"Materialism philosophy strengthens power of people." (message of Heaven)
Revolution is realized by power of people.
People's power is come from realization of truth.
Truth is ectoplasm structure base on specific point in time-space.
Ectoplasm structure base on specific point in time-space is brought by materialism philosophy.
document of Heaven about power to the people
125 "dialectical materialism"
59 "revolution"
125 "弁証法的唯物論"
59 "革命"
Venezuela coup of 2002 that people are blocked (民衆が阻止した2002年のベネズエラ・クーデター)
Golpe de estado, Venezuela - Chavez x RCTVquation from Blog of El cierre de RCTV en Venezuela
Reactions are important.
It would be interesting to post this info on your blog or mention the topic
(without citing a source eBlog).
It is important that more people become aware of what is happening in Venezuela
and how the media always report only what is good for them.
21st socialist movement aiming sharing means of production
quation from Chavez, Correa, Evo, Ortega, Zelaya, el pueblo unido jamas sera vencido
kortan222 21 янв. 2012 г.
39 years ago, Americans established brutal fascist dictatorship in Chile.
31 years ago, bloody war Dirty rised and peoples Thousands Were murdered.
Old era of old servile brutal Dictatorships are gone.
Now is era of liberation, bolivarian revolution, people freedom!
39 years ago bloody Kissinger destroyed democratic Allende government
and U.S. builded brutal dictatorship in many countries.
Now, countries are free, liberated and power of USA Ceased!
R.I.P. Salvador Allende! Long live CELAC!
Auco peru: 5 июля 2012 г.
all united Latin America for not letting us anymore riquesas our plunder by imperialism so just make our own industries and hypocritical imperialist wolf in sheep's clothing.
Emel Mathlouthi - Dfina (Burrial)