When we gods separate 'I' consciousness of human being from our 'I'conciousness of god one million years ago, we could separate only by strengthening conflict between 'I'consciousness of human being and time-space
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hands.
Theme is spiritual practice.
Spiritual practice means to raise quality of ectoplasm.
Only meditation does not raise quality of ectoplasm.
Only meditation is not spiritual practice.
Supreme quality of ectoplasm is ectoplasm of god of star.
Ectoplasm of god of star is in relation of unity of conflict with time-space which is consists of Higgs particle.
Ectoplasm of human being is in ectoplasm of god of star.
When we gods separate 'I' consciousness of human being from our 'I'conciousness of god one million years ago, we could separate only by strengthening conflict between 'I'consciousness of human being and time-space.
Ectoplasm of human being is way to revive unity of conflict with time-space.
When unity of conflict with time-space is accomplish, ectoplasm of 'I'consciousness of human being does not need to secure specific point in human body.
Ectoplasm of 'I'consciousness of human being can secure specific point in anywhere of no use of earth with god.
To accomplish unity of conflict between ectoplasm and time space is to become quality of ectoplasm of god.
Spiritual practice means to accomplish unity of conflict between ectoplasm and time space.
Ectoplasm structure is made by determined specific point in time-space.
Ectoplasm structure base on determined specific points in time-space strengthen unity of conflict between ectoplasm and time-space.
Ectoplasm structure base on determined specific points in time-space is made up materialism philosophy.
Materialism philosophy which we gods downed Marx makes ectoplasm of human being close near to god.
Idealism philosophy having no specific point in time-space strengthens conflict between ectoplasm and time-space.
Idealism philosophy makes ectoplasm of human being distance from god.
Spiritual practice base on idealism philosophy is not spiritual practice.
Spiritual practice base on idealism philosophy makes soul level down.
Spiritual practice base on materialism philosophy makes quality of ectoplasm raise.
What is spiritual practice base on materialism philosophy?
It is high quality VO activity.
High quality VO activity means to live accordance to providence.
It is to live aimed society accordance to providence by behavior accordance to providence.
This is highest spiritual practice which leads to quality of ectoplasm of god.
Nirvana (sygna) (video inspired by god of star) I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hands.
Theme is spiritual practice.
Spiritual practice means to raise quality of ectoplasm.
Only meditation does not raise quality of ectoplasm.
Only meditation is not spiritual practice.
Supreme quality of ectoplasm is ectoplasm of god of star.
Ectoplasm of god of star is in relation of unity of conflict with time-space which is consists of Higgs particle.
Ectoplasm of human being is in ectoplasm of god of star.
When we gods separate 'I' consciousness of human being from our 'I'conciousness of god one million years ago, we could separate only by strengthening conflict between 'I'consciousness of human being and time-space.
Ectoplasm of human being is way to revive unity of conflict with time-space.
When unity of conflict with time-space is accomplish, ectoplasm of 'I'consciousness of human being does not need to secure specific point in human body.
Ectoplasm of 'I'consciousness of human being can secure specific point in anywhere of no use of earth with god.
To accomplish unity of conflict between ectoplasm and time space is to become quality of ectoplasm of god.
Spiritual practice means to accomplish unity of conflict between ectoplasm and time space.
Ectoplasm structure is made by determined specific point in time-space.
Ectoplasm structure base on determined specific points in time-space strengthen unity of conflict between ectoplasm and time-space.
Ectoplasm structure base on determined specific points in time-space is made up materialism philosophy.
Materialism philosophy which we gods downed Marx makes ectoplasm of human being close near to god.
Idealism philosophy having no specific point in time-space strengthens conflict between ectoplasm and time-space.
Idealism philosophy makes ectoplasm of human being distance from god.
Spiritual practice base on idealism philosophy is not spiritual practice.
Spiritual practice base on idealism philosophy makes soul level down.
Spiritual practice base on materialism philosophy makes quality of ectoplasm raise.
What is spiritual practice base on materialism philosophy?
It is high quality VO activity.
High quality VO activity means to live accordance to providence.
It is to live aimed society accordance to providence by behavior accordance to providence.
This is highest spiritual practice which leads to quality of ectoplasm of god.