Steven Halpern - Starborn Suite (video inspired by god of star)
むかしこの くにとこたちの やくたりご きくさおつたの ほつまくに
ひがしはるかに なみたかく たちのほるひの ひたかみや たかみむすびと
くにすべて とこよのはなお はらみやま かぐやまとなす いそつきの
まさかきもうえ よようけて をさむいつよの みむすひの ゐみなとまきね
うつすたかなに あめみをや もともとあなれ みそふかみ
1. .mukashikono,昔この
2. .kunitokotatino, 国はじめた人々の
3. ,yakutarigo, 航海は
4. kikusaotutono ,苦難なものだった
5. hotumakuni, 言い伝えられている国の話では
6. ,higashiharukani, 東にずっとはるかに
7. namitakaku , 高い波の中を
8. tatinohoruhino . 昇る太陽に向かって
9. hitakamiya. 一生懸命に
10. takamimusubito, 無事に渡って目的地につくために
11. .kunisubete., 前日本人のメンバーすべてが゜(くには古代にはグループを意味した)
12. .tokoyonohanao , 栄え続ける
13. ,haramiyama, 社会的安定の場を求めて
14. .kaguyamatonasu, 祝福された地である (航海が終わったあと、彼らは奈良盆地の小さな山をカグヤマと名付けた。今日も香具山と呼ばれている。)
15. .yimotukino, 無事航海を終えた
16. .masakakimoue. 人々の大きな喜びが
17. yoyoukete 代々つたえられてきた。
18. .wosamuyituyono , 長い間、この地に住んできた(人々に)
19. .mimusuhino, .航海の成功の日のことが
20. .kiminatamakine.. 祖先の時代の
21. .motoakeo , 私たちの国の出発点である。
22. .utusutakamani,陽の光に映える
23. .amemiwoya.,アメミヲヤ、(アメミヲヤとは宇宙を観る親という意味で、フトマニ図と文字をおろした星の神のアナヒタの名前である。前日本人にはアメミヲヤとして自分を紹介した)
24. ,motomotoanare. 最初の先祖、
25. .misohukami. . 三人のリーダー
海を渡って移住してきた祖先の話の痕跡( 後半部分)
まつれはたみの とよけかみ ひかしのきみと みちうけて おおなめことも
まさかきの むよろにつきて うえつぎは ふそひのすずの としすてに
もふそよろなち ゐもふそに かんがみれとも かしまこの ちゐもうしある
そのなかに あめのみちえて ひとぐさの なけきおやわす かみあらず
あらねはみちも つきしかと なけくとよけの はらみやま のほりてみれと
やしまなる よろますたみも もろともに くにくにめくり たみおたし
ひめみこうみて つぎこなく たのしなきとて いけみつに たのめおあらひ
ひるにのり かのめおあらひ つきにのり p.62-64
( 奈良盆地の近くに住んでいた前日本人の)様々な人々の
1. maturehatamino ; governing with pure mind 真心を込めた統治をした、
2. .toyokekami; リーダーであるトヨケは、
3. .hikasinokimito ; 東を向けて航海するリーダーであり、
4. .mitiukete; 航海の道程を調べ、
5. .oonamekotono. 航海担当のメンバーとともに
6. .masakakimo; 見事なチームワークだった
7. .muyoronitukite ; ことが、長く伝えられてきた。
8. .uetugiha; 祖先たちの物語は、
9. .husohinosuzuno; もっとも重要なものとしてとらえるべきである。.
10. .tosisuteni; すでに
11. .mohusoyoronati; 長い長い年月が経った。
12. .yimohusoni; 祖先の物語を伝える役目の少女は
13. .kangamiretomo; 物語を伝え続けた。
14. .kasimakono; 子孫へ
15. .tiyimousiaru; 失われた記憶が
16. .sononakani; その中にあった。
17. .amenomitiete;摂理にもとづいて生きる人生の道を学んで ( ame は天地宇宙. Miti道は生き方、星の神アナヒタによってフトマニ図とともに摂理にそって生きる生き方が前日本人におろされた)
18. .hitogusano; 人々は
19. .nakekioyawasu ; 苦しみを癒された。
20. .kamiarazu; 神は存在する (zu は否定ではなく、この場合は強調)
21. .aranehamichimo; もし、神が存在しないなら、摂理にそって生きる道も
22. .tukisikato; 消えてしまう。.
23. .nakekutoyokeno; 故トヨケは、
24. .haramiyama;奈良盆地に到着した後、
25. .nohoritemireto; 高い山に上って見渡した。
26. .yasimanaru; 広い場所だった。 (yashima は、八つの島を意味しない)
27. .yoromasutamimo; 次第に人口が増えていった。
28. .morotomoni; 様々な人々 ( 前日本人の)の
29. .kunikunimekuri; 多くのグループをたずね歩いた。( 奈良盆地の近くに住んでいた。)
30. .tamiotasi ;協力関係の人々を増やしていった。
31. .himemikoumeto; (トヨケには)息子、娘がいたが、
32. .tugikonaku; 彼の子どもたちはあとをついでリーダーにはならなかった。
33. .tanosinakitote: 彼はそれが不満だった。
34. .ikemituni; 池の水で
35. .tanomeoarahi; 体を洗い
36. .hiruninori; 清潔にし
37. .kanomeoarahi; 心を洗い
38. .tukininori; 清めて
Direct trace that ancestors immigrated by sailing in "hotumatutae"

Pre-Japanese people lived around Yangtze river before 4500 years ago.
Their population was three thousand.
They made more than thousand bouts by hollowing out large tree.
They sailed from near mouth of Yangtze river to Japanese archipelago by riding on ocean current and went to Nara Basin.
This memory of sailing was written in "hotumatutae".
("first part" mukasikono kunitokotatino yakutarigo kikusaotutono hotumakuni higashiharukani namitakaku tatinohoruhino hitakamiya takamimusubito kunisubete tokoyonohanao haramiyama kaguyamatonasu yimotukino masakakimoue yoyoukete wosamuyituyono mimusuhino kiminatamakine motoakeo utusutakamani amemiwoya motomoto anare misohukami)p.62-64
In ancient time people who began this state had sailed in difficulty and suffering.
By story of state which has been conveyed ancestors sailed in high wave of ocean.
In far distance toward east in high wave of ocean toward rising sun.
Ancestors worked hard in order to get result of success.
All member of pre-Japanese group pursued to get everlasting flourishing.
Aiming place with social stability, blessed place (kaguyama) (after success of sailing,they named kaguyama to small mountain in Nara basin. Today it is called kaguyama .)
.Huge pleasure and joy of people after sailing safety have been conveyed from generation to generation having lived in this place long years..
day of success of sailing
age of ancestor starting point of our state.
reflected light of sun
amemiwoya.(name of god of star which means parent seeing universe.)
original ancestor three leaders ( continue to next)
1. .mukashikono, In ancient time this
2. .kunitokotatino, people who began state
3. ,yakutarigo, sailing
4. kikusaotutono ,difficulty and suffering
5. hotumakuni, story of state which has been conveyed
6. ,higashiharukani, in far distance toward east
7. namitakaku , in high wave of ocean.
8. tatinohoruhino . toward rising sun.
9. hitakamiya. working so hard
10. takamimusubito, in order to get result of success.
11. .kunisubete., all member of pre-Japanese group. (kuni means group in ancient time)
12. .tokoyonohanao , to get everlasting flourishing
13. ,haramiyama, place with social stability
14. .kaguyamatonasu, blessed place (after success of sailing,they named kaguyama to small mountain in Nara basin. Today it is called kaguyama.)
15. .yimotukino, after sailing safety
16. .masakakimoue. huge pleasure and joy of people.
17. yoyoukete have been conveyed from generation to generation.
18. .wosamuyituyono , having lived in this place long years.
19. .mimusuhino, .day of success of sailing
20. .kiminatamakine.. age of ancestor
21. .motoakeo , starting point of our state.
22. .utusutakamani, reflected light of sun
23. .amemiwoya., name of god of star Anahita who downed Hutomani and characters. Anahita introduced own-self as amemiwoya to pre-Japanese. 'amemiwoya' means parent seeing universe.
24. ,motomotoanare. . original ancestor
25. .misohukami. . three leaders
This is true story of stating point of Japan.
"Kojiki" and "Nihonshoki" eliminated this part.
After 8th century Japanese people have been taught forged false story as beginning of state of Japan.
From 4500 years ago to 1300 years ago in Nara basin high level of ancient civilization deployed under guard of god of star.
It had worthy to be called civilization which has characters and refined culture.
It was Hutomani civilization downed by god of star.
Hutomani civilization was one of ancient big civilization in same age.
Hutomani civilization has character from 6000 years ago.
It is not inferior to other ancient civilizations.
Great Hutomani civilization was eliminated by emperor state of 8th century.
Latter part of direct trace that ancestors immigrated by sailing
Hutomani civilization continued 3000 years until eighth century.
In eighth century it is needed to justify rule of emperor in order to centralize power to emperor.
"hotumatutae" included true history of Japan.
"hotumatutae" was written first century.
Ancestor of emperor came from Korean peninsula in third century.
It was needed to make false story that ancestor of emperor was dissident from god.
Ruler of emperor government made intelligent forge story that ancestor of emperor was dissident from god.
Story was made by fabricate "hotumatutae" which was written first century.
After completing to forge false story, all Hutomani literatures were burned and all Hutomani spcialists were killed in order to conceal that story was fabricated from "hotumatutae".
Over one hundred Hutomani specialists were killed.
This was most cruel events in Japanese political history.
("second part" maturehatamino toyokekami hikasinokimito mitiukete oonamekotono masakakimo muyoronitukite uetugiha husohinosuzuno tosisuteni mohusoyoronati yimohusoni kangamiretomo kasimakono tiyimousiaru sononakani amenomitiete hitogusano nakekioyawasu kamiarazu aranehamichimo tukisikato nakekutoyokeno haramiyama nohoritemireto yasimanaru yoromasutamimo morotomoni kunikuni mekuri tamiotasi himemikoumeto tugikonaku tanosinakitote ikemituni tanomeoarahi hiruninori kanomeoarahi tukininori) " hotumatutae" p.62-64
(In original ancestors of three leaders) Toyoke who was leader of sailing govered with pure mind.
He was leader sailing to east.
He searched way for sailing together with section members sailing
He made beautiful team work.
This was conveyed long years.
Story of ancestors should be taken as most importance.
Long long years have already passed.
Girl who convey story from ancestor continues to tell story to descendant.
Lost memory ( of ancestors) is in it.
People learned from story way of life to live base on providence and have been healed suffering.
God exist.
If god does not exist, way to live accordance to providence is disappeared.
late leader toyoke climbs up high place and see ,after reaching Nara basin, wide place.
His group increased population from generation.
There were various people ( in pre-Japan).
He visited many groups ( living near Nara basin)
And increased people who were in collaboration
Although (leader toyoke) had son and daughter, his children did not become leader.
This was displeasure for him.
By water of pond, he washed body to clean, washed mind to purify.
1. .maturehatamino ; governing with pure mind
2. .toyokekami; leader toyoke who was leader of sailing.
3. .hikasinokimito ; leader of east ( He was leader sailing to east)
4. .mitiukete; way for sailing was searched
5. .oonamekotono. together with section members sailing.
6. .masakakimo; beautiful team work
7. .muyoronitukite ; was conveyed long years.
8. .uetugiha; story of ancestors
9. .husohinosuzuno; should be taken as most importance.
10. .tosisuteni; years already
11. .mohusoyoronati; long long years has passed.
12. .yimohusoni; girl who convey story from ancestor
13. .kangamiretomo; continue to tell story
14. .kasimakono; to descendant
15. .tiyimousiaru; losing memory.
16. .sononakani; in it
17. .amenomitiete; way of life to live base on providence ( ame means universe. miti means way of life. way of life following to providence was downed to pre-Japanese people with hutomani figure by Anahita god of star)
18. .hitogusano; people
19. .nakekioyawasu ; have healed suffering.
20. .kamiarazu; god exist (zu is not negation. This case is strengthen.)
21. .aranehamichimo; if god does not exist, way to live accordance to providence.
22. .tukisikato; is disappeared.
23. .nakekutoyokeno; late leader toyoke.
24. .haramiyama; after reaching Nara basin
25. .nohoritemireto; climb up high place and see
26. .yasimanaru; wide place (yashima does not mean eight island)
27. .yoromasutamimo; gradually increasing population
28. .morotomoni; various people ( in pre-Japan)
29. .kunikunimekuri; visit many groups ( living near Nara basin)
30. .tamiotasi ;to increase people who are in collaboration
31. .himemikoumeto; (leader toyoke) had son and daughter
32. .tugikonaku; his children did not become leader.
33. .tanosinakitote: this was displeasure for him.
34. .ikemituni; by water of pond.
35. .tanomeoarahi; washing body.
36. .hiruninori; to clean
37. .kanomeoarahi; washing mind.
38. .tukininori; to purify.
Hutomani civilization had principle of way of life accordance to providence.
This was called 'amenarumiti' or 'amenomimiti'.
'miti' means way of life.
'ame' means universe.
To live follow to rule of universe leads soul to state of happiness.
This was core teaching of 'hotumatutae'.
This is important teaching in this time also.

Figure of Hutomani civilization
H.P. of socialist earth government (天と神々による社会主義地球政府のH.P.)
appeal of gods of star
all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods