Contents of vision of socialist earth government
- Almost people under capitalism have distorted ectoplasm structure
- The planet government has a legislation, a judiciary, an administration
- In order that humankind keeps to flourished on earth, time has come which there are no choice but to abolish the structure of nation-state and capitalism
- Even though field flow away to past, if you continue to use same capitalism and nation-state structure, you encounter disastrous accident
- Reason of deforestation is five. One is capitalist production which is managed by principle of maximizing profit.
- This video explains large cycle of climate change of earth precisely. Warming of earth of these days does not come from large cycle of climate change of earth.
- Only to build up socialist earth government can solve most social problems in these days. It is important to understand that field of IT productive force destruct structure of capitalism and nation state and build up socialist earth government.
- Collective ectoplasm structure which base on every human being makes peaceful society
- Establishment of socialist earth government solves the problem of climate change
- Ectoplasm structure base on whole earth can share same determined specific points. Ectoplasm structure base on whole earth make up peaceful planetary society.
- Social structure has past structure as historical factor in extended field. Extended field generate higher-ordered structure which include old structure as factor.
- When you lesson to think following dialectical materialism, your quality of ectoplasm become near to quality of ectoplasm of god.
- We gods of heaven downed to Mitsuki the documents which include how to release psychology program. Revolutionary should learn the documents which are written by project team of gods.
- To live way of dialectical materialism is to live with ectoplasm structure of god of heaven who is parent of soul. This is the way to eternal life which is aim of soul.
- You should behave according to providence even if you are done contrary to providence
- Way of thinking based on providence destruct structure of capitalism and nation-state and build up structure of socialism and earth government
- Marx wrote in 'economic and philosophical manuscripts' that society should be made which aim is human relation itself. This is down by us gods of heaven to Marx.
- Field of IT productive force builds up earth government structure
- Media have spread false information about Marx by intellectuals manipulated by negative god
- Socialist should go on according to historical materialism of Marx
- In the stage of IT productive force determined specific points are within global area Gods of heaven of 400 million have already started this project. Project is ongoing now
- It is possible to change from system for money to system for human
- Ectoplasm structure which lost determined specific points is false
- Highest ectoplasm structure is dialectical materialism of gods
- materialism leads life of faithful to truth
- Socialist production increase utility for human society
- let us stand up in order to establish a government of one planet
- Materialism is a way of life faithful to the truth
- new structure is built up based on the extensive field
- Presence defines consciousness and not vice versa
- New structure of socialist earth government generate on the base of new specific field of space of IT productive force
- Soul desire the society to be able to live along the providence
- It is necessary to establish one earth government which perform maintenance of the earth carefully fairly
- Socialist earth government can recover the climate change to natural waving of earth process.
You can read project of Heaven and gods every day in Facebook(English,Spanish,Arabic).