abnormal weather
Yesterday I talk about development of social movement and necessity of socialist earth government.
Now I comment about issue of environmental problem which include destruction of nature , disaster of nature and abnormal weather.
Capitalist production have been pulled through the desire of profit.
The aim of production is maximize profit not maximize happiness of human beings.
So priority of production placed on selling more products and making many products as possible.
The process of production of capitalism has caused destruction of nature , strengthening disaster of nature and abnormal weather.
Humankind cannot continue to live on earth under the system of capitalism.
Humankind should abolish the system of capitalism.
Nation state system is superstructure of capitalist economic structure.
Nation state system has supported the process of destruction of nature.
Human kind should build up earth government system which change nation state to local government.
Socialism is sharing of means of production.
Now one company spans many countries.
Within one socialist country it is impossible to share of means of production.
One earth government system is needed.
Only socialist earth government can save the nature of earth and humankind.
From part of ' Grobalization' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
All mankind all over the world.
Now, let us stand up in order to establish a government of one planet.
One Earth government, have not realized is left to the people who get a huge profit from the capitalist system and the current leader of the nation-state.
It is achieved by 99% of the people on the earth cried.
Ninety-nine Percent Unite!
AlI mankind all over the world.
Let's fight for one world.
One World!
One Struggle!
abnormal weather
Ayer hablo de desarrollo del movimiento social y la necesidad del gobierno socialista de la tierra.
Ahora os comento sobre tema de problema ambiental, que incluyen la destruccion de la naturaleza, los desastres de la naturaleza y el clima anormal.
La produccion capitalista se han tirado a traves del deseo de ganancia.
El objetivo de produccion es maximizar el beneficio se maximiza la felicidad de los seres humanos.
Asi que la prioridad de la produccion puesta en venta de mas productos y hacer tantos productos como sea posible.
El proceso de produccion del capitalismo ha provocado la destruccion de la naturaleza, el fortalecimiento de los desastres de la naturaleza y el clima anormal.
La humanidad no puede seguir viviendo en la tierra bajo el sistema capitalista.
La humanidad debe abolir el sistema capitalista.
Sistema de Estado-nacion es la superestructura de la estructura economica capitalista.
Sistema de Estado-nacion ha apoyado el proceso de destruccion de la naturaleza.
La humanidad debe construir sistema de gobierno de la tierra que cambia de estado nacion en el gobierno local.
El socialismo es compartir los medios de produccion.
Ahora, una compania abarca muchos paises.
Dentro de un pais socialista es imposible compartir los medios de produccion.
Se necesita un sistema de gobierno de la tierra.
Solamente el gobierno socialista puede salvar a la tierra la naturaleza de la tierra y la humanidad.
From part of ' Grobalization' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
All mankind all over the world.
Now, let us stand up in order to establish a government of one planet.
One Earth government, have not realized is left to the people who get a huge profit from the capitalist system and the current leader of the nation-state.
It is achieved by 99% of the people on the earth cried.
Ninety-nine Percent Unite!
AlI mankind all over the world.
Let's fight for one world.
One World!
One Struggle!
You can read project of Heaven and gods every day in Facebook(English,Spanish,Arabic).