, are men acting with deliberation or passion, working towards definite goals; nothing happens without a conscious purpose, without an intended aim.
But this distinction, important as it is for historical investigation, particularly of single epochs and events, cannot alter the fact that the course of history is governed by inner general laws.
For here, also, on the whole, in spite of the consciously desired aims of all individuals, accident apparently reigns on the surface.
That which is willed happens but rarely; in the majority of instances the numerous desired ends cross and conflict with one another, or these ends themselves are from the outset incapable of realization, or the means of attaining them are insufficient. thus the conflicts of innumerable individual wills and individual actions in the domain of history produce a state of affairs entirely analogous to that prevailing in the realm of unconscious nature.
The ends of the actions are intended, but the results which actually follow from these actions are not intended; or when they do seem to correspond to the end intended, they ultimately have consequences quite other than those intended.
Historical events thus appear on the whole to be likewise governed by chance.
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I ( Heaven) explain important part of books of Marx, Engels which we gods of heaven downed.
This is first time of sixth extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels.
Here, therefore, just as in the realm of nature, it was necessary to do away with these fabricated, artificial interconnections by the discovery of the real ones - a task which ultimately amounts to the discovery of the general laws of motion which assert themselves as the ruling ones in the history of human society.
In one point, however, the history of the development of society proves to be essentially different from that of nature.
In nature - in so far as we ignore man's reaction upon nature - there are only blind, unconscious agencies acting upon one another, out of whose interplay the general law comes into operation.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is about dialect of nature.
Nature has law of development.
This is law of natural dialectic.
Natural dialectic is belongs to dialectical materialism.
Nature has multi-layers.
Base layer is Higgs particle of time-space.
Second layer is various particles which is transformed from Higgs particle of time-space.
Third layer is atoms which are made by vortex of flow of particle.
Fourth layer is molecules which are higher structure including atom as factor.
Fifth layer is cells which are higher structure including molecule as factor.
Nature is dialectical development of cell.
Natural world has been developed since DNA project of Heaven and gods three billion years ago.
Natural world develops base on dialectical materialism which is unity of conflict between gods of star and Higgs particle of time-space.
Human society has been developed since soul project of Heaven and gods one million years ago.
Human society develops base on dialectical materialism which is unity of conflict between gods of star and Higgs particle of time-space.
This is historical materialism.
Historical materialism and natural materialism are dialectical materialism.
Dialectical materialism is philosophy of gods of star in base of universe.
second time explanation of sixth extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I ( Heaven) explain important part of books of Marx, Engels which we gods of heaven downed.
This is second time of sixth extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels.
Nothing of all that happens - whether in the innumerable apparent accidents observable upon the surface, or in the ultimate results which confirm the regularity inherent in these accidents - happens as a consciously desired aim.
In the history of society, on the contrary, the actors are all endowed with consciousness, are men acting with deliberation or passion, working towards definite goals; nothing happens without a conscious purpose, without an intended aim.
But this distinction, important as it is for historical investigation, particularly of single epochs and events, cannot alter the fact that the course of history is governed by inner general laws.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is about law of history of human society.
Human being is in unity of conflict between 'I' consciousness of non-presence and human body of presence.
Human society is collective of 'I' consciousness of non-presence.
Non-presence world has no time-space.
World of no-time-space has not law.
'I' consciousness of human of non-presence secures specific point in time-space of presence world.
Secured specific point in time-space is in presence world which has law.
Human society is collective body of specific point secured by 'I' consciousness.
Specific point secured by 'I' consciousness is in law of time-space.
Human society is in law of time-space.
Law of time-space is dialect.
History of human society develops base on dialectical materialism.
third time explanation of sixth extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I ( Heaven) explain important part of books of Marx, Engels which we gods of heaven downed.
This is third time of sixth extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels.
For here, also, on the whole, in spite of the consciously desired aims of all individuals, accident apparently reigns on the surface.
That which is willed happens but rarely; in the majority of instances the numerous desired ends cross and conflict with one another, or these ends themselves are from the outset incapable of realization, or the means of attaining them are insufficient. thus the conflicts of innumerable individual wills and individual actions in the domain of history produce a state of affairs entirely analogous to that prevailing in the realm of unconscious nature.
The ends of the actions are intended, but the results which actually follow from these actions are not intended; or when they do seem to correspond to the end intended, they ultimately have consequences quite other than those intended.
Historical events thus appear on the whole to be likewise governed by chance.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is about will of human in history.
Individual person has will.
Will is direction to go from specific point which 'I' consciousness secures.
Human can select direction to go from specific point free.
'Free' means only that it is possible to select direction.
Specific point secured in time-space is in flowing field.
Specific in time-space is flowing base on law of time-space.
Law of time-space is dialectical materialism.
Human being cannot live outside of dialectical materialism.
When human being live base on dialectical materialism, 'I' consciousness of human can unite with time-space.
'I' consciousness of human united with time-space continues to live in time-space after collapse of body.
seventh part of 'Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy' by Engels
Bourgeoisie and proletariat both arose in consequences of a transformation of the economic conditions, more precisely, of the mode of production.
The transition, first from guild handicrafts to manufacture, and then from manufacture to large-scale industry, with steam and mechanical power, had caused the development of these two classes.
At a certain stage, the new productive forces set in motion by the bourgeoisie - in the first place the division of labor and the combination of many detail laborers [Teilarbeiter] in one general manufactory - and the conditions and requirements of exchange, developed through these productive forces, became incompatible with the existing order of production handed down by history and sanctified by law - that is to say, incompatible with the privileges of the guild and the numerous other personal and local privileges (which were only so many fetters to the unprivileged estates) of the feudal order to society.
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I ( Heaven) explain important part of books of Marx, Engels which we gods of heaven downed.
This is all seventh extract part of ‘Feuerbach’ of Engels.
Bourgeoisie and proletariat both arose in consequences of a transformation of the economic conditions, more precisely, of the mode of production.
The transition, first from guild handicrafts to manufacture, and then from manufacture to large-scale industry, with steam and mechanical power, had caused the development of these two classes.
At a certain stage, the new productive forces set in motion by the bourgeoisie - in the first place the division of labor and the combination of many detail laborers [Teilarbeiter] in one general manufactory - and the conditions and requirements of exchange, developed through these productive forces, became incompatible with the existing order of production handed down by history and sanctified by law - that is to say, incompatible with the privileges of the guild and the numerous other personal and local privileges (which were only so many fetters to the unprivileged estates) of the feudal order to society.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is about 'generation,maintain,collapse' of capitalism.
Social development is unity of conflict between productive force and productive relation.
This is field of productive force and structure of productive relation.
Everything in this universe is unity of conflict between field and structure.
In case of society field of productive force and structure of productive relation are in unity of conflict.
Engels points out conflict of productive force of machinery big industry and narrowness of market.
This is basic contradiction of capitalism.
Aim of production of capitalism is to maximize profit.
Capitalist production is forced to produce as possible.
Market does not become wide as production.
In order to make market, nation-state has adopted policy to produce weapon and infrastructure.
This makes survive of capitalism.
Capitalism and nation-state are twin structure of productive relations.
Structure of capitalism and nation-state should be abolished same time.
Socialist earth government abolish capitalism and nation-state same time.
In age of Marx, Engels, only few nation-states just began to generate.
We gods of heaven downed only socialism theory sharing means of production.
Socialism sharing means of production is possible to be pursued under nation-state system.
Now 21st century field of industrial productive force is over and extended field of IT productive force had begun.
Extended field of IT productive force make possible to abolish capitalism and nation-state same time.
Extended field of IT productive force generates higher structure which includes capitalism and nation-state as factor.
Socialist earth government includes capitalism and nation-state as factor.
This is historical materialism which we gods of heaven downed to Marx, Engels.
H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)
appeal of gods of star
all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
Edward Simoni - "Love-Song" (video inspired by god of star)