establishment of socialist earth government
Now everybody think that the realization of establishment of socialist earth government is dream in dream.
Project of Heaven and gods place main object to establish of socialist earth government in immediate future.
The object of project of Heaven and gods is to save soul of humankind collectively.
Soul desire the society to be able to live along the providence.
Soul is having a life of regret and anguish under capitalism and nation state.
Although soul want to behave to pay tribute to all humankind,
Capitalism inflates longing to money and nation-state make to think self-center of own country.
The level of soul(S) is defined by quality of VO activity which is life experience.
Because VO is added to S.
It makes soul level down that living with money centered consciousness and living with own nation centered consciousness are low quality VO activity.
Soul is moaning in anguish and regret after death who have followed the life according capitalism and nation state.
To save soul of humankind project of Heaven and gods place main object to establish of socialist earth government.
From part of 'Struggl' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
It is activity VO of high quality that struggle with the aim of society based on the providence is done through behavior that is providence.
Activities VO of high quality raise the level of soul.
When you struggle with behavior contrary to providence, it is low quality of activities VO and brings anguish of soul.
establishment of socialist earth government
Ahora todo el mundo piensa que la realizacion del establecimiento de un gobierno socialista de la tierra es el sueno en el sueno.
Proyecto del cielo y los dioses colocar objeto principal establecer del gobierno socialista de la tierra en el futuro inmediato.
El objetivo del proyecto del cielo y los dioses es salvar el alma de la humanidad en conjunto.
Soul desea la sociedad sea capaz de vivir a lo largo de la providencia.
Soul es tener una vida de pesar y angustia en el capitalismo y el Estado-nacion.
Aunque el alma quiere que se comporten de rendir homenaje a todos los hombres,
El capitalismo se infla deseando dinero y del Estado-nacion hacen pensar auto-centro del pais.
El nivel de alma (S) se define por la calidad de la actividad de VO, que es experiencia de vida.
Debido VO se anade a S.
Hace nivel del alma por que vivir con la conciencia centrada en el dinero y la vida con la conciencia propia nacion centrado en son de baja calidad VO actividad.
Alma esta gimiendo de angustia y arrepentimiento despues de la muerte que han seguido la vida segun el capitalismo y el estado nacion.
Para salvar el alma del proyecto de la humanidad de los cielos y dioses colocar objeto principal establecer del gobierno socialista de la tierra.
From part of 'Struggl' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
It is activity VO of high quality that struggle with the aim of society based on the providence is done through behavior that is providence.
Activities VO of high quality raise the level of soul.
When you struggle with behavior contrary to providence, it is low quality of activities VO and brings anguish of soul.
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