
Thinking activity base on specific points in time-space leads 'I'consciousness unite with time-space. 'I'consciousness united with time-space continues to live in time-space after collapse of body

Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hands.

Theme is ectoplasm structure.
Ectoplasm structure means recognition.
Recognition is deepened by thinking activity.
Thinking activity is important.
When thinking activity is based on determined specific point in time-space, 'I'consciousness is strengthened unity with time-space.
When thinking activity is not based on specific point in time-space, 'I'consciousness is strengthened conflict with time-space.
Thinking activity base on specific points in time-space leads 'I'consciousness unite with time-space. 'I'consciousness united with time-space continues to live in time-space after collapse of body.
This is eternal life.

Thinking activity by way of dialectical materialism of Marx leads to eternal life.
This is true.
Some Marxist who understood dialectical materialism precisely and live life base on dialectical materialism of Marx had become eternal life.
Now they are working together with us god aiming to build up socialist earth government.
Thinking activity is most important in order to become eternal life.

Thinking activity is activity of ectoplasm of 'I'consciousness.
Ectoplasm of 'I'consciousness is point in ectoplasm of god of star.
Point is separated from time-space in ectoplasm of god of star.
When point of separated from time-space vanishes, 'I'consciousness is unity with time-space with 'I'consciousness of god.
This is eternal life.

Thinking activity based on specific points in time-space close 'I'consciousness to time-space.
Materialistic thinking activity leads 'I'consciousness unite with god.
Only materialistic thinking activity leads eternal life.
Only dialectical materialism of Marx leads eternal life.
We gods of heaven downed Marx as one part of project of Heaven and gods to save soul of humankind.
Vassilis Saleas - Theodorakis -The Violent Coloured Mountains (video inspired by god of star)

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