
Socialism disappeared in 20th century

Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I am Heaven.
I write borrowing Mitsuki's hands.

Theme is socialism.
Socialism is not public own of means of production.
No one of socialist thought that public own of means of production is socialism in 19th century.
Leaders of socialist of Russian revolution early twentieth century did not think that public own of means of production is socialism.
Lenin who was leader of Russian revolution died after revolution Immediately.
Lenin did not think that public own of means of production is socialism.

Negative gods were clinging to successor Stalin.
Negative gods manipulated Stalin to kill all socialist leaders who thought that sharing means of production is socialism.
Negative gods manipulated Stalin make public own of means of production under name of socialism.
After Stalin socialism had been disappeared.

Success of Russian Revolution gave hope to suffering people all over the world.
Until success of Russian Revolution, there is true socialist movement.
Suffering people in world started socialist movement taking Russian Revolution as model.
Stalin was manipulated by negative gods.
Negative gods sealed socialists of world to be aware socialism being sharing means of production.
Socialists of 20th century pursued public own of means of production.
Establishment of public own of means of production is class society which representatives of society have right of decision and right to order from top to bottom.
This was not socialism.
Socialism disappeared in 20th century.

In beginning of 21st century socialist leader Chavez in Venezuela revolution revived true socialist concept which gods of heaven downed to Marx.
21st century socialist movement of Chavez pursues sharing means of production.
Sharing means of production is true socialism.
Public own of means of production was led by negative gods.

Project of Heaven and gods succeeded to seal negative gods.
Socialist movement of all over the world begins to pursue sharing means of production.
Socialists of all over the world join to flow of 21st century socialist movement.
21st century socialist movement saves humankind.

VASILIS SALEAS - Alone(video inspired by god of star)

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