Issues of history
- From 4500 years ago to 1300 years ago in Nara basin high level of ancient civilization deployed under guard of god of star
- Hutomani characters have healing force. How to use.
- Ancient people before generation of class society lived with gods of star in case of Jiroft civilization of pre-Iran
- disappeared ancient Hutomani civilization
- Social science should base on both memory of ectoplasm and physical data
- Today cracks in social structure of capitalism and nation-state which based on specific point of industrial productive force occur and is being directed to collapse
- Democratic corporate management of information-sharing in IT age is to eradicate capitalist productive relation of industrial age
- Civilization of new earth planet is built up by working together of gods and marxists while sealing negative god
- Information technology revolution of today makes it impossible to confine human consciousness to frame of nation-state