fist extract part of 'Anti-Duhring' by Frederick Engels

  • In proof of this law we might have cited hundreds of other similar facts from nature as well as from human society.
    Thus, for example, the whole of Part IV of Marx's Capital - production of relative surplus-value - deals, in the field of co-operation, division of labour and manufacture, machinery and modern industry, with innumerable cases in which quantitative change alters the quality, and also qualitative change alters the quantity, of the things under consideration; in which therefore, to use the expression so hated by Herr Duhring, quantity is transformed into quality and vice versa. As for example the fact that the co-operation of a number of people, the fusion of many forces into one single force, creates, to use Marx's phrase, a "new power", which is essentially different from the sum of its separate forces.
explanation of whole fist extract part of "Anti-D?hring" by Frederick Engels

Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I( Heaven) write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
We gods of heaven downed materialism philosophy to Marx ,Engels.
Materialism philosophy has been distorted by negative gods.
We gods of heaven explain exactly.
This time is explanation of whole of first extract part of "Anti-D?hring" by Frederick Engels

In proof of this law we might have cited hundreds of other similar facts from nature as well as from human society.
Thus, for example, the whole of Part IV of Marx's Capital - production of relative surplus-value - deals, in the field of co-operation, division of labour and manufacture, machinery and modern industry, with innumerable cases in which quantitative change alters the quality, and also qualitative change alters the quantity, of the things under consideration; in which therefore, to use the expression so hated by Herr Duhring, quantity is transformed into quality and vice versa. As for example the fact that the co-operation of a number of people, the fusion of many forces into one single force, creates, to use Marx's phrase, a "new power", which is essentially different from the sum of its separate forces.

(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is about law of 'from quantity to quality' of dialectical philosophy.
Dialectical is law of time-space.
Time is flow of Higgs particle.
In universe flow has law.
One of law is 'from quantity to quality'.
Quantity means gradual change.
Quality means rapid change.
In this universe all is changing.
There are two types of change.
Two is gradual change and rapid change.
All things in this universe is unity of conflict between field and structure.
Structure generates base on field.
Field flows away in time.
Structure loses field which structure base on.
Crack of structure occurs.
Structure destructs and new structure generates base on new field.
This is process of development of all things of presence.
Two periods alternate.
One is gradual change in period when structure and field are accordance.
Conflict of structure with field is gradually strengthened.
This is period of change of quantity.
Second is rapid change when conflict of structure with field is strengthened to extremely.
Old structure destruct and new structure generate.
This is period of change of quality.

second extract part of 'Anti-Duhring' by Frederick Engels

  • But what role does the negation of the negation play in Marx?
    On page 791 and the following pages he sets out the final conclusions which he draws from the preceding fifty pages of economic and historical investigation into the so-called primitive accumulation of capital.
    Before the capitalist era, petty industry existed, at least in England, on the basis of the private property of the labourer in his means of production.
    The so-called primitive accumulation of capital consisted there in the expropriation of these immediate producers, that is, in the dissolution of private property based on the labour of its owner.
    This became possible because the petty industry referred to above is compatible only with narrow and primitive bounds of production and society and at a certain stage brings forth the material agencies for its own annihilation. This annihilation, the transformation of the individual and scattered means of production into socially concentrated ones, forms the prehistory of capital.
    As soon as the labourers are turned into proletarians, their conditions of labour into capital, as soon as the capitalist mode of production stands on its own feet, the further socialisation of labour and further transformation of the land and other means of production, and therefore the further expropriation of private proprietors, takes a new form.

    "That which is now to be expropriated is no longer the labourer working for himself, but the capitalist exploiting many labourers.
    This expropriation is accomplished by the action of the immanent laws of capitalistic production itself, by the concentration of capitals.
    One capitalist always kills many. Hand in hand with this concentration, or this expropriation of many capitalists by few, develop, on an ever extending scale, the co-operative form of the labour-process, the conscious technical application of science, the methodical collective cultivation of the soil, the transformation of the instruments of labour into instruments of labour only usable in common, the economising of all means of production by their use as the jointly owned means of production of combined, socialised labour.
    Along with the constantly diminishing number of the magnates of capital, who usurp and monopolise all advantages of this process of transformation, grows the mass of misery, oppression, slavery, degradation, exploitation; but with this too grows the revolt of the working class, a class always increasing in numbers, and disciplined, united, organised by the very mechanism of the process of capitalist production itself.
    Capital becomes a fetter upon the mode of production, which has sprung up and flourished along with, and under it.
    Concentration of the means of production and socialisation of labour at last reach a point where they become incompatible with their capitalist integument.
    This integument is burst asunder.
    The knell of capitalist private property sounds.
    The expropriators are expropriated."
explanation of whole second extract part of "Anti-D?hring" by Frederick Engels

Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I( Heaven) write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
We gods of heaven downed materialism philosophy to Marx ,Engels.
Materialism philosophy has been distorted by negative gods.
We gods of heaven explain exactly.
This time is explanation of whole of second extract part of "Anti-D?hring" by Frederick Engels

But what role does the negation of the negation play in Marx?
On page 791 and the following pages he sets out the final conclusions which he draws from the preceding fifty pages of economic and historical investigation into the so-called primitive accumulation of capital.
Before the capitalist era, petty industry existed, at least in England, on the basis of the private property of the labourer in his means of production.
The so-called primitive accumulation of capital consisted there in the expropriation of these immediate producers, that is, in the dissolution of private property based on the labour of its owner.
This became possible because the petty industry referred to above is compatible only with narrow and primitive bounds of production and society and at a certain stage brings forth the material agencies for its own annihilation. This annihilation, the transformation of the individual and scattered means of production into socially concentrated ones, forms the prehistory of capital.
As soon as the labourers are turned into proletarians, their conditions of labour into capital, as soon as the capitalist mode of production stands on its own feet, the further socialisation of labour and further transformation of the land and other means of production, and therefore the further expropriation of private proprietors, takes a new form.

"That which is now to be expropriated is no longer the labourer working for himself, but the capitalist exploiting many labourers.
This expropriation is accomplished by the action of the immanent laws of capitalistic production itself, by the concentration of capitals.
One capitalist always kills many. Hand in hand with this concentration, or this expropriation of many capitalists by few, develop, on an ever extending scale, the co-operative form of the labour-process, the conscious technical application of science, the methodical collective cultivation of the soil, the transformation of the instruments of labour into instruments of labour only usable in common, the economising of all means of production by their use as the jointly owned means of production of combined, socialised labour.
Along with the constantly diminishing number of the magnates of capital, who usurp and monopolise all advantages of this process of transformation, grows the mass of misery, oppression, slavery, degradation, exploitation; but with this too grows the revolt of the working class, a class always increasing in numbers, and disciplined, united, organised by the very mechanism of the process of capitalist production itself.
Capital becomes a fetter upon the mode of production, which has sprung up and flourished along with, and under it.
Concentration of the means of production and socialisation of labour at last reach a point where they become incompatible with their capitalist integument.
This integument is burst asunder.
The knell of capitalist private property sounds.
The expropriators are expropriated."

(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is about law of 'denial of denial' of dialectical philosophy.
'Denial of denial' means that structure denied first revives in second denial in higher level.
In historical materialism structure sharing means of production denied by first denial of generation of class society revives in second denial in higher level.
Second denial makes up higher ordered society sharing means of production.
Second denial is socialist revolution.

third extract part of 'Anti-Duhring' by Frederick Engelsx

  • But at a higher stage of agricultural development, brought about by private property in land itself, private property conversely becomes a fetter on production, as is the case today both with small and large landownership.
    The demand that it, too, should be negated, that it should once again be transformed into common property, necessarily arises.
    But this demand does not mean the restoration of the aboriginal common ownership, but the institution of a far higher and more developed form of possession in common which, far from being a hindrance to production, on the contrary for the first time will free production from all fetters and enable it to make full use of modern chemical discoveries and mechanical inventions.
explanation of whole third extract part of "Anti-D?hring" by Frederick Engels

Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I( Heaven) write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
We gods of heaven downed materialism philosophy to Marx ,Engels.
Materialism philosophy has been distorted by negative gods.
We gods of heaven explain exactly.
This time is explanation of whole of third extract part of "Anti-D?hring" by Frederick Engels

But at a higher stage of agricultural development, brought about by private property in land itself, private property conversely becomes a fetter on production, as is the case today both with small and large landownership.
The demand that it, too, should be negated, that it should once again be transformed into common property, necessarily arises.
But this demand does not mean the restoration of the aboriginal common ownership, but the institution of a far higher and more developed form of possession in common which, far from being a hindrance to production, on the contrary for the first time will free production from all fetters and enable it to make full use of modern chemical discoveries and mechanical inventions.

(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is about higher ordered structure revived by second negation.
Law of 'negation of negation' is law of dialectical materialism.
Everything in presence world is in law of 'negation of negation'.
Everything in presence is unity of conflict between field and structure.
Structure generates base on field.
Field flows away in time.
Flow of field changes extendedly.
Structure which lost field destructs.
Higher order structure which includes old structure as factor generates base on extended field.
First negation is destruction of pre-structure.
Second negation is destruction of structure.
Second negation brings higher order structure which includes structure as factor.
Revival of old structure by second negation becomes higher order structure.

H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods

W LESIE ... ( Edward Simoni - J Dream) (video inspired by god of star)
