Now history has reached the stage of socialism which Marx thought
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
Theme is productive force.
Productive force does not mean to produce quantity of goods.
Capitalist production produces so much quantity of goods that much of them are waste.
When we consider the productive force , we focus the main tool of production.
The development of main tool of production makes extensive change of the field of production.
Main tool of production develop historically.
The main tool of productive force of hunting harvest age is bow, spear, stone tools, bone and horn.
The main tool of productive force of agricultural age is hoe, sickle, plow, cow.
The main tool of productive force of industrial age is machine.
The main tool of productive force of IT age is computer network.
Development of productive force means two aspects.
One aspect is development of tool.
Another aspect is development of ability of human being.
Tool and ability is unity of conflict thing.
If it is tool, it is not ability. If it is ability, it is not tool.
Tool needs ability. Ability assume tool.
Company of socialism is owned by relatives as the means of production.
They carry on the company by the way of democracy.
In order to run economic system by democratic way, high ability is need.
IT productive force cultivates high ability for managing by democratic way.
Now history has reached the stage of socialism which Marx thought.
From part of 'Historical materialism' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
It is certain that stage of IT productivity bring socialist society that share the means of production.
Now history has reached the stage of socialism which Marx thought
Querido hijo e hija de mi amigo dioses.
El tema es la fuerza productiva.
La fuerza productiva no significa que para producir la cantidad de bienes.
La produccion capitalista produce tanta cantidad de bienes que gran parte de ellos son residuos.
Cuando consideramos la fuerza productiva, nos centramos en la principal herramienta de produccion.
El desarrollo de la principal herramienta de la produccion hace un amplio cambio en el campo de la produccion.
Herramienta principal de la produccion de desarrollar la historia.
El principal instrumento de la fuerza productiva de edad de cosecha caza arco, lanza, herramientas de piedra, hueso y cuerno.
El principal instrumento de la fuerza productiva de la edad agricola azada, hoz, arado, vaca.
El principal instrumento de la fuerza productiva de la edad industrial maquina.
El principal instrumento de la fuerza productiva de edad IT es una red informatica.
El desarrollo de la fuerza productiva significa dos aspectos.
Un aspecto es el desarrollo de la herramienta.
Otro aspecto es el desarrollo de la capacidad del ser humano.
Tool y la capacidad es la unidad de la cosa conflicto.
Si se trata de la herramienta, no es la capacidad. Si es la capacidad, no es herramienta.
Herramienta necesita capacidad. Capacidad de asumir herramienta.
Empresa del socialismo es propiedad de los familiares como los medios de produccion.
Llevan a la empresa por el camino de la democracia.
Para poder ejecutar el sistema economico por via democratica, de alta capacidad es necesario.
IT fuerza productiva cultiva alta capacidad para la gestion de forma democratica.
Ahora la historia ha llegado a la etapa del socialismo que Marx penso.
From part of 'Historical materialism' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
It is certain that stage of IT productivity bring socialist society that share the means of production.
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