Now is the time to build up earth government structure
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
Theme is collective consciousness.
Consciousness is specific point that ectoplasm of non-presence secure in time-space of presence.
Collective consciousness arises from the network of specific points in time-space of presence.
The network of specific points has extended historically.
The network of specific points of hunting harvest age is within kin-tribe.
The network of specific points of agricultural age is within territorial kin group.
The network of specific points of industrial age is within nation-state.
Now network of specific points have extended to the world scale across borders which IT productive force have bring into.
Collective consciousness of nation-state has flow away to the past rapidly.
New collective consciousness of planetary society arises from the network of specific points in world scale across borders.
Collective consciousness of planetary society builds up earth government structure.
Now is the time to build up earth government structure.
We gods of Heaven request to socialists that socialist movement of all over the world should have one goal of socialist earth government.
From part of 'Society of Humankind' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
In order to continue for human race to survive on the planet Earth ,there is no other choice but to establish one national planet.
You who hope that mankind flourish on the planet Earth to your children and grandchild people.
Now is the time to act.
It is time to stand up revolution for establishment of the planetary government.
Now is the time to build up earth government structure
Querido hijo e hija de mi amigo dioses.
El tema es la conciencia colectiva.
La conciencia es el punto especifico que el ectoplasma de la no presencia de asegurar en el tiempo-espacio de la presencia.
Conciencia colectiva surge de la red de puntos especificos en el tiempo-espacio de la presencia.
La red de puntos especificos se ha extendido historicamente.
La red de puntos especificos de edad de cosecha de caza se encuentra en el parentesco tribu.
La red de puntos especificos de la edad agraria esta dentro de grupo de parentesco territorial.
La red de puntos especificos de la edad industrial esta dentro del Estado-nacion.
Ahora la red de puntos especificos han extendido a escala mundial a traves de fronteras la que la fuerza productiva tiene poner en.
La conciencia colectiva de las naciones-estado tiene el flujo hacia el pasado rapidamente.
Nueva conciencia colectiva de la sociedad planetaria surge de la red de puntos especificos en la escala mundial a traves de las fronteras.
La conciencia colectiva de la sociedad planetaria se acumula estructura gubernamental tierra.
Ahora es el momento de construir la estructura de gobierno de la tierra.
Nosotros los dioses del cielo peticion a los socialistas que el movimiento socialista de todo el mundo deberia tener un objetivo del gobierno socialista de la tierra.
From part of 'Society of Humankind' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
In order to continue for human race to survive on the planet Earth ,there is no other choice but to establish one national planet.
You who hope that mankind flourish on the planet Earth to your children and grandchild people.
Now is the time to act.
It is time to stand up revolution for establishment of the planetary government.
You can read project of Heaven and gods every day in Facebook(English,Spanish,Arabic).