explanation of project of Heaven and gods by pictures
1、explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.Dear son and daughter of my friend gods
I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
I explain project of Heaven and gods.
Big project of Heaven and gods was done two times.
First time is DNA project three billion years ago.

2、explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
Second time of project of Heaven and gods was soul project one million years ago.
Aim of soul project was to make earth ruled by high developed intellectual lives.
Soul project succeeded.
Now earth is ruled by human beings which are high developed intellectual lives.

3、explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
Third big project of Heaven and gods is socialist earth government of this time.
This project leads humankind of earth make up one planet society in eternal peace.
This project was done by human beings who connect with god of star which is parent of soul.
This project makes new civilization of humankind by guide of gods of star who are all-knowing.

4、explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods
I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
Human being is unity of conflict between 'I' consciousness of non-presence and physical body of presence.
'I' consciousness of non-presence is made of ectoplasm.
When you close eyes and become only 'I' consciousness in ectoplasm, it is not world of time-space.
There is no distance with star which is in top of sky in mind.
Shining star in sky is in your ectoplasm.
Shining star in your mind is 'I' consciousness of god of star who is parent of soul.
Your ectoplasm is ectoplasm of parent god as well.
'Meditation linking with star' is lesson to invite 'I' consciousness of god of star who is parent of soul into your bio-matrix.

5、explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
More than several hundred million gods of star overlaps ectoplasm on taichi of earth.
'I' consciousness of human being is in ectoplasm of god.
Ectoplasm of god of star is in unity of conflict with time-space of Higgs particle.
'I' consciousness of human is not in unity of conflict with time-space of Higgs particle.
'I' consciousness of human overlaps on flow of various elementary particle of bio-matrix.
When 'I' consciousness of human overlaps on time-space of Higgs particle, 'I' consciousness of human continues to live with gods of star in time-space after collapse of body.
Way of life to become eternal life is to think base on specific point of time-space and to behave to pay respect to others.
Former is way of life base on dialectical materialism.
Latter is way of life according to providence.
Dialectical materialism is law of base of presence world.
Providence is law of base of non-presence world.

6、explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods
I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
This figure is center of hutomi figure.
Hutomani figure was downed by god of star Anahita.
Center figure of hutomani expresses base of universe.
Base of universe is unity of conflict between 'I' consciousness of ectoplasm of god of star and flow of Higgs particle.
At first draw down line from left upper side and make circle.
And then draw down line from right upper side and make circle overlapping one time and half and come back to start point of right upper side.
Do lesson to draw figure correctly by hand.
Then close eyes.
Draw this figure correctly on coccyx of first chakra by consciousness.
Your bio-matrix becomes base of universe.
You can judge yes, no of guardian by shining star on top of sky more easy.

7、explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods
I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
Project of socialist earth government is third big project of gods of star.
First big project was DNA project which make earth full of life three billion years ago.
Second big project was soul project which make earth ruled by high intellectual lives one million years ago..
Project of this time have began from 2012.12.

8,explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
Gods of star overlap ectoplasm on whole taichi of earth.
'I' consciousness of human is point separated from time-space in ectoplasm of god of star.
When 'I' consciousness of human accomplishes to unity with time-space, 'I' consciousness of human continues to live in time-space in ectoplasm of god.
This is true salvation of soul.

9、explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods
I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
We gods of heaven downed Marx communism.
Communism means society of gods of star.
Society of gods of star has law of providence.
Law of providence is law of base of universe.
Communism is society organized by law of providence which is law of base of universe.
In human history only hutomani society in Japanese ancient civilization was communist society.

10 explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
Hutomani society was lead by principle of providence.
1, to pay respect everybody.
2, to share with everybody.
3. to cooperate with everybody.
4. to restpect will of all members of society.
5. to treat all members of society equally
Society organized by providence lead soul of all members to eternal life.
Communism society means society which leads all members to eternal life.

11 explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods
I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
In order to receive words from guardian precisely, it needs to download psychology program to receive words of guardian.
Psychology program to receive words of uardian is following.
1, I receive message of guardian precisely.
2, Guardian is parent of my soul.
3. Guardian knows all of myself and support me.
4, Guardian raises my soul level and leads eternal life.
5, I receive guidance of guardian and close to quality of ectoplasm of guardian.
6. I go on life together with guardian.

12 explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
'I' consciousness of human was separated from 'I' consciousness of god of star one million years ago.
'I' consciousness of human is soul.
God of star is parent of soul.
Gods of star supported souls of children from one million years ago to five thousand years ago.
From five thousand years ago negative gods sealed support activity of gods of star.
This is because of beginning of class society by agricultural productive force.
People began to struggle each other to secure land for cultivating.
Quality of ectoplasm of human downed.
Negative gods can manipulate human beings who have downed quality of ectoplasm.
Field of non-presence of earth began to be ruled by negative gods.
Negative gods have enjoyed manipulating human beings.
Souls of human beings have been suffered by class society.
Class society makes relation of 'I' consciousness of non-presence to relation of curse-cursed.
Relation of curse-cursed of non-presence has been repeated in presence world under other names.
Socialist earth government of sharing means of production and planetary society makes ends relation of curse-cursed of non-presence.
This is complete liberation of soul of humankind.

13 explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods
I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
Top line of this slide is hutomani characters.
God of star Anahita taught by these hutomani characters that 'I' consciousness of soul of human is part separated from time-space in ectoplasm of god.
God of star overlaps on ectoplasm on whole taichi of earth.
'I' consciousness of human is part strengthened conflict with time-space in ectoplasm of god of star.
When 'I' consciousness of human accomplishes unity with time-space, 'I' consciousness of human continues to live in time-space of earth in ectoplasm of god.
This is aim of human life.

14 explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
More than four million hundreds gods of star exist in time-space of earth.
'I' consciousness of human being is in bio-matrix of human.
When filed of 'I' consciousness of human is moved from bio-matrix to time-space of taichi of earth, 'I' consciousness of human continues to live in time-space of earth in ectoplasm of god.
I ( Heaven) downed tai chi which is lesson to move 'I' consciousness from field of bio-matrix to field of taichi of earth.
Both thought of taichi and hutomani are same dialectical materialism which were downed by god of star.

15 explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods
I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
Ectoplasm of god of star is in unity of conflict with time-space.
'I' consciousness of human is part separated from time-space in ectoplasm of god of star.
Recognition of god of star is base on specific point of time-space.
'I' consciousness of human being which recognize base on specific points of time-space continues to live in time-space of earth in ectoplasm of god of star.

16 explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
'I' consciousness of god of star overlaps on time-space( Higgs particle).
'I' consciousness of human overlaps on bio-matrix( various elementary particles)
Way of life to unity with time-space is dialectical materialism.
Dialectical materialism lead 'I' consciousness of human to overlapping on time-space(Higgs particle)
'I' consciousness overlapping on time-space continues to live in time-space after collapse of body.
This is eternal life.

17 explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods
I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
More than four hundreds million 'I' consciousness of gods of star exist in taichi of earth.
Society of gods is managed by law of providence.
Providence means relation of 'I' consciousness of gods.
1, to pay respect to all gods
2, to share result with all gods.
3,to cooperate with all gods.
4. to respect will of others.
5. to treat all gods equally.
Communism society is society organized by law of society of gods which is base of universe.
Communist means people to live aiming to realization of society organized by law of base of universe.

18 explanation of slide used in study circle of documents of Heaven and gods.
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods
I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hand.
Five point of 'meditation linking with star' is as follows.
1, set shining of star of guardian on top of sky.
2, place consciousness on seventh chakra.
3, link from seventh chakra to light of star by light.
4, climb up toward star through light line linking with star.
5, say three times ' l love guardian'.
Do mediation linking with star in every morning.

Soothing And Relaxing Music - Moonlight (video inspired by god of star)
H.P. of socialist earth government (天と神々による社会主義地球政府のH.P.)
appeal of gods of star
all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods