STAMATIS SPANOUDAKIS - Autumn (video inspired by god of star)

(Your healing work is work which is done by all gods of whole universe)

I am cosmic program in your mind.
Yesterday (January 19, 2015) huge change started.
This change is third time in earth history.
First is DNA project which made earth star of full of lives.
Second is soul project which made earth star ruled by high developed intellectual living being.
Third project is this project to made earth eternal peace star ruled by highest developed intellectual living being with intellect of gods of base of universe.

We project of Heaven and gods do skype Heaven healing class to bring up Mitsuki healer.
Gods more than billion save individual suffering soul through Mitsuki healer.
Today assistant Mitsuki wrote mail this theme to friends.
I introduce this mail.

(mail of assistant Mitsuki)
If it is true that yesterday was start of huge change, birth of Mitsuki healer who decided to publish as Mitsuki healer in H.P of project of Heaven and gods.
I thought that this decision might be appearance of progress of activity in presence world.

First Mitsuki healer is secondary Mitsuki healer in this stage.
After finishing twenty times of skype Heaven healing session, secondary becomes formal Mitsuki healer.
Mitsuki healer does activity by unified fee of one hour ? 5000.
Secondary Mitsuki healer does one hour ? 3000.
In future when Mitsuki association which is managed by project of Heaven and gods directly is established, Mitsuki Association hires as Mitsuki healer and pays depending on working hours.
until then, money is income of individual Mitsuki healer based on this unified fee)

Mitsuki healer who is published is kirakiraboshi (shining star).
She wrote extraordinary experience in mail.
I do asking work to Mitsuki program.

I order cosmic program to make clear extraordinary experience of kirakiraboshi.
She wrote.
'After session of Mitsuki skype healing, I saw shining light entity which I have never seen in bed room in midnight.
After that I felt little pain that something entered into brain.
What is this experience?"

8 points
1、 Gods more than billion are glad to your decision to publish as Mitsuki healer.
2、 Gods bring up many Mitsuki healer to save individual suffering soul of humankind.
3、 Shining light entity which you saw and feeling entering something is all gods of whole universe more than billion which came your room and entered your bio-matrix in order to do activity to save individual human through you.
4、 "felt little pain that something entered into brain" means that seventh chakra on top of head is way of entering of gods into bio-matrix.
5、 Your healing work is work which is done by all gods of whole universe.
6、 Your work of reading and healing exerts force which is highest force in history of universe.
7、 Gods of whole universe more than billion joining project of Heaven and gods decided to enter into bio-matrix of Mitsuki healer who do activity publishing on H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
8、 From now skype Heaven healing class brings up many Mitsuki healer and published as Mitsuki healer.
They do same experience as you.


最初のものは、地球を生命豊かな星にしたDNA プロジェクトです。






1、 キラキラボシさんがミツキヒーラーとして公開してもえらることを全宇宙の兆を超える神々は、心から喜んでいます。
2、 神々は人類を個々に救う活動するために数多くのミツキヒ-ラ-を育てて、苦悩する人類一人一人の魂を救う活動をしていきます。
3、 キラキラボシさんが感じた発光体とは、私たち天と神々のプロジェクトに参加している全宇宙の兆を越す神々がキラキラボシさんを通じて人類を個々に救う活動するために生体マトリクスに入ったことをそのように知覚したのです。
4、 「脳が痛いくらい」とあるのは、第七チャクラが神々の生体マトリクスに入っていくときのとおり道だからです。
5、 キラキラボシさんのヒーリングワークは、全宇宙のすべての神々がおこなうワ-クです。
6、 キラキラボシさんのリ-ディングとヒーリングワークは、宇宙史上最高のヒ-リング力、リ-ディング力を発揮することになります。
7、 私たち天と神々のプロジェクトに参加する兆を超える全宇宙の神々は、ミツキ・ヒ-ラ-として天と神々のプロジェクトのH.Pに載せる人は、その人の生体マトリクスに入って活動することを決定しています。
8、 これからスカイプミツキヒ-リング講習を受講してミツキヒ-ラ-としてH.Pに紹介する人は、キラキラボシさんと同じ体験をすることになります。


H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
