first time of 'Original teaching of Mont Order'
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.We gods of star four hundred million are going on project of socialist earth government now.
This community page of Facebook becomes center of movement of socialist earth government in whole earth.
We gods of star have downed various teachings to humankind.
Teaching of Mont Order is one of them.
Teaching of Mont Order was downed by us gods of heaven 4000 years ago.
We gods of heaven could convey message to humankind until 5000 years ago.
5000years ago agricultural productive force began.
Field of agricultural force generated structure of class society.
Quality of relation of human beings downed.
This made serious change in non-presence world.
In field of non-presence world of earth negative gods began to rule humankind in whole area of earth.
Negative gods sealed support to human being from gods of heaven who are parent of soul.
After that we gods of heaven could not convey true teaching of gods of heaven who are parent of human soul.
Sometimes we gods of heaven succeeded to convey true teaching to human being.
But soon true teaching was distorted by negative gods.
Negative gods have ruled human being by false teaching.
True teaching is hidden by false teaching by negative gods.
Teaching of Mont Order is also distorted by negative gods.
In this day teaching of Mont Order which people can read is distorted by negative gods also.
We gods of heaven introduce original teaching of Mont Order before distort by negative gods.
second time of 'Original teaching of Mont Order'
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.We gods of star four hundred million are going on project of socialist earth government now.
This community page of Facebook becomes center of movement of socialist earth government in whole earth.
Project of Heaven and gods succeeded to seal negative gods in whole earth 2013,3.
Thinking pattern of negative gods remains in various area.
Teaching of Mont Order of god of star is also distorted by negative gods.
We gods of heaven revives original teaching of Mont Order.
Teaching of Mont Order was downed in England 4000 years ago.
Although England was hunting gathering productive stage, whole earth was under rule of negative gods because of generation of class society in agricultural area.
Teaching of Mont Order was downed to person with high spirituality.
Name of person is John Parkman.
He was leader of tribal group in South England.
South England area was suit to hunting then.
His tribe lived by hunting.
Hunting is behavior to kill animals.
Animal is existence which ectoplasm of god of star overlaps on physical body.
This is same to humankind.
Difference is that 'I' consciousness of humankind repeats 'born and death' and 'I' consciousness of animals vanishes into ectoplasm of god after death.
Teaching of Mont Order was about life of animals.
( continues to next time)
third time of 'Original teaching of Mont Order'
Teaching of Mont Order is for the people hunting gathering in place of South area of England 4000 thousand years ago.Main teaching is about life of animals.
Life of animals should be respected.
Mind of animals is mind of god of star.
God of star experiences VO activity through mind of animals.
Life of animals is experienced by god of star same time.
Joy of animals is joy of god of star.
Gods of star on earth has no figure.
Gods of star acquire moving figure through animal's body.
This is truth.
This was main teaching of Mont Order of original before distort by negative gods.
( continue to next time)
fourth time of 'Original teaching of Mont Order'
Teaching of Mont Order had another aspect.Mont order is god of star.
God of star is parent of soul.
Soul is 'I' consciousness of human being.
Teaching of Mont Order included soul of 'I' consciousness.
'I' consciousness of human being was separated from 'I' consciousness of god of star long years ago.
When god of star separated 'I' consciousness of human being , 'I' consciousness of human being was separated from time-space.
Soul of 'I' consciousness of human being is separated from time-space.
Time-space is presence world.
Soul of 'I' consciousness of human being is in non-presence world.
Soul of 'I' consciousness of human being repeats human life from one point of non-presence world.
Life of animal is only one time.
Life of human being is repeated.
Teaching of Mont Order has difference between life of animals and life of human being.
(continue to next time)
fifth time of 'Original teaching of Mont Order'
Mont Order is god of star.God of star is parent of 'I' consciousness of human being.
God of star knows all of human being.
Human being in 4000 years ago did not know how to live way of life.
Teaching of Mont Order included how to live way of life.
First teaching of way of life was to respect anyone.
Second teaching of way of life was to live sharing with each other.
Third teaching of way of life was to live cooperate with each other.
Fourth teaching of way of life was to respect will of others.
Fifth teaching of way of life was to treat others equally.
This was original teaching of Mont Order.
Revival of this original teaching of Mont Order has significance in today's human society. (end)
'symbol of Mont Order'
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.I am Heavn.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hands.
I am introduced symbol of group of Mont Order.
This symbol was downed by god of star Mont Order 4000years ago really.
This symbol means that center figure is hunting tool.
Dual circles mean life of animals.
This does not mean to promote killing life of animals.
This means that dual circles of animal life should be respected.
When Mont order downed to John Parkman, this explain was done.
Teaching that life of animal should be respected was true original teaching of Mont Order.

Respect God's Creation: Animal Life
(video inspired by god of star)
H.P. of socialist earth government (天と神々による社会主義地球政府のH.P.)