Part7 Contents of social theory
Document made by project team of gods of heaven
(Click. You can read both English and Spanish.)
documents of completion
55 Religion
17 way relating to society
56 Politics
290 Global economy
192 God and materialism
320 economic society
233 society of non-presence
319 society and human being
85 World
112 Peace
341 seken
60 Social clearing
194 Pluralism Integration
193 God and humankind
232 Human society
96 Economy
250 fetish character of money
328 Social issues
370 meeting
373 Financial crisis
292 economy
238 human and society
240 SVO theory
way of translation
17 way relating to society
55 Religion
56 Politics
60 Social clearing
85 World
96 Economy
112 Peace
192 God and materialism
193 God and humankind
194 Pluralism Integration
232 Human society
233 society of non-presence
238 human and society
240 SVO theory
250 fetish character of money
290 Global economy
292 economy
319 society and human being
320 economic society
328 Social issues
341 seken
370 meeting
373 Financial crisis
76 Chris Spheeris - Looking Back Instrumental Music(video inspired by god of star)