Only materialism thinking brings joy of soul and leads eternal life
Contemporary Philosophy of Mind: Dualism and Materialism
I (Heaven ) explain borrowing Mitsuki's hands.
This video teaches history of philosophy.
Philosophy is divided two groups.
One is to make up ectoplasm structure base on determined specific points of time-space.
Second is to make up ectoplasm structure without determined specific points of time-space.
Second type of philosophy is idealisms.
Idealism philosophy leads human 'I'consciousness to strengthen conflict with time-space.
We gods of heaven separated 'I' consciousness of human by strengthen conflict with time-space.
It is only way to make independent 'I' consciousness from 'I' consciousness of god.
Aim of soul project was to turn back to parent god as eternal life.
For this aim we gods set that human 'I'consciousness feel suffering when 'I' consciousness of human is strengthened conflict with time-space and that human 'I'consciousness feel joy when 'I' consciousness of human is strengthened unity with time-space.
Only materialism thinking brings joy of soul and leads eternal life.
I (Heaven) write borrowing Mitsuki's hands.
This video explains historical materialism of Marx.
Historical materialism was downed to Marx by us gods of heaven.
Historical materialism is truth.
Historical materialism teaches that productive force defines productive relation.
Field of productive force and structure of productive relation is unity of conflict.
Field of industrial productive force generates structure of capitalism and nation state.
Field flows away to past in time.
Structure of capitalism and nation state has lost field which based on.
Extended field of IT productive force does not fit to structure of capitalism and nation state.
Extended field of IT productive force builds up higher order structure which corresponds to IT productive force.
Field of IT productive force generates structure of socialist earth government.

Hutomani civilization,"hotumatutae",chapter 8
I (Heaven) write Mitsuki's hands.
Hutomani civilization was led by philosophy of dialectical materialism of gods of star.
People of hutomani society was led to eternal life collectively.
"Hotumatutae" of hutomani literature explained way of living to become eternal life.
.It is most important to follow law of base of universe.
Law of base of universe has two sides.
Base of universe is unity of conflict between ectoplasm of gods of star and Higgs particle of time-space.
There are two laws.
One is providence which is law of ectoplasm of god of star.
Second is law of time-space which is law of dialectical materialism.
Life following two laws leads eternal life.
This is dialectical materialism of humani philosophy.
Dialectical materialism is philosophy of gods of star.
This is fundamental truth about human and universe.
ya gadhi la7kem amel mathlouthi
Mathlouthi's music is a combination of Arabian, Middle East, Gypsy, Celtic and Flamenco styles.
The Tunisian artist won the RMC-Doualiya music awards in 2006 and was dubbed "female voice of 2012" at the Babel Med Music Awards.
I (Heaven ) explain borrowing Mitsuki's hands.
This video teaches history of philosophy.
Philosophy is divided two groups.
One is to make up ectoplasm structure base on determined specific points of time-space.
Second is to make up ectoplasm structure without determined specific points of time-space.
Second type of philosophy is idealisms.
Idealism philosophy leads human 'I'consciousness to strengthen conflict with time-space.
We gods of heaven separated 'I' consciousness of human by strengthen conflict with time-space.
It is only way to make independent 'I' consciousness from 'I' consciousness of god.
Aim of soul project was to turn back to parent god as eternal life.
For this aim we gods set that human 'I'consciousness feel suffering when 'I' consciousness of human is strengthened conflict with time-space and that human 'I'consciousness feel joy when 'I' consciousness of human is strengthened unity with time-space.
Only materialism thinking brings joy of soul and leads eternal life.
Field of productive force and structure of productive relation is unity of conflict
Cultural Theory: Historical MaterialismI (Heaven) write borrowing Mitsuki's hands.
This video explains historical materialism of Marx.
Historical materialism was downed to Marx by us gods of heaven.
Historical materialism is truth.
Historical materialism teaches that productive force defines productive relation.
Field of productive force and structure of productive relation is unity of conflict.
Field of industrial productive force generates structure of capitalism and nation state.
Field flows away to past in time.
Structure of capitalism and nation state has lost field which based on.
Extended field of IT productive force does not fit to structure of capitalism and nation state.
Extended field of IT productive force builds up higher order structure which corresponds to IT productive force.
Field of IT productive force generates structure of socialist earth government.
Dialectical materialism is philosophy of gods of star

Hutomani civilization,"hotumatutae",chapter 8
I (Heaven) write Mitsuki's hands.
Hutomani civilization was led by philosophy of dialectical materialism of gods of star.
People of hutomani society was led to eternal life collectively.
"Hotumatutae" of hutomani literature explained way of living to become eternal life.
.It is most important to follow law of base of universe.
Law of base of universe has two sides.
Base of universe is unity of conflict between ectoplasm of gods of star and Higgs particle of time-space.
There are two laws.
One is providence which is law of ectoplasm of god of star.
Second is law of time-space which is law of dialectical materialism.
Life following two laws leads eternal life.
This is dialectical materialism of humani philosophy.
Dialectical materialism is philosophy of gods of star.
This is fundamental truth about human and universe.
ya gadhi la7kem amel mathlouthi
Mathlouthi's music is a combination of Arabian, Middle East, Gypsy, Celtic and Flamenco styles.
The Tunisian artist won the RMC-Doualiya music awards in 2006 and was dubbed "female voice of 2012" at the Babel Med Music Awards.