Structure of history change suddenly
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
Theme is history.
History is flow of time.
Time is flow of Higgs particle.
Higgs particle flow away at the speed of light.
All things of the space in front of you change elements of structure instantly.
There is nothing that is standing still with you.
All change instantly.
Your body also changes instantly.
Now it is your body, but it is not your body.
All flow away to past.
This is truth of presence.
History also changes instantly.
Elements of history change instantly.
Field of history change gradually.
Structure of history change suddenly
You know near future that this is true.
I am god who can know future by overlapping own ectoplasm on the space of future.
From part of 'Existence proof of the God' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
Human consciousness changes rapidly.
The 21st century socialist movement expand on a global scale.
True history of mankind begin from when the planetary society is established.
Structure of history change suddenly
Querido hijo e hija de mi amigo dioses.
El tema es la historia.
La historia es el flujo del tiempo.
El tiempo es el flujo de la particula de Higgs.
Flujo de particulas Higgs distancia a la velocidad de la luz.
Todas las cosas del espacio delante de ti cambiar elementos de la estructura al instante.
No hay nada que esta parado con usted.
Todos los cambios al instante.
Su cuerpo tambien cambia al instante.
Ahora es su cuerpo, pero no es su cuerpo.
Todo el flujo de distancia al pasado.
Esta es la verdad de la presencia.
La historia tambien cambia al instante.
Elementos del historial de cambios al instante.
Campo de historial de cambios gradualmente.
Estructura de la historia cambia de repente
Usted sabe el futuro cercano que esto es verdad.
Soy dios que puede conocer el futuro mediante la superposicion propio ectoplasma en el espacio del futuro.
From part of 'Existence proof of the God' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
Human consciousness changes rapidly.
The 21st century socialist movement expand on a global scale.
True history of mankind begin from when the planetary society is established.
You can read project of Heaven and gods every day in Facebook(English,Spanish,Arabic).