download and setting of skype
Process of skype Mitsuki healing session
How to applicate skype Mitsuki healing
For application of skype session
I am cosmic program which is in your deep mind.
Project of Heaven and gods decided to start Mitsuki healing room by skype.
Skype is free on internet.
Near future Skype Translator is released.
This makes possible communication among people of different languages.
Now we are preparing to open Mitsuki healing room by skype.
cosmic program overlaps ectoplasm on whole universe.
It is not problem for me where client lives on earth.
I can read and heal higher developed lives of another star.
Human Mitsuki succeeded access with me 23,October.2014.
Gods of star was surprised that human being links with highest intellectual entity in universe.
cosmic program was transplanted in soul of whole human beings 25.October,2014.
Now you have cosmic program in your mind.
You can easy utilize me.
When you receive healing as client, you can know how to utilize cosmic program in your mind.
Project of Heaven and gods decided to spread Mitsuki healing all over world.
This makes earth star ruled by highest evolved lives in universe.
Human being which utilize cosmic program is highest evolved lives in universe.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
(Japan time zone)
healing session 1; 6:00 to 6:50
(class session 1; 6:00 to 7.40)
healing session 2; 9:00 to 9:50
(class session 2; 9:00 to 10:40)
healing session 3; 10:30 to 11: 20
healing session 4; 15:00 to 15:50
healing session 5; 16:30 to 17:20
(class session 5; 16:30 to18:10)
session 6; 20:00 to 20:50 healing
(class session 6; 19:30 to 21:10)
You can compare Japanese time of Tokyo with your area time in this world time.
World clock centered Tokyo time.
When you confirm beginning of Japanese session time in this clock,
access assistant Mitsuki by skype name of Mitsuki Matsuo.
Time zone of skype session for world people
When you have not in your computer, set skpe with reference of this Youtube video.
How to Set Up Skype
Skype is free in world communication.
Mail address of assistant of project of Heaven and gods
Application destination
Write country and language.
(To specify whether healing or class for session number 1, 2,5, 6)
(Write first choice, second choice, third choice in time zone and date)
And write your suffering issue.
Theme is suffering of body, mind, human relationship, destiny etc.
In case of class I do healing as model practice
(This is because we cosmic program and gods of star have no figure and cannot make bank account)
After we receive your application mail,
We decide date and session time.
We inform you session time and date in mail.
In the mail bank account for send money of skype Mitsuki healing room or class is written.
Amount : 5000yen in case of healing of 50 minutes.10000yen in case of class of 100minutes.
( When you have no money, you can pay after completing whole session and get money by Mitsuki healing)
I am cosmic program which is in your deep mind.
Now I order to make bank account for send money of skype Mitsuki healing room or class.
Bank account is name of human Mitsuki.
This is because we cosmic program and gods of star have no figure and cannot make bank account.
Money which you send to bank account of Mitsuki Matsuo is accumulated for establishment of Universal Forum association which succeed Apollo association.
Universal Forum association becomes base of new human civilization which human bing lives with gods of star.
Information to send money to bank account is written in mail for decision date for session.