Capitalism and nation-state are also process of 'generation ,development,disappear' Near future they disappear
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
Theme is view of dialectical.
View of dialectical is considering of flow of time.
Universe is flow of time.
Space is full of Higgs particle.
Time is flow of Higgs particle.
There are flows of particle which make field in time-space of presence.
There are other flows of particle which make vortex in the field.
The field passes away in flow of time.
Vortex collapse and new vortex generate.
Field flows in time, vortex repeat 'generation ,disappear' pulsating.
The field changes extensively in flow of time.
Structure which include plural vortex generate in the extensive field.
It is atom.
This is universal law of dialectical materialism.
Everything in this universe repeat 'generation ,development,disappear' and develop to higher-order structure.
Capitalism and nation-state are also process of 'generation ,development,disappear'
Near future they disappear.
This is law of universe which cannot be avoided.
From part of 'Marxism going on with God' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
Who gave inspiration to the "Capital" of Marx is the gods of heaven.
The gods of heaven supported the activities of Marx and Engels.
Capitalism and nation-state are also process of 'generation ,development,disappear' Near future they disappear
Querido hijo e hija de mi amigo dioses.
El tema es vista dialectico.
Vista de la dialectica esta considerando la posibilidad de flujo del tiempo.
Universo es el flujo del tiempo.
El espacio esta lleno de particulas de Higgs.
El tiempo es el flujo de la particula de Higgs.
Hay flujos de particulas que forman el campo en el espacio-tiempo de la presencia.
Hay otros flujos de particulas que hacen de vortice en el campo.
El campo fallece en el flujo del tiempo.
Colapso Vortex y nuevos vortices generan.
Flujos de campo en el tiempo, vortice repeat 'generacion, desaparecen "palpitante.
El campo cambia mucho en el flujo del tiempo.
Estructura que incluyen vortice plural generar en el campo amplio.
Es atomo.
Esta es la ley universal del materialismo dialectico.
Todo en este universo repeat 'la generacion, desarrollo, desaparece "y el desarrollo de la estructura de orden superior.
El capitalismo y el Estado-nacion tambien se procesan de "generacion, desarrollo, desaparecen '
Un futuro cercano que desaparezcan.
Esta es la ley de universo que no se puede evitar.
From part of 'Marxism going on with God' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
Who gave inspiration to the "Capital" of Marx is the gods of heaven.
The gods of heaven supported the activities of Marx and Engels.
You can read project of Heaven and gods every day in Facebook(English,Spanish,Arabic).