Steven Halpern - Pachelbel's Canon in D Major
(video inspired by god of star)
意味; 国の歴史について述べる.
説明; kuni 国、.nazuga 以前の、 nobu 言う。
(かみがよの とほこのみちも)
意味; 星の子として星の神に従う生き方
説明; kami神. ga の、. yono 時代、 tohoko星の子 (to 星, ho の、 ko 子) .no の , michi あり方, mo も.
(ややさかふ かれおをさむる)
意味; は、長い世代にわたって繁栄を続けることをもたらし、国が治まった。
説明; yaya 代々、. Sakahu 繁栄する。. Kareo 彼を(国を). wosamuru 治めた。
(やまとたけ かみにかえさの)
意味; 奈良盆地で、神のもとに帰る(ためのフトマニ文献)
説明; yamatotake 奈良盆地. Kami神. ni のもとへ. kaesano 戻るための
(のこしふみ きみはみはたお)
意味; 残された文献は、農業のための畑と同じくらいとても重要である。
説明; nokosi 残された. humi文献. kimiha 重要な. mihatao 耕作のための畑
(そめませは とみもみかさの)
意味; 文献を大切に扱うならば、富の量が増える。
説明; some扱う. maseba もし、 (丁寧な言い方), tomi 富. .moも.mikasa量. .no目的格
(ふみおそむ をおたたねこも)
意味; 文献を扱う責任者もまた。
説明; humi 文献..o 目的格 .somu 扱う .woota 責任のある .taneko 担当者 .mo も
Great Hutomani civilization was annihilated by emperor system of Japan

Hutomani formed basic structure of Japanese language.
Figures downed god of star Anahita 6000years ago in middle area of Yangtze River in china.
This is fact.
Modern Japanese has five vowel same to Hutomani.
Number of consonants and pronunciation is also same to Hutomani.
Hutomani made Japanese.
In eighth century Japanese ruler killed all specialists of Hutomani and Hutomani culture.
This occurrence was very cruel.
Great Hutomani civilization was annihilated by emperor system of Japan.
Japanese true traditional culture from ancient time was disappeared then.
False story was made by support of negative god.
False story "Koziki""Nihonshoki" was made by referring to Hutomani literature.
There were many Hutomani literatures.
Only two of Hutomani literatures were discovered in eighteenth century.
Name of literatures were "mikasahumi" and "hotumatutae".
Although contents of these literatures were also manipulated by negative gods, truth is reflected.
I introduce contents of these literatures little by little.
First part of "mikasahumi" which is Hutomani literature
Hutomani literatures were burned by emperor state in seven centuries.
Few of literatures were hidden by specialists of Hutomani who were killed.
"mikasahum" which is one of hidden literatures was discovered eighteenth centuries.
I write changing Hutomani characters into Roman alphabet.
Meaning; saying about history of state.
Explanation; kuni is state. Nazuga is before. Nobu is say.
(kamigayono tohokonomichimo)
Meaning; way of life which follow god of star as child.
Explanation; kami is god. ga is of. yono is age. tohoko is child of star.(to is star, ho is of , ko is child) .no is of , michi is way, mo is also.
(yayasakahu kareowosamuru)
Meaning; is continued in prosperity in long series of generation. governing state
Explanation; yaya is series of generation. Sakahu is prosperity. Kareo is him=state. wosamuru is govern.
(yamatotake kaminikaesano)
Meaning; is in basin of Nara . for return back to god.
Explanation; yamatotake is basin of Nara. kami is god . ni is to. kaesano is return back.
(nokosihumi kimihamihatao)
Meaning; stored literature is very important same as field for cultivation.
Explanation; nokosi is stored. humi is literature. kimiha is important. mihatao is field for cultivate.
(somemaseha tomimomikasano)
Meaning; if literature is dealt with importance, quantity of wealth increase.
Explanation; some is deal with. maseba is if (polite saying), tomi is wealth. .mo is also. .mikasa is quantity. .no is objective case.
(humiosomu wootatanekomo)
Meaning; human in charge who have responsibility to deal with literature also.
Explanation; humi is literature..o is objective case. .somu is deal with. .woota is to have responsibility. .taneko is human in charge. .mo is also.
These are first part of "Mikasahumi"
They knew that Hutomani figure was downed from god of star and soul of human is child of star.
They thought that Hutomani literature is very important in order to flourish of state.
This idea is eliminated by emperor state in order to make up emperor centered society.

Figure of Hutomani civilization
H.P. of socialist earth government (天と神々による社会主義地球政府のH.P.)
appeal of gods of star
all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods