Earth government structure is built up based on the field of IT productive force
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
Theme is nation-state.
Government structure has developed historically according to the change of the field of productive force.
Kin tribe government structure was generated based on the field of hunting harvest productive force.
There occurred extensive change to the field of agricultural productive force kin tribe government structure collapsed.
Territorial-kin government structure was built up based on the field of agricultural productive force.
There occurred extensive change to the field of industrial productive force Territorial-kin government structure collapsed.
Nation-state government structure was built up based on the field of industrial productive force.
There occurs extensive change to the field of IT productive force nation-state government structure collapse.
Earth government structure is built up based on the field of IT productive force.
This is a law of dialectical materialism about structure and field.
This is a law of historical materialism about structure and productive force.
Nation-state is not eternal presence.
Nation-state is one of the historical structures which convert into higher-order presence repeating 'generation development, collapse'.
From part of 'Society of Humankind' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
Development of the application of science and technology of IT revolution has brought the possibility of fundamentally changing the relationship between human and human on a global scale.
Stage that it is possible to build one planetary society and a government of all human beings have come.
Earth government structure is built up based on the field of IT productive force
Querido hijo e hija de mi amigo dioses.
El tema es del Estado-nacion.
Estructura de gobierno ha desarrollado historicamente de acuerdo al cambio del campo de la fuerza productiva.
Estructura de gobierno de la tribu Kin se genera en funcion del ambito de la caza cosecha fuerza productiva.
Ocurrio extensa cambio en el campo de la estructura agraria del gobierno tribu kin fuerza productiva colapsado.
Estructura de gobierno territorial-kin se construyo basandose en el campo de la fuerza productiva agricola.
Ocurrio extensa cambio en el campo de la fuerza estructura gubernamental Territorial-kin productiva industrial colapsado.
Estructura de gobierno de la nacion-estado se construyo basandose en el campo de la fuerza productiva industrial.
No ocurre extensa cambio en el campo de la fuerza productiva del Estado-nacion colapso de la estructura del gobierno de TI.
Estructura de gobierno de la Tierra se construye basandose en el campo de las TI fuerza productiva.
Esta es una ley de la dialectica materialista acerca de la estructura y de campo.
Esta es una ley del materialismo historico sobre la estructura y la fuerza productiva.
Estado-nacion no es eterna presencia.
Estado-nacion es una de las estructuras historicas que se convierten en mayor orden presencia repetir "generacion de desarrollo, colapso".
From part of 'Society of Humankind' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
Development of the application of science and technology of IT revolution has brought the possibility of fundamentally changing the relationship between human and human on a global scale.
Stage that it is possible to build one planetary society and a government of all human beings have come.
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