Meditaion linking with star base on dialectical materialism
(1) This time theme is meditation method of Mitsuki (assistant of Heaven).
In philosophy of dialectical materialism ectoplasm structure should be accordance to fact of time-space.
In meditation linking with star ,it is important that consciousness of star is being reproduced real star shining on sky.
'I' consciousness of god of shining star overlaps ectoplasm on whole earth.
We human beings are points in ectoplasm of god of star.
We human beings are points in ectoplasm of gods of star.
Ectoplasm of human is separated point from in ectoplasm of god of star.
We human being can reproduce clear shining star after looking up shining star.
Reproductive light of star is in time-space.
This is materialistic thinking activity base on specific point of time-soace.
Human ectoplasm is separated point from time-space in ectoplasm of god of star who is unity with time-space.
Real reproductive shining star on top of bio-matrix corresponds to specific point of time-space.
Point of shining star on top of sky in mind is unity with time-space.
The point which is unity with time-space is point of ectoplams of god of star.
point which is unity with time-space on top of sky in mind is 'I' consciousness of god of star who is parent god of soul.
Matreialism meditation is important to linki with guardian god.
(2) Heaven says that dialectical materialism is philosophy of base of universe.
Heaven and gods downed most detail of materialism to Marx,Engels.
Oldest materialism philosophy is hutomani which was downed by god of star 6000 years ago.
Center of hutomani figre represents base of universe which gods of star think by dialectical materialism.

Write from up of left side at first.
Drwa like this.

Draw like this.
Write down from up right and overlap on circle one and half.
Ant then bridge to upper part of right line from upper point of circle and turn back start point.
Line from left is 'I' consciousness of god of star.
Line from right is Higgs particle of time-space.
Two lines overlap precisely in center circle.
this is materialistic thinking way of god of star in base of universe..
Until one million years ago ,we human 'I' consciousness was 'I' consciousness of god of star by information of Heaven.
Our human 'I' consciusness was separated from base of universe.
Human 'I' consciousness was separated from time-space and 'I'consciousness of god.

this figure of center of hutomani is start point of human 'I' cosciousness and arrival point also.
Arrival point is base of universe and eternal life living with god.
this is aim of materialism philosophy which gods of heaven downed to Marx, Engels.
(by infromation of Heaven)
I recommend you.
At first lesson to write figure of center of hutomani precisely.
and then write on first chakra (coccyx) by consciousness precisely.
This center figure of hutoman represents base of universe.
Field of subtle energy of your bio-matrix becomes base of universe.
Base of universe is unity of conflict between god of star and Higgs particle of time-space.
And then be consciousness of shining star on top of sky.
You can receive easily yes no reply from god of star by brightness of star.
This is dialectical materialism meditation linking with god of star.
You can receive easy words from god of star and receive benefits from spiritual lesson of this page.
Contents of spiritual practice Document made by project team of gods of heaven
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