first part of 'Capital' by Marx
These objects, gold and silver, just as they come out of the bowels of the earth, are forthwith the direct incarnation of all human labour. Hence the magic of money.
In the form of society now under consideration, the behaviour of men in the social process of production is purely atomic.
Hence their relations to each other in production assume a material character independent of their control and conscious individual action.
These facts manifest themselves at first by products as a general rule taking the form of commodities.
We have seen how the progressive development of a society of commodity-producers stamps one privileged commodity with the character of money.
Hence the riddle presented by money is but the riddle presented by commodities;
only it now strikes us in its most glaring form.
(from chapter2, "Capital" Karl Marx)
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I( Heaven) write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
We gods of heaven downed materialism philosophy to Marx ,Engels.
Materialism philosophy has been distorted by negative gods.
We gods of heaven explain exactly.
This time is first time of first extract part of "Capital" Karl Marx.
"These objects, gold and silver, just as they come out of the bowels of the earth, are forthwith the direct incarnation of all human labour. Hence the magic of money.
In the form of society now under consideration, the behaviour of men in the social process of production is purely atomic.
Hence their relations to each other in production assume a material character independent of their control and conscious individual action. "
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description explains about value of human labor.
Human labor has not exchange value.
Exchange value is in ectoplasm which 'I want to exchange this with that'.
Human labor cannot be exchanged.
Capitalist society is buying and selling human labor.
In capitalist society human labor has exchange value.
Money is crystal of exchange value.
Value is exchange value represented by money.
In capitalist society human labor has value as wage.
Value is expressed by money.
Human labor is expressed by money.
What is human labor?
Human labor is social participation to yearn livelihood.
Social participation enables 'I' consciousness of non-presence keep to secure specific point in time-space.
Social participation is fundamental right for human being.
Human labor of fundamental human right becomes object of 'buying and selling'.
Capitalist system is against nature of human being.
secondt time explanation of project of Heaven and god
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I( Heaven) write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
We gods of heaven downed materialism philosophy to Marx ,Engels.
Materialism philosophy has been distorted by negative gods.
We gods of heaven explain exactly.
This time is second time of first extract part of "Capital" Karl Marx.
These facts manifest themselves at first by products as a general rule taking the form of commodities.
We have seen how the progressive development of a society of commodity-producers stamps one privileged commodity with the character of money.
Hence the riddle presented by money is but the riddle presented by commodities;
only it now strikes us in its most glaring form.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is about money.
Money is crystal of exchange value.
Exchange value is in ectoplasm of non-presence.
Value of money is exchange value which is in ectoplasm of non-presence.
Value of money is in ectoplasm of non-presence.
Production of capitalism is to pursue value of money.
Value of money is not true value.
True value is utility value.
Human being should pursue utility value.
Production of socialism sharing means of production is to pursue utility value.
Life to pursue false value downs soul level.
After life pursuing false value soul is in regret and anguish.
Life to pursue true value raises soul level.
After life pursuing true value soul is in joy and pleasure.
second part of 'Capital' by Marx
There cannot be the slightest doubt that the tendency that urges capital, so soon as a prolongation of the hours of labour is once for all forbidden, to compensate itself, by a systematic heightening of the intensity of labour, and to convert every improvement in machinery into a more perfect means of exhausting the workman, must soon lead to a state of things in which a reduction of the hours of labour will again be inevitable.
On the other hand, the rapid advance of English industry between 1848 and the present time, under the influence of a day of 10 hours, surpasses the advance made between 1833 and 1847, when the day was 12 hours long, by far more than the latter surpasses the advance made during the half century after the first introduction of the factory system, when the working day was without limits.
(from chapter13, "Capital" Karl Marx)
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I( Heaven) write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
We gods of heaven downed materialism philosophy to Marx ,Engels.
Materialism philosophy has been distorted by negative gods.
We gods of heaven explain exactly.
This time is first time of second extract part of "Capital" Karl Marx.
There cannot be the slightest doubt that the tendency that urges capital, so soon as a prolongation of the hours of labour is once for all forbidden, to compensate itself, by a systematic heightening of the intensity of labour, and to convert every improvement in machinery into a more perfect means of exhausting the workman, must soon lead to a state of things in which a reduction of the hours of labour will again be inevitable.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is about labor hour.
Labor hour is recognized as hour bought by capitalist.
Capitalist pays money as wage for labor hour.
Labor hour and wage are exchanged.
What is labor hour?
Labor is fundamental human right to participant to society to get yearn livelihood.
Labor is human right which cannot be sold.
This is most important point to read 'Capital' of Marx.
Labor is realization of human life.
Aim of human life is to do high quality VO activity.
High quality VO activity is added on S (soul).
Soul level rises.
When soul level reaches highest, 'I' consciousness continues to live in time-space of earth after collapse of body.
This is aim of human life.
When human labor hour is sold, 'I' consciousness cannot high quality VO activity.
Human being cannot become eternal life under capitalist system.
Human being should make up socialist society sharing means of production by relative member.
Under socialist society human being can pursue high quality VO activity and realize aim of human life to become eternal life.
secondt time explanation of project of Heaven and god
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I( Heaven) write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
We gods of heaven downed materialism philosophy to Marx ,Engels.
Materialism philosophy has been distorted by negative gods.
We gods of heaven explain exactly.
This time is second time of second extract part of "Capital" Karl Marx.
On the other hand, the rapid advance of English industry between 1848 and the present time, under the influence of a day of 10 hours, surpasses the advance made between 1833 and 1847, when the day was 12 hours long, by far more than the latter surpasses the advance made during the half century after the first introduction of the factory system, when the working day was without limits.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is about labor hour.
Labor hour is not limited in beginning of capitalism.
By movement of workers labor hour becomes limited.
Although labor hour is limited, contents of labor were intensified.
Intensified labor has given suffering to worker.
Workers in capitalism cannot decide contents of work.
Labor hour is sold to capitalist.
Labor in labor hour does not belong to worker.
Labor is VO activity of 'I' consciousness of S(soul).
In capitalism labor of VO activity and 'I' consciousness of S(soul) is separated.
Conflict between VO activity of time-space of presence and 'I' consciousness of S(soul) of non-presence is strengthened.
When conflict between time-space and 'I' consciousness is strengthened, soul is suffering.
In socialism labor of VO activity and 'I' consciousness of S(soul) is united.
Socialism sharing means of production by relative member is managed by consents of member.
In labor of socialism unity between VO activity of time-space of presence and 'I' consciousness of S (soul) of non-presence is strengthened.
When unity between time-space and 'I' consciousness is strengthened, soul is joyful and pleasure.
Socialism sharing means of production unites 'I' consciousness with time-space.
'I' consciousness united with time-space continues to live in time-space of earth after collapse of body.
third part of 'Capital' by Marx
The instrument of labour, when it takes the form of a machine, immediately becomes a competitor of the workman himself.
The self-expansion of capital by means of machinery is thenceforward directly proportional to the number of the workpeople, whose means of livelihood have been destroyed by that machinery.
The whole system of capitalist production is based on the fact that the workman sells his labour-power as a commodity.
(from chapter13, "Capital" Karl Marx)
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I( Heaven) write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
We gods of heaven downed materialism philosophy to Marx ,Engels.
Materialism philosophy has been distorted by negative gods.
We gods of heaven explain exactly.
This time is all of thirt extract part of "Capital" Karl Marx.
The instrument of labour, when it takes the form of a machine, immediately becomes a competitor of the workman himself.
The self-expansion of capital by means of machinery is thenceforward directly proportional to the number of the workpeople, whose means of livelihood have been destroyed by that machinery.
The whole system of capitalist production is based on the fact that the workman sells his labour-power as a commodity.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is about machine and human labor.
Machine has been introduced in process of production of industrial productive force.
Machine became main instrument of productive force.
This represents progress of human intellectual.
Develop of machine means development of ability of recognition of human beings.
Recognition is ectoplasm structure.
Development of machine means generation of higher ectoplasm structure.
Higher ectoplasm structure means level up of soul.
Development of productive force has two aspects.
IT productive force needs highly developed ability of recognition.
Workers with highly developed ability of recognition cannot be made work as top-down system in capitalism.
IT labor needs to share result and cooperate each other.
IT labor fits to socialism sharing means of production.
Ruling productive relation influences to all other industrial areas.
Democratic labor of IT productive relation influences to all other industrial areas.
Now 21st century field of IT productive force generates structure of socialism sharing means of production.

fourth part of 'Capital' by Marx
By the destruction of petty and domestic industries it destroys the last resort of the ―redundant population, and with it the sole remaining safety-valve of the whole social mechanism.
By maturing the material conditions, and the combination on a social scale of the processes of production, it matures the contradictions and antagonisms of the capitalist form of production, and thereby provides, along with the elements for the formation of a new society, the forces for exploding the old one.
(from chapter13, "Capital" Karl Marx)
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I( Heaven) write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
We gods of heaven downed materialism philosophy to Marx ,Engels.
Materialism philosophy has been distorted by negative gods.
We gods of heaven explain exactly.
This time is all of fourth extract part of "Capital" Karl Marx.
By the destruction of petty and domestic industries it destroys the last resort of the ―redundant population, and with it the sole remaining safety-valve of the whole social mechanism.
By maturing the material conditions, and the combination on a social scale of the processes of production, it matures the contradictions and antagonisms of the capitalist form of production, and thereby provides, along with the elements for the formation of a new society, the forces for exploding the old one.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is about safety system of capitalism.
First stage of capitalism domestic labor and small scale production was safety system.
Second stage of capitalism social safety system was provided by nation state.
Now third stage of neo-liberalism has broken social safety system by nation state.
There is no social safety system in neo-liberalism capitalism.
Social safety has become business pursuing profit.
Neo-liberalism capitalism is last stage of capitalism.
Capitalist pursuing to maximize profit does not provide safety for all member of society.
Only few people can get safety by capitalist safety system.
Safety system of capitalist business is managed by global money game.
Global money game collapses near future.
Humankind has another option except to build up socialist economy system.
Socialist economy system is network of company shared by relative members.
fifth part of 'Capital' by Marx
The dispersion of the rural labourers over larger areas breaks their power of resistance while concentration increases that of the town operatives.
In modern agriculture, as in the urban industries, the increased productiveness and quantity of the labour set in motion are bought at the cost of laying waste and consuming by disease labour-power itself.
Moreover, all progress in capitalistic agriculture is a progress in the art, not only of robbing the labourer, but of robbing the soil; all progress in increasing the fertility of the soil for a given time, is a progress towards ruining the lasting sources of that fertility.
The more a country starts its development on the foundation of modern industry, like the United States, for example, the more rapid is this process of destruction.
Capitalist production, therefore, develops technology, and the combining together of various processes into a social whole, only by sapping the original sources of all wealth-the soil and the labourer.
(from chapter13, "Capital" Karl Marx)
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I( Heaven) write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
We gods of heaven downed materialism philosophy to Marx ,Engels.
Materialism philosophy has been distorted by negative gods.
We gods of heaven explain exactly.
This time is first time of fifth extract part of "Capital" Karl Marx.
The dispersion of the rural labourers over larger areas breaks their power of resistance while concentration increases that of the town operatives.
In modern agriculture, as in the urban industries, the increased productiveness and quantity of the labour set in motion are bought at the cost of laying waste and consuming by disease labour-power itself.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is progress of agricultural productive force.
Agricultural productive force under capitalism brings about destruction of fertility of soil and healthy of human body.
This is true in today's capitalism.
Chemical fertilizer has developed.
Chemical fertilizer has destructed fertility of soil and healthy of human body.
Capitalist production is to pursue maximizing profit.
Production to maximize profit made view in short span.
In short span it makes soil to be productive.
In long span it makes soil to be waste.
Capitalism production has destruct basic layer of nature and human being.
It needs to abolish capitalist production and to make up socialist economy sharing means of production by relatives.
second time explanation of project of Heaven and god
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I( Heaven) write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
We gods of heaven downed materialism philosophy to Marx ,Engels.
Materialism philosophy has been distorted by negative gods.
We gods of heaven explain exactly.
This time is second time of fifth extract part of "Capital" Karl Marx.
Moreover, all progress in capitalistic agriculture is a progress in the art, not only of robbing the labourer, but of robbing the soil; all progress in increasing the fertility of the soil for a given time, is a progress towards ruining the lasting sources of that fertility.
The more a country starts its development on the foundation of modern industry, like the United States, for example, the more rapid is this process of destruction.
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is about fertility of soul and progress of agricultural productive force in capitalism.
Agricultural productive force in capitalism has developed with destruction of soil.
Fertility of soil is made by various micro lives.
Various micro lives produce nutrition for plant.
Various micro lives work to produce nutrition in human body also.
Capitalist agricultural production erases various micro lives in soil.
Capitalist agricultural production destructs both soil and human body.
In view of long span capitalist agricultural progress is not progress.
In view of long span socialist agricultural progress realizes true progress.
third time explanation of project of Heaven and god
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I( Heaven) write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
We gods of heaven downed materialism philosophy to Marx ,Engels.
Materialism philosophy has been distorted by negative gods.
We gods of heaven explain exactly.
This time is third time of fifth extract part of "Capital" Karl Marx.
Capitalist production, therefore, develops technology, and the combining together of various processes into a social whole, only by sapping the original sources of all wealth-the soil and the labourer.
(from chapter13, "Capital" Karl Marx)
(Explanation by gods of heaven)
This description is nature of capitalism production.
Capitalism production causes technological progress of means of production rapidly.
This technological progress is companied by sacrifice of human beings.
In capitalism productive relation human labor is 'buying and selling'.
Human labor exists to serve productive process.
This is fundamental issue of capitalist production.
When socialism sharing means of production is realized, human labor is ended to be 'buying and selling'.
Socialism sharing means of production saves humankind.
H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)
appeal of gods of star
all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods