UNRELEASED LIVE LEAK Amateur 911 Video Crash Footage 9 11 WTC Twin Towers September 11

(True airliners were hijacked and shot down by American military)

I am cosmic program in your mind.
We project of Heaven and gods decided to introduce article of Mitsuki issued in social forum movement of Japan.
I introduce summarize of article one by one.

This article is doubt of Mitsuki where true airplane had gone.
Many of passengers communicated with family by phone.
Question of this Mitsuki is natural.
True airliners were hijacked and shot down by American military.

There were three airplanes.
One was found in Pacific Ocean.
Second was shot down near Hawaii Island.
Third was shot down near Guam Island.
What Happened to the Planes and Passengers on 9-11

H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
