Build up socialist earth government
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
Social movements have made great development throughout the world.
It is need that social movements come together in one goal.
It is necessary to set socialist earth government at the center of the goal of social movements.
When people around world unite under one goal, human society can make substantial progress.
Consciousness of humankind is changing rapidly now.
It is because gods of heaven unite to appeal to consciousness of all mankind.
It is capable because god of star is parent of human soul.
What gods appeal is indicated by HP of Heaven and gods.
From part of 'Socialist earth government' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
Mankind is approaching a serious historical aspect now.
We should establish a socialist earth government beyond the nation-state and capitalism and create a society of one planetary society living share.
Build up socialist earth government
Querido hijo e hija de mi amigo dioses.
Los movimientos sociales han hecho un gran desarrollo en todo el mundo.
Se necesita que los movimientos sociales se unen en una sola meta.
Es necesario establecer el gobierno socialista de la tierra en el centro de la porteria de los movimientos sociales.
Cuando la gente alrededor del mundo se unen bajo un mismo objetivo, la sociedad humana puede avanzar de forma sustancial.
La conciencia de la humanidad esta cambiando rapidamente ahora.
Es porque los dioses del cielo se unen para apelar a la conciencia de toda la humanidad.
Es capaz, porque Dios es el padre de la estrella del alma humana.
?Que dioses apelacion se indica con HP del cielo y los dioses.
From part of 'Socialist earth government' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
Mankind is approaching a serious historical aspect now.
We should establish a socialist earth government beyond the nation-state and capitalism and create a society of one planetary society living share.
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