Spirituality and ectoplasm structure
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods
I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hands.
I explain about spirituality in this corner.
2, spirituality and ectoplasm structure.
Ectoplasm structure is built up by 'I' consciousness using ectoplasm overlapping subtle energy.
When ectoplasm structure is made by specific point in time-space, ectoplasm structure leads high quality VO activity.
VO activity is done in time-space.
Ectoplasm structure base on time-space is corresponded to time-space.
VO activity leaded by ectoplasm structure correspond to time-space becomes high quality.
High quality VO activity is added on S of soul and raise soul level.
It is important that ectoplasm structure is base on specific points in time-space.
Ectoplasm structure which does not have specific point of time-space is false.
False ectoplasm structure downs soul level.
After life leaded by false ectoplasm structure, regret and suffering of soul wait.
H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)
appeal of gods of star
all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods