"Only hutomani society was communism society in human history."( message of Heaven)
Hutomani civilization continued 3000 years in Nara basin of Japan under support of god of star Anahita.
In 3th century ancestor of emperor conquered hutomani society and in 8th century emperor government burned all hutomani literatures and killed all hutomani specialist.
Emperor government made false story based on hutomani literature in order to hide own origin.
Hutomani society was ideal communism society although it was class society of public own of means of production.
There was no harmful influence of class society.
We gods of heaven downed Marx communism theory.
Communism means society of gods.
Society which human relation expresses relation of gods is communism society.
This is true means of communism which we gods downed to Marx.
Only hutomani society was communism society in human history.
explanation of Heaven about Hutomani civilization
disappeared ancient Hutomani civilization
hutomani philosophy as dialectical materialism
explanation of hutomani fugureHutomani figure is five layered circle.
In center of figure there were three figures.
Right vortex left vortex and overlapped right and left vortexes.
This was oldest dialectical materialism that we gods of heaven downed.
Right vortex means presence world of time-space.
Left vortex means non-presence world of ectoplasm of god.
Base of universe is unity of conflict between time-space and ectoplasm of god.
We gods of heaven did soul project one million years ago.
Soul is 'I'consciousness of human being.
We gods made soul by strengthen conflict with time-space.
Soul is part strengthened conflict with time-space in ectoplasm of god.
'I'consciousness of soul is always in non-presence world.
When soul is in time-space, 'I'consciousness of soul is in non-presence world.
When soul leave from time-space , 'I'consciousness of soul is in non-presence world.
Soul separated from time-space must repeats reborn.
When 'I'consciousness of soul strengthens unity with time-space, separated part from time-space in ectoplasm disappears.
'I'consciousness of soul which revives unity of conflict time-space becomes eternal life living with god in time-space.
Only materialism philosophy leads soul to eternal life by leading soul to unite conflict time-space.
We gods downed materialism philosophy to Marx most detail.
Hutomani figure was downed to pre-Japanese people who lived in Yangtze river in China 6000 years ago.
Hutomani philosophy was oldest dialectical materialism.
"hotumatutae"8 chapter,10 (『ほつまつたゑ』第八章10)
soul clearing is one way to eternal life.
way to eternal life is three.
others two are behavior and thought.
behavior is to follow law of universe.
law of universe is two aspects.
one is to follow law of presence world.
secnond is to follow law of non-presence world which is providence.
third way to eternal life is thought
thought should be based on specific points in time-space.
thought base on specific point in time-space is thought of god of star.
thought base on specific point in time-space strengthen link to time-space.
thought strengthened link to time-space leads eternal life.
thought is activity of 'I'consciousness of non-presence.
'I'consciousness of human being is part of separated from time-space in ectoplasm of god.
activity of 'I'consciousness based on specific points of time-space leads to close time-space.
when activity of 'I'consciousness is always based on time-space, 'I'consciousness of human continues in time-space after death.
this is eternal life.(quation )
Ancient hutomani civilization was communism society
Alien, Marx & Co Slavoj Zizek im Portrat Slavoj ?i?ek and the Ontology of Political Imaginationmore by Joseph Carew
In another vein, if it is true that the future of so-called speculative philosophyemerging in the Anglo-Saxon world will centre around how it will be able to respond to“politics/ethics, temporality, subjectivity/consciousness, and science/truth”
(Byrant, Srnicekand Harman 2011: 16)
then we must say that many of the questions which remainunanswered to other thinkers in this exciting and emerging tradition working in thismetaphysical turn have already found systematic and original answers in Zizek's thinking.
As one of the most prolific systematic thinkers of this century, we could turn to him notmerely for the daring gesture of his radical politics, but also as a model for how philosophyshould occur in the aftermath of a call for a new metaphysics, but also for conceptualresources on how to precede.
Yet, we must be very precise at this juncture.
Becausepolitics and ontology are so intimately related in Zizek's thinking, this means that, if we areto defend the political position he offers,(quation )
I ( Heaven) explain borrowing Mitsuki's hands.
In this video Slavoj Zizek speaks about Marx.
His view about Marx is correct.
We gods of Heaven downed socialism theory to Marx.
Marx understood dialectical materialism which we gods downed.
Dialectical materialism is philosophy of gods of heaven. Most important point is existence is unity of conflict between presence and non-presence.
'Existence defines consciousness' is spread as word of Marx.
This is mistranslation.
Marx wrote ' presence defines consciousness'.
We gods down to Marx as ' presence defines consciousness'.
This is very important issue for understanding Marx.
Existence of universe is unity of conflict between presence and non-presence.
Presence is time-space world.
Non-presence is ectoplasm without time-space.
"Capital" of Marx has been misunderstood.
Commodity is unity of conflict between use value and exchange value.
Use value belongs to presence world.
Exchange value belongs to non-presence world.
Exchange value exists in ectoplasm of non-presence.
Use value is true value.
Exchange value is false value.
Dialectical materialism taught existence is unity of conflict between presence and non-presence.

I (Heaven) explain borrowing Mitsuki(s hands.
We gods of heaven downed Marx socialism and communism.
Socialism means sharing means of production in presence world.
Sharing means production makes possible to live accordance to providence.
Communism means society which is consists of people who live accordance to providence.
Marx understood that existence is unity of conflict between presence and non-presence.
When soul of human being lives following law of presence and providence which is law of non-presence, soul becomes eternal life.
Communism society means that soul become eternal life collectively.
Hutomani society is only one communism society in human history.
Hutomani society organized principle of providence and soul became eternal life collectively.
"hotumatutae"9 chapter,2 (『ほつまつたゑ』第九章2)
soul of human being is in ectoplasm of god of star.
human relation is expression of relation of god of star.
god of star expresses respect to other ectoplasm of god.
'I'consciousness of human being which is in ectoplasm of god does not know that own 'I'consciousness is in god of star.
'I'consciousness of everybody is in god of star.
human relation is relation of god of star.
when you hurt someone, you hurt ectoplasm of god of star.
hurt ectoplasm of god of star does not react.
ectoplasm of god is in base of universe.
to hurt ectoplasm of god of star means making own ectoplasm hurt.
human relation should be followed to providence.
providence means law of relation of ectoplasm of god in base of universe.
when human lives accordance to providence, ectoplasm of 'I'consciounsness of soul close to ectoplasm of god in base of universe.
when ectoplasm of 'I'consciounsness of soul reaches to base of universe, soul become eternal life.
human relation is important in life.
when human relation is based on providence, good human relation is produced repeatedly in case of reborn to human body.
this is eternal property of life.
Emel Mathlouthi - MondoMix Live Performance - Part - 2 (Paris - 31.01.2012)