Beyonce - I Was Here (United Nations World Humanitarian Day Performance Video) (video inspired by god of star)

(Mitsuki appealed to spread idea of no arms of one world)

This article is appeal to establish earth government to people of whole world.
Mitsuki appealed to spread idea of no arms of one world.
This is same appeal of all gods of whole universe.






① 憲法九条の戦力と交戦権の放棄、すなわち「軍隊をもたず、戦争をしない」を守り抜きましょう。その考えを世界に広めましょう。

② あわせて、人類全体の連邦政府をつくる考えも広めましょう。そして各国は軍隊を放棄して人類政府に集中するのです。

③ 人類はこれからいろいろ戦争とかたくさんの犠牲をだしてから、解決はこの道しかないとおもうとおもいます。この道をみんなに広めることが、今、大切だとおもいます。戦力の放棄、交戦権の放棄の考えを維持し、世界にひろめた時、人類政府ができた時にすんなりと、戦力をわたすでしょう。

④ 無差別テロリストは世界警察網で逮捕し、法律にもとづいてさばきます。テロリストをやっつけるために、なんの罪もない人をまきこむ戦争はやめます。核兵器も人類政府に集中するから、廃棄することもできます。

⑤ もちろん人類政府は、下院と上院をもちます。下院は、人口に応じて世界各地から代表がえらばれます。上院は、大国も小国も182の国が一人ずつ議員をだします。そこでは、地球全体の環境問題、紛争、飢餓、貧困の問題などが話し合われます。

⑥ 人類60億人の誰一人として戦争で死ぬ人と飢える人がない世界をめざしましょう。



We have sent the Japanese version to many people and they will also forward it another 10 people.
I hope this mail will spread all over the world, particularly in the U.S.
If you agree with this, please forward this mail to your friends.

'Defense of our happiness'

Please forward this mail to 10 people that you know.

Let's make our world free from wars and starvation.

1. Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, revokes Japan's ability to wage war against another country and abandons the use of force. We hope people world-wide will adopt and support a similar article in their Constitution.

2. The creation and implementation of a World Government to govern all. By doing so, all Nations can dissolve their militaries and unite under one World Government.

3. The World Government will be responsible for putting an end to terrorism. Terrorists will be arrested by the World Government police force and brought to justice. All nuclear weapons will also be under the control of the World Government; hence Nations would no longer have nuclear weapons.

4. The World Government will consist of two parliaments. The representatives of the parliament will be elected according to the population size in each area and another will be elected from each state. One state=one vote.

5. The assembly members of the World Government will debate on how to solve the various problems facing the world, such as conflicts, starvation, poverty, the environment, and etc.

Let's strive to make the World Government a reality, so that 6 billion people world-wide will not die from the evils of war and starvation.

Thank you very much.
H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
