Now is a time that structure of socialist earth government should be built up
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
Theme is productive force.
Historical materialism considers that productive force change gradually.
Productive force is field on which productive relation (structure) is built up.
Although productive force changes gradually, there are times when great change of qualitative occurs.
There was a time from productive force of hunting harvest to productive force of agriculture.
There was a time from productive force of agriculture to productive force of industry.
These were accompanied by qualitative change.
These change made field extensive.
Extensive field generated new structure.
IT productive force is qualitative change from industrial productive force.
The field of IT productive force has become extensive.
Extensive field of IT productive force generate new structure of socialist earth government.
This is a law of Universe.
Now is a time that structure of socialist earth government should be built up.
From part of 'Socialist earth government' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
IT age is fit to socialism which the means of production is shared by related people and managed by democratic way.
And IT age is fit to earth government system which put Nation State to a local self-governing body.
Now is a time that structure of socialist earth government should be built up
Querido hijo e hija de mi amigo dioses.
El tema es la fuerza productiva.
El materialismo historico considera que el cambio de la fuerza productiva gradualmente.
Fuerza productiva es el campo en el que se construyo relacion productiva (estructura) hacia arriba.
A pesar de la fuerza productiva cambia gradualmente, hay momentos en que se produce un gran cambio de la cualitativa.
Hubo un momento de la fuerza productiva de la cosecha de la caza de la fuerza productiva de la agricultura.
Hubo un momento de la fuerza productiva de la agricultura a la fuerza productiva de la industria.
Estos fueron acompanados por el cambio cualitativo.
Se hizo el cambio de campo amplio.
Nueva estructura de campo extensivo generado.
IT fuerza productiva es el cambio cualitativo de la fuerza productiva industrial.
El campo de las TI se ha convertido en fuerza productiva extensa.
Amplio campo de la IT fuerza productiva genera nueva estructura de gobierno de la tierra socialista.
Esta es una ley de Universo.
Ahora es un momento en que la estructura del gobierno socialista de la tierra debe ser construido.
From part of 'Socialist earth government' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
IT age is fit to socialism which the means of production is shared by related people and managed by democratic way.
And IT age is fit to earth government system which put Nation State to a local self-governing body.
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