Ectoplasm of god was born with the birth of the universe
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
Theme is beauty.
Beauty gives joy to ectoplasm.
Ectoplasm of human being originated and has been existed in Ectoplasm of guardian god.
This is truth.
Ectoplasm of god was born with the birth of the universe.
We gods had seen the beauty of birth of universe.
We gods are ectoplasm of non-presence.
We gods exist as non-presence having no time-space.
Ectoplasm of god and Higgs particle of time-space are in relation of unity of conflict.
If it is ectoplasm of god, it is not Higgs particle of time-space
If it is Higgs particle of time-space, it is not ectoplasm of god.
Ectoplasm of god premise Higgs particle of time-space.
Higgs particle of time-space is recognized by ectoplasm of god.
We gods existed before appear of human being.
We gods existed before appear of earth planet.
Your mind is in ectoplasm of guardian god.
Guardian god enjoy with you when you enjoy beauty.
From part of 'Guardian' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
I have already down document in Japanese how to connect with guardian. Open the learning meeting in the name of universal forum, and learn how to connect with guardian.
If there is contact, we will send required documents.
Universal forum is the name of the ground of responsible for the project of Heaven and gods.
Ectoplasm of god was born with the birth of the universe
Querido hijo e hija de mi amigo dioses.
El tema es la belleza.
Beauty da alegria a ectoplasma.
Ectoplasma del ser humano se origino y se ha existido en ectoplasma de dios guardian.
Esta es la verdad.
Ectoplasma de Dios nacio con el nacimiento del universo.
Nosotros los dioses habian visto la belleza del nacimiento del universo.
Nosotros los dioses son ectoplasma de la no-presencia.
Nosotros los dioses existen como no presencia no tener tiempo-espacio.
Ectoplasma de Dios y la particula de Higgs del tiempo y el espacio estan en relacion de unidad de los conflictos.
Si es ectoplasma de Dios, no es la particula de Higgs
Si se trata de particulas de Higgs del espacio-tiempo, no es ectoplasma de Dios.
Ectoplasma de dios premisa de Higgs particula de tiempo-espacio.
Higgs particula de tiempo-espacio es reconocido por el ectoplasma de Dios.
Nosotros los dioses existian antes de aparecer del ser humano.
Nosotros los dioses existian antes de aparecer de la tierra del planeta.
Su mente esta en ectoplasma de dios guardian.
Dios guardian disfrutar con usted cuando usted disfrutar de la belleza.
From part of 'Guardian' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
I have already down document in Japanese how to connect with guardian. Open the learning meeting in the name of universal forum, and learn how to connect with guardian.
If there is contact, we will send required documents.
Universal forum is the name of the ground of responsible for the project of Heaven and gods.
You can read project of Heaven and gods every day in Facebook(English,Spanish,Arabic).