when activity of 'I'consciousness is always based on time-space, 'I'consciousness of human continues in time-space after death
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hands.
Theme is spirituality.
Spirituality means quality of ectoplasm.
Quality of ectoplasm is defined by VO activity of 'I'consciousness S.
VO activity means both of thinking activity and behavior.
High quality VO activity is that thinking activity follows to law of presence world and behavior follows to providence which is law of non-presence world.
Thinking activity following law of presence world strengthens unity of conflict with time-space.
Thinking activity of god who is parent of soul is in unity of conflict with time-space.
It means that ectoplasm of god is always overlapping time-space.
We gods of heaven made soul of 'I'consciousness of human being by strengthening conflict with time-space in ectoplasm of god.
This is fact.
There is no other way to make independent 'I'consciousness of human being from god.
'I'consciousness of human being can come back as eternal life living with parent god.
We gods of heaven have downed dialectical materialism to humankind in order to return back to parent god.
Dialectical materialism was downed to Marx most detail.
Dialectical materialism which was downed in oldest time and now remained is hutomani philosophy.
Hutomani philosophy was downed 6000 years ago to pre-Japanese lived in China by god of star Anahita.
Now project of god of heaven order Mitsuki to translate Japanese and English.
In 8th chapter of "hotumatutae"(conveyed story from ancient ancestors) of Hutomani literature is written dialectical materialism.
8th chapter of "hotumatutae"(conveyed story from ancient ancestors) of Hutomani civilization
I introduce part of it.
"third way to eternal life is thought
thought should be based on specific points in time-space.
thought base on specific point in time-space is thought of god of star.
thought base on specific point in time-space strengthen link to time-space.
thought strengthened link to time-space leads eternal life.
thought is activity of 'I'consciousness of non-presence.
'I'consciousness of human being is part of separated from time-space in ectoplasm of god.
activity of 'I'consciousness based on specific points of time-space leads to close time-space.
when activity of 'I'consciousness is always based on time-space, 'I'consciousness of human continues in time-space after death.
this is eternal life."
Loreena McKennitt - night ride across the Caucasus (video inspired by god of star) I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hands.
Theme is spirituality.
Spirituality means quality of ectoplasm.
Quality of ectoplasm is defined by VO activity of 'I'consciousness S.
VO activity means both of thinking activity and behavior.
High quality VO activity is that thinking activity follows to law of presence world and behavior follows to providence which is law of non-presence world.
Thinking activity following law of presence world strengthens unity of conflict with time-space.
Thinking activity of god who is parent of soul is in unity of conflict with time-space.
It means that ectoplasm of god is always overlapping time-space.
We gods of heaven made soul of 'I'consciousness of human being by strengthening conflict with time-space in ectoplasm of god.
This is fact.
There is no other way to make independent 'I'consciousness of human being from god.
'I'consciousness of human being can come back as eternal life living with parent god.
We gods of heaven have downed dialectical materialism to humankind in order to return back to parent god.
Dialectical materialism was downed to Marx most detail.
Dialectical materialism which was downed in oldest time and now remained is hutomani philosophy.
Hutomani philosophy was downed 6000 years ago to pre-Japanese lived in China by god of star Anahita.
Now project of god of heaven order Mitsuki to translate Japanese and English.
In 8th chapter of "hotumatutae"(conveyed story from ancient ancestors) of Hutomani literature is written dialectical materialism.
8th chapter of "hotumatutae"(conveyed story from ancient ancestors) of Hutomani civilization
I introduce part of it.
"third way to eternal life is thought
thought should be based on specific points in time-space.
thought base on specific point in time-space is thought of god of star.
thought base on specific point in time-space strengthen link to time-space.
thought strengthened link to time-space leads eternal life.
thought is activity of 'I'consciousness of non-presence.
'I'consciousness of human being is part of separated from time-space in ectoplasm of god.
activity of 'I'consciousness based on specific points of time-space leads to close time-space.
when activity of 'I'consciousness is always based on time-space, 'I'consciousness of human continues in time-space after death.
this is eternal life."