materialism leads life of faithful to truth
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
Theme is philosophy.
Philosophy is guide of life.
It is important for soul what kind of philosophy guide life.
Soul is ectoplasm of non-presence.
Aim of ectoplasm of non-presence securing specific point in time-space of presence is to level up of quality of ectoplasm.
Philosophy of materialism make up ectoplasm structure base on confined plural specific points in time-space of presence.
Philosophy of materialism leads life of faithful to truth.
Philosophy of idealism make up ectoplasm structure base on ideological abstraction of non-presence, not base on specific points in time-space of presence.
Philosophy of idealism leads life of faithful to falsehood.
Philosophy of dialectical materialism set arrival point of the future on the basis of law of time in the ectoplasm structure.
Dialectical materialism plays a role of guidance to the arrival point of the future.
The life guided by dialectical materialism is high quality (VO )activity.
High quality (VO )activity is added on soul ( S)
Dialectical materialism leads the life which raise up soul level and bring joy of soul.
From part of 'Spiritual practice' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
The height of spirituality is expressed in behavior along the providence.
And spiritual practice is a practice of behavior along the providence.
The quality of the VO activity level up is added into the soul (S).
materialism leads life of faithful to truth
Querido hijo e hija de mi amigo dioses.
El tema es la filosofia.
La filosofia es la guia de la vida.
Es importante para el alma que clase de vida guia filosofia.
El alma es el ectoplasma de la no presencia.
Objetivo del ectoplasma de la no presencia asegurando punto especifico en el espacio-tiempo de presencia es para subir de nivel de calidad de ectoplasma.
La filosofia del materialismo constituyen la base de la estructura de ectoplasma confinados puntos especificos plural en el espacio-tiempo de la presencia.
La filosofia del materialismo lleva la vida de los fieles a la verdad.
La filosofia del idealismo conforman la estructura de ectoplasma base de la abstraccion ideologica de la no presencia, no la base en puntos especificos en el tiempo-espacio de la presencia.
La filosofia del idealismo lleva la vida de los fieles a la falsedad.
La filosofia del materialismo dialectico, punto de llegada de conjunto del futuro sobre la base de la ley del tiempo en la estructura de ectoplasma.
El materialismo dialectico juega un papel de guia hasta el lugar de la futura llegada.
La vida guiada por el materialismo dialectico es una actividad de alta calidad (VO).
Actividad de alta calidad (VO) se anade en el alma (S)
El materialismo dialectico lleva la vida que elevan el nivel del alma y alegra el alma.
From part of 'Spiritual practice' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
The height of spirituality is expressed in behavior along the providence.
And spiritual practice is a practice of behavior along the providence.
The quality of the VO activity level up is added into the soul (S).
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