One struggle of one world for socialist earth government is need
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
Theme is earth government.
Earth government is possible.
Earth government can solve many problem of humankind.
1、To solve the problem of global warming and abnormal weather derived from it.
2、To solve the problem of other a number of environmental issues.
3、To solve the problem of war and conflicts between nation-states.
4、To solve the problem of nuclear weapons.
5、To solve the problem of nuclear power plants
6、To solve the problem of areas suffer from poverty
7、To solve the problem that distributes injustice between human resources and wealth.
8、To solve the problem of strengthening of aid of natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunami.
9、To solve the problem of strengthening epidemic measures, medical aid.
10、To solve the problem of strengthening cooperation against organized crime worldwide
11、To solve the problem of international financial market
12、To solve the problem that budget of welfare, medical care, education has been reduced
Socialism means share of the means of production.
Planetary earth is the biggest means of production that should be shared by all human beings.
Socialism should be added on the name of earth government.
Socialist earth government should be built.
One struggle of one world for socialist earth government is need.
Socialist earth government can save humankind.
From part of 'Socialist earth government' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
IT age is not fit to capitalism and Nation State where information is concentrated in some people and some people instruct under.
IT age is fit to socialism which the means of production is shared by related people and managed by democratic way.
And IT age is fit to earth government system which put Nation State to a local self-governing body.
One struggle of one world for socialist earth government is need
Querido hijo e hija de mi amigo dioses.
El tema es la tierra del gobierno.
Gobierno de la Tierra es posible.
Gobierno de la Tierra puede resolver muchos problemas de la humanidad.
1, para resolver el problema del calentamiento global y el clima anormal derivada de ella.
2, para resolver el problema de la otra una serie de cuestiones medioambientales.
3, para resolver el problema de la guerra y los conflictos entre los Estados-nacion.
4, para resolver el problema de las armas nucleares.
5, Para resolver el problema de las centrales nucleares
6, para resolver el problema de las zonas sufren de la pobreza
7, para resolver el problema de la injusticia que distribuye entre los recursos humanos y la riqueza.
8, para resolver el problema del fortalecimiento de la ayuda de los desastres naturales, como terremotos y tsunamis.
9, para resolver el problema del refuerzo de las medidas de epidemia, la ayuda medica.
10, para resolver el problema de fortalecer la cooperacion contra el crimen organizado en todo el mundo
11, para resolver el problema de los mercados financieros internacionales
12, para resolver el problema de que el presupuesto de bienestar, atencion medica, la educacion se ha reducido
El socialismo significa participacion de los medios de produccion.
Planetary tierra es el medio mas importante de la produccion que debe ser compartida por todos los seres humanos.
El socialismo debe agregar el nombre del gobierno de la tierra.
Gobierno Socialista tierra debe ser construido.
Una de las luchas de un mundo para el gobierno socialista tierra es necesario.
Gobierno socialista tierra puede salvar a la humanidad.
From part of 'Socialist earth government' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
IT age is not fit to capitalism and Nation State where information is concentrated in some people and some people instruct under.
IT age is fit to socialism which the means of production is shared by related people and managed by democratic way.
And IT age is fit to earth government system which put Nation State to a local self-governing body.
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