ERNESTO CORTAZAR - Forever Maria (video inspired by god of star)"ほつまつたゑ"は歴史的事実を反映している。
(つほはあしはら ちゐもあき いましもちひて しらせとて ととほこたまふ ふたかみはうきはしのゑに さぐりうる) p.40
意味; 川は葦が繁っていた。川の土手に亀裂も入っていた。二人のリーダーは(イサナギ、イサナミ)は、棒をつかって人々に知らせようとした。彼らは、鎌と斧と叫んで、川に浮かせた橋の上を(渡ろうとして)探った。
説明; tuho 川、ha は、..asi 草の名前、hara 原、茂っていること、.tiyi川の土手.. mo も、 aki 亀裂が入っている.. imasi棒 .motihite 用いてsirasetote 人々に知らせようとしてhutakami 二人のカミ (このカミは社会のリーダーをさす、日本語では、宗教的な神ではなく人間のリーダーにカミという言葉を用いてきた)、to 鎌、hoko斧..tamahu叫んだ.hutakamiha 二人のリーダーは.ukhasi 川に浮かせた橋、.noyeni の上を..saguriuru 探った。 .
( 国生み物語の真実 一回目 ) 『古事記』と『日本書紀』の話は、『ほつまつたゑ』を参考にしたものイサナギとイサナミが結婚して、柱の周りを夫が左周り、妻が右周りにまわって子どもをつくったら、未熟児の子が生れた。
ことあげに めはひだりより をはみぎに わかれめぐりて あふときに
めはあにえや えをとこと をはわなうれし えおとめと うたいはらめど
つきみてす えなやふれうむ ひよるこの あはとながるる
最初にメ(subtle energy)の線を左から描く。
ヲ(subjective entity) の線を右からである。
ヲ(subjective entity) は、メ(subtle energy)の線と同じ形を右から描く。
.kotoageni 物事の始めに、.me 精妙エネルギー ha は hidariyori.左からwo 非顕在の主観的実体である「私」意識、 .migini右に. wakaremegurite (右と左)に分かれて丸く、 ahutokini出会うときに. anie重ねて描く.ya 命令形..ewoto曲.koto線.wanauresi 正反対から同じ線を描く.eoto形. meto メと同じ形にutaiharamedo重ねて丸く描く tukimitesu形が崩れてうまく描けない enayahureumu繰り返し描いたけれども hiyorukono ゆがんだ形になり ahatoゴミにnagaruru捨てられた
( 国生み物語の真実 二回目 )イサナギ、イサナミがフトマニ図の中心のウの形をうまく描こうとしている場面が性行為の場面に捏造された
これもまた このかずならす あしふねに ながすあはちや あるかたち
あめにつくれは ふとまにを あちはえいはく ゐよのうた ことをむすはず
ことあけも めはさきたてず とつきとは
最後の段階でも彼らは、メ(精妙エネルギー objectivity)の線を先に書いていなかった。
koremomata これもまたkono 良い..kazu 図、.narasu ならなかった。. asihune 葦でできたごみ箱..nagasu 捨てた..ahati ゴミ..aru あるべき. katati 形.amenituku 描くこと. reha どうしたらできるだろう..hutomani フトマニHutomani..atihae 同じ形に. ihaku つくることができる.yiyo 心をこめて.no uta 和歌のことで当時マントラだった。kotoomusuhazu 効果がでなかった。kotoakemo 最後の段階 me 精妙エネルギーの(線) sakitatezu 先に描かなかった.totu 重ねる. kitoha ところは.(以下、次回)
( 国生み物語の真実 三回目 ) 「あめのあわうた」をうたいながら描いた。
めのにはなふり をゆれなく をとりなきさる またあるひ をとりよそおふ
めがしりて あいましはれは あめよりぞ とりにつけしむ とつきのり
さらにかえりて ふたかみは あらたにめぐり をはひだり めはみぎめぐり
あひうたふ あめのあわうた あなにえや うましおとめに あいぬとき
めかみこたえて わなにやし うましをとこに あひきとぞ やわしてあわお
えなとして やまとあきつす あわちしま いよあはふたな おきみつこ
つくしきひのこ さとうしま (p.51-53)
.menohi 翌日.hanahuri一生懸命に woyure 繰り返し.naku 書く. wotorinaki.上手に書く..saru できない..mataaruhi ふたたび試みる.. wotoriyosoohu 美しく描く. megasiriteゆがんだ形になる.. ahimasihareha交差させるAmeyoriso.片方によりすぎてしまう。torinitukesimuうまくいかない。Totu十分に kinori 練習.saranikaerite ふたたびもどって. hutakamiha..二人のリーダーは aratani 吾田らに..meguri 描く. wohahitari をは左.. mehamigimeguri is めは右回り. ahiutahu いっしょにうたう. amenoawauta 「あめのあわうた」(すべての文字を含んだ和歌で当時のマントラ) ananieya is おー、うれしい。umasi いい.. otome 形(オトコは男ではなく形のこと) ainutoki 線が重なるところがうまくか書けた。.. mekamikotaete イサナミはこたえて. wananiyasi オー、すてき.. umasi いい.otokoni 出来上がり , ahikitozo になった。. (おとこはお男の意味ではなく出来上がりのこと).yawasiteawao 二つの線がぴたっとあっていて。.enatosite とてもいい形だ..yamato.. akitusu yamato.. ahatisima.. iyo..ahahutana.. okimituko.. tukusi..kihinoko.. sadousima...イサナギ、イサナミが共同統治していた一世紀のフトマニ文明の勢力圏をあらわしていて、フトマニを書いている地域の中で一番いいできになったと喜んでいる。)

Two leaders of Isanagi and Isanami were lived in Nara basin in first century

"hotumatutae" reflects historical facts.
One of historical facts is story of Isanagi and Isanami.
In "Kojiki" and "Nihonshoki" which were made in order to reinforce of rule of emperor , Isanagi and Isanami was living on tagamagahara in sky and came down from heaven. They were gods and emperor is progeny of gods.
This is false story by which Japanese people deceived long years.
Historical fact is written in "hotumatutae".
(tuhohaasihara tiyimoaki imasimotihite sirasetote totohokotamahu hutakamiha ukihashinoyeni saguriuru) p.40
River is field of reed.
Bank of river cracks also full of reed.
Two leaders (Isanagi and Isanami) try to inform people using stick.
They cried 'sickle, ax' and searched on bridge floated on river.
tuho is river..ha is 'is'..asi is reed(name of grass).. hara is field. .tiyi is bank of river.. mo is also.. aki is crack occurs.. imasi is stick. .motihite is to use..sirasetote is to try to inform people.. hutakami is two gods (this kami means leader of society. In Japanese kami has been used as human leader not religious god), to is sickle (farm tools)..to is and.. hoko is ax(cutting tool)..tamahu is cry..hutakamiha is two leaders is.. ukhashi is bridge floated on river..noyeni is on..saguriuru is searched .
This scene was fact story.
Two leaders of Isanagi and Isanami were lived in Nara basin in first century ( two thousand years ago)
This scene was rainy day and flood of river occurred.
Two leaders found crack of bank of river and tried to inform people.
"Kojiki" and "Nihonshoki" made false story by using this story.
Two gods put on long stick to field of reed from heaven and ….
In "hotumatutae" ,they are human beings living on ground.
They are not gods from heaven.
"hotumatutae" tell fact .
"Kojiki" and "Nihonshoki" tell lie.
Story of "Kojiki" and "Nihonshoki"was referenced of sentences of "Hotumatutae"
This is figure 'U'which is center of Hutomani figure. Isanagi and Isanami try to draw this figure well

from true to false story(1)
Isanagi and Isanami marry and husband goes around pillar to left direction and wife goes around pillar to right direction.
Then make child. Born baby is premature.
They ask god of heaven.
God explain that direction going around is wrong.
Husband goes around pillar to right direction and wife goes around pillar to left direction.
Then make child. Born baby is excellent.
This is story of "Kojiki"and "Nohonshoki" which was made by emperor government in 8th century.
This story was referenced of sentences of "Hotumatutae"
(first part)
kotoageni mehahidariyori wohamigini wakaremegurite autokini mehaanieya ewotokoto wohawanauresi eotometo utaiharamedo tukimitesu enayahureumu hiyorukono ahatonagaruru
Meaning of first part;
At fist write line of me(subtle energy) from left and wo(subjective entity) from right.
When both line cross, write putting on both lines.and write curve line.
wo(subjective entity) is written from opposite side same form as line of me(subtle energy).
But it becomes deficient.
Although they wrote repeatedly, form is broken and are thrown away as trash.
Explanation of first part;
.kotoageni is at beginning to do something..me is subltle enery of existence ha is 'is'..hidariyori. is from left..wo is 'I'consciousness of subjective entity..ha is 'is'..migini is in right.. wakaremegurite is separate and go round.. autokini is when both line cross .. me is subtle energy ..ha is 'is'.. anie is write putting on it.ya is Imperative form..ewoto is curve..koto is line..wo is subjective entity..ha is 'is'..wanauresi is write from opposite side same line. .eoto is form.. me is subtle energy. .to is same as (me) utaiharamedo is write to overlap line as ciercle..tukimitesu is deficient form enayahureumu is write repeatedly hiyorukono is collapsed form ahato is trash nagaruru is throw away
This is first part of making child by Isanagi and Isanami in "Kojiki""Nihonshoki".
Japanese true tradition which base on truth is made to false story by emperor government which manipulated by negative gods in eight century
from true to false story(2)
Japanese true tradition which continued three thousand years was eliminated in 8th century.
Japanese people have been believed story being forged by emperor government.
Emperor government erased Hutomani literature and specialist In order to hide that it is lie story.
Lie story was placed on core portion of Japanese social structure.
This has become bock of Japanese historical development.
(second part)
koremomata konokazunarasu asihuneni nagasuahatiya arukatati amenitukureha hutomanio atihaeihaku yiyonouta kotoomusuhazu kotoakemo mehasakitatezu totukitoha
this time form collapsed also.it was thrown out in trash box.
We cannot write ideal form.
How can we write same figure as Hutomai.we read waka(Japanese mantra) in deep mind.
But it could not have effect.at last stage also they did not write line of me(subtle energy) at first.
Part overlapping of two line …(next time)
koremomata is this is also.. kono is good ..kazu is figure.narasu is did not become.. asihune is trashbox made of reed.ni is to..nagasu is throw out..ahati is trash..ya means strengthen..aru is ideal.. katati is form..amenituku is how to make .. reha is what shall we do..hutomani is Hutomani.. o is objective case..atihae is making same form.. ihaku is make possible..yiyo is deep mind..no is of..uta is mantra which is Japanese original culture 'waka' kotoomusuhazu is could not have effect..kotoake is finished stage .. mo is also..me is subtle energy ..ha is 'is' sakitatezu is did not do at first..totu is overlap.. kito is 'doing'..ha is 'is'
"Kojiki"and "Nohonshoki" forged this scene to context of sexual activity.
This was deed of insulting Japanese true traditional culture Hutomani.
Hutomani civilization has true god of star which is represented Hutomani figure in core portion.
After eight century Japanese culture placed false god in false story by forging from Hutomani literature.
Lie of negative god has ruled Japanese after 8th century.
This is figure 'U'which is center of Hutomani figure. Isanagi and Isanami try to draw this figure well.
from true to false story(3)
Japanese tradition which had three thousand history was negated completely by emperor government in 8th century.
Emperor was descendant of conqueror from Korean peninsula of 3th century.
To make power centralize emperor, Hutomani literature and specialists were main objects.
Emperor government need story that ascendants of emperor have lived japan originally.
"Kojiki"and "Nohonshoki"was forged to justify rule of emperor with reference to " Hotumatutae".
In " hotumatutae" Isanagi and Isanami were effort to draw well figure of center of Hutomani.
(third part)
menonihanahuri woyurenaku wotorinakisaru mataaruhi wotoriyosoohu megasirite ahimasihareha Ameyoriso toriyitufesimu totukinori saranikaerite hutakamiha aratanimeguri wohahitari mehamigimeguri ahiutahu amenoawauta ananieya umasiotomni ainutoki mekamikotaete wananiyasi umasiotokoni ahikitozo yawasiteawao enatosite yamatoakitusu ahatisima iyoahahutana okimituko tukusikihinoko sadousima.)p.51-53
Next day they lesson to write repeatedly by full power.
They cannot write well.
Again they try to write beautiful.
Writing becomes deficient form.
Part of cross line becomes go to one side too.
Cannot write well.
They lesson fully and return back to try.
Newly they draw .
'wo'which means subjectity is left side'.
'me' is drown from right turning.
They sing together 'amenoawauta'which is Japanese matra'waka'having all characters.
'Oh I am happy .it becomes good form in part of cross'.
Isanami reply. Oh good form.it becomes good result. two line is fit each other in good form.
It becomes best form in the world.
(names of places were governed by Isanagi and Isanami in first century)
.menoni is next day..hanahuri is effort by full power woyure is repeatedly..naku is write.. wotorinaki..write well..saru is cannot..mataaruhi is again they try.. wotori is write.. yosoohu is make beautiful.. megasirite is to write deficient form.. ahimasihareha is make cross Ameyori is go one side to..so is has done. torinitukesimu cannot go well .totu is fully . kinori is lesson..saranikaerite is again return back.. hutakamiha..two leaders are .. aratani is newly ..meguri is draw.. wohahitari is 'wo is left side'.. mehamigimeguri is 'me is right turning.. ahiutahu is sing together.. amenoawauta is Japanese matra'waka'which has all character.. ananieya is 'Oh I am happy' umasi is good .. otome is form (this is not female of modern Japanese) ainutoki is when both line crossed well.. mekamikotaete is lsanami reply.. wananiyasi is 'Oh good form'.. umasi is good..otokoni is result ,(otoko is not male) ahikitozo is become。..yawasiteawao is two line is fit each other. ..enatosite is to be good form. ..yamato.. akitusu yamato.. ahatisima.. iyo..ahahutana.. okimituko.. tukusi..kihinoko.. sadousima...are name of place (these places were governed by Isanagi and Isanami in first century.this represents that form of figure of center of Hutomani becomes best form in the world.)
In "Kojiki"and "Nohonshoki"places of named o are born from Isanami by sex act.
True sroty became stupid story.
Isanagi and Isanami tried to write figure of center of Hutomani in beautiful form.
Center of Hutomani is representation of basic truth of human being and whole universe.
Line which starts right side is subtle energy(me).
Line which starts left side is ectoplasm of 'I' consciousness.
Cross part of two lines is tai chi and bio-matrix.
This is fundamental truth down by Anahita who is god of star 6000years ago.
Negative gods wanted to manipulate freely Japanese people.
This fundamental truth of universe was protected Japanese people.
Most important part of drawing fundamental truth of universe was forged by person of emperor government who was manipulated by negative gods.
Forged false story was placed in core portion of Japanese political structure.
Picture is amenoawauta.

amenoawauta of Hutomani civilization
H.P. of socialist earth government (天と神々による社会主義地球政府のH.P.)
appeal of gods of star
all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods